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What are the odds? The likelihood of information retention of behaviour-congruent and behaviour-incongruent information in the context of animal product consumption

Bensink, Sebastiaan (2024) What are the odds? The likelihood of information retention of behaviour-congruent and behaviour-incongruent information in the context of animal product consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

S. Bensink - 3623033 - Bachelor Thesis.pdf

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Many individuals who consume animal products (AP) experience cognitive dissonance as a consequence of the conflict between their attitude towards consumption (i.e. pro-environmental beliefs and affections towards animals) and their consumption behaviour. This paper investigates the likelihood that individuals retain behaviour-congruent information compared to behaviour-incongruent information in the context of AP consumption. Hereby, the study aims to explain why previous interventions advocating a large-scale reduction of AP consumption were unsuccessful in reaching the desired effect. Additionally, this study intends to contribute to a framework that can be used to design future interventions directed towards the decrease of AP consumption. In a survey, 161 participants were presented with two informational texts containing arguments in favour of and against a decrease in AP consumption. Hereafter, participants were asked which arguments they remembered being discussed in the informational texts. Data analysis showed that members of distinct dietary groups did not differ in retention scores on behaviour congruent or incongruent information. The present work cannot conclude dietary choices can be a predictor of the nature of information that an individual retains. Recommendations for future research address the limitations that this study has encountered and suggest further investigation of the topic.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Supervisor name: Muinos Trujillo, G.
Degree programme: Psychology
Differentiation route: None [Bachelor Psychology]
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 15:35
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 15:35

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