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Number of items: 28.

Bartczak, Natasha (2024) Role of Job Crafting, Autonomy Need Satisfaction and Relatedness Need Satisfaction for Job Satisfaction among Remote Workers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Besener, Marey (2024) The Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Personnel Selection: A Systematic (Literature) Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Carpenter, Fleur (2024) Are Smarter Narcissists More Successful? A Look into Cognitive Ability as a Moderator of the Relationship between Narcissism and Career Success. Master thesis, Psychology.

Debets, Sterre (2024) Upward Social Comparisons and Job Satisfaction: Diving into the Mediating Role of Envy and the Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. Master thesis, Psychology.

Evers, Britt (2024) Catalysts or Constraints? A Contingency-Approach on Leadership Styles and Team Creativity and Innovation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fabisch, Emma (2024) Give Meaning to your Job: an Explanation of the Educational Effect on Extreme Political Voting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fasano Martinez Diaz, Gabriela (2024) The Influence of Psychological Ownership on Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors: the Moderating Effect of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fremouw, Odette Elisabeth (2024) The Role of Neuroticism in Perceptions and behaviours of the Workplace Environment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Geelink, Ella Christina Maria (2024) Dark Triad op de Werkvloer: de Rol van de behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gols, Pim, Floris (2024) The moderating effects of playful work design on work engagement and perceived autonomy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jongsma, Mirjam (2024) The Role of Work Engagement and Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Work Condition and Perceived Meaningfulness. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klomp, Sylke (2024) Van Droom tot Dreiging: Onderzoek naar Kwaadaardige Creativiteit en Groepsdynamieken. Master thesis, Psychology.

Manting, Boris, BW (2024) Authenticity and Belongingness as Mediators in the Relationship Between Working From Home and Work Meaningfulness. Master thesis, Psychology.

Miaei, Ali (2024) Unraveling the Interplay of Social Comparisons, Envy, and Their Implications for Job Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Müller-Scholtz, Tilman (2024) Shifting Lenses: Exploring Antecedents for Organizational Support of Malevolent Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Müllers, Hannah (2024) Dynamic Shifts in Work Ethic: Examining COVID-19 Pandemic Induced Changes in the Workplace. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nemeth, Veronika (2024) The effects of self-construal on territoriality, using the Dark Triad as a moderator. Master thesis, Psychology.

Noack, Maleena (2024) What Happens at Work Does Not Stay at Work – Exploring Dimensions of Work Appreciation and Their Effect on Social Trust. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pelho, Katariina (2024) The Impact of Psychological Safety on Work Engagement and Work Withdrawal: Exploring the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pelho, Katariina (2024) The Impact of Psychological Safety on Work Engagement and Work Withdrawal: Exploring the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Postema, Irene (2024) De Relaties tussen de Dark Triad, Organisatiecultuur en Interpersoonlijk CWB. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rietvink, Hendrika Catharina (2024) Being Part of ‘the Family’: The Role of Psychological Safety on Affective Commitment in Small Family Firms. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schick, L (2024) An Examination of Applicants’ Reactions and Attitudes towards a Gamified Cognitive Ability Test. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schwabe, Jenny (2024) Feeling Confident after all? Examining the Relationship between Daily Negative Work Events and Employees' Self-Esteem in a Diary study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Trappe, Annika (2024) Is one’s work related to political attitudes? - Four different work appreciation dimensions and their relationship to trust in institutions. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ulas, David (2024) Unlocking Leadership Impact: The Role of Psychological Empowerment in Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vasilda, Cleo (2024) Work Hard, Sleep Late? The Influence of Job Demands on Bedtime Procrastination, Mediated by Psychological Detachment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vasilev, Mariyan (2024) How daily work events predict employee well-being: Sensory processing sensitivity as boundary condition. Master thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Thu Dec 19 09:53:02 2024 CET.