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The Influence of Mindset on Success Expectations in the context of Negative Feedback

Mooibroek, Frans (2023) The Influence of Mindset on Success Expectations in the context of Negative Feedback. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

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Setbacks are common in the workplace, and individuals' reactions can be influenced by their mindset. A fixed mindset sees skills as fixed, while a growth mindset believes they can be developed. The SOMA model integrates self-regulation and mindset, focusing on success expectations and negative emotions at the goal monitoring level. This study explores the professional skills and abilities (PSA) mindset and its relationship with success expectations in the face of negative feedback. Hypothesis 1 suggests that employees with a growth PSA mindset expect more success in such situations compared to those with a fixed mindset. Hypothesis 2 proposes that maladaptive perfectionism moderates this relationship. The experiment involves two conditions (PSA growth mindset and PSA fixed mindset) where mindset is primed and false negative feedback is given after a task. Results support Hypothesis 1 but not Hypothesis 2. Growth-minded employees have higher success expectations in the context of setbacks, believing in their potential of improving their professional skills and abilities. The study discusses strengths, limitations, and future research, as well as the relevance of growth mindset interventions in increasing success expectations and consequently goal achievement.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Supervisor name: Heihal, T.I.
Degree programme: Psychology
Differentiation route: None [Bachelor Psychology]
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2023 11:21
Last Modified: 17 Jul 2023 11:21

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