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Number of items: 82.


Aa, Roanne van der (2022) Oversteken met Homonieme Hemianopsie: Het Verschil tussen VR en Real-life Kijkgedrag. Master thesis, Psychology.

Adler, Josefin (2022) Scanning mechanisms in people with homonymous hemianopia whilst reading from left to right: a systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bamberg, Kim Lara (2022) Subjective Neuropsychological Impairments after COVID-19: The Influencing Factors Obesity, Hypertension and Diabetes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Biserni, Chiara (2022) A Closer Look at Post COVID-19 Subjective Fatigue and its relationship with Quality of Life in a Dutch and German Sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Blok, Vera (2022) Laterale verplaatsing van jongere en oudere fietsers tijdens het ingehaald worden. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boekema, Berber (2022) Subjectieve klachten tijdens het lezen en objectief verminderd leesvermogen bij hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, M. de (2022) Predictors of Mental and Physical Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bokkers, Jeroen (2022) The effect of Low Frequency noise (LFN) and sleep quality on task performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brands, Tim (2022) The Key Components of Successful Cognitive Remediation for Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brenninkmeijer, Eva (2022) Low Frequency Noise (LFN): an environmental stressor causing impairments in cognitive functioning, coping strategies and stress. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bruins, S (2022) Motivatie en obstakels bij het stoppen met cannabis bij mensen met een ernstige psychische aandoening. Master thesis, Psychology.

Chatzopoulos, George (2022) The Self-concept of Brain Injured Patients and the effects of Musical Interventions: A Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Cluyssen, Daniella (2022) Factors Influencing the Recent Increase of Clinically Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in Girls and Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Coelho, Sofia (2022) Hyperfocus: Questionnaire Development and Associations with ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, Noa van (2022) Het Verkennen van Associaties met Visuele Klachten in Mensen met Multiple Sclerosis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Anne (2022) Behoeften, Obstakels en Helpende Factoren om te gaan Sporten bij Jongeren met een Eerste Psychose. Master thesis, Psychology.


Douglas, Aiden (2022) Ecological momentary interventions and their effectiveness in treating various mental health issues: a literature review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eising, Ilona (2022) Het inzicht in cognitieve beperkingen en de gevolgen voor het dagelijks leven van mensen met een ernstige psychische aandoening. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ermert, Franziska (2022) Residual Effects after feigning adult ADHD symptoms based on external incentives and the impact of confrontational feedback styles. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fischer, Melanie (2022) Residual Effects in Feigning Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Detection Rate of the CII. Master thesis, Psychology.

Geerdink, Jessica (2022) Identificeren van Neglect in Mensen met Homonieme Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gelens, Femke (2022) The Relationship between Mental Fatigue, Information Processing Speed and Complex Attention in Patients with Low Grade Glioma. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gerritsen, Jet (2022) Intraindividual Variability as a Measure of Neurological Integrity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gierveld, Nena (2022) Haalbaarheid, aanvaardbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van het Cognitive Assessment Interview (CAI) in de zorg voor mensen met een Ernstige Psychische Aandoening (EPA). Master thesis, Psychology.

Goltermann, A. (2022) Validation of the Hemianopia Reading Questionnaire. Master thesis, Psychology.

Goorhuis, LJ (2022) Het effect van het roken van sigaretten op het cognitief functioneren bij mensen tussen de 16 en 35 jaar. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gupta, Sushane (2022) Between the Lines - Reading Difficulties in Homonymous Hemianopia: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoppe, van (2022) Cognitive Underperformance in Children and Adolescents: An Intercultural Perspective. Master thesis, Psychology.

Isa, Verena (2022) Differences Between Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and Typically Developing Children in Dual-Task Performance: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Beli de (2022) Seksualiteit bij mensen met dementie in relatie tot depressieve gevoelens. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jonkman, Alex (2022) In hoeverre zijn Symptomen van ADHD en ASS gerelateerd aan Sensorische Prikkelverwerking bij Volwassenen? Master thesis, Psychology.

Jäger, Johanna Sophie (2022) Residual Effects of Feigning ADHD and the Influence of Corrective Feedback. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kalk, Lotte (2022) ADHD en Executieve Functies: De Invloed van Inhiberende Controle onder Studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kamping, E.M. (2022) Non-Social Reward Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kijf, Leonie (2022) Visuele problemen bij mensen met de ziekte van Parkinson. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kilit, Derya (2022) De invloed van angst- en depressieve klachten op de kwaliteit van leven en participatie van aSAB- en naSAB-patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klundert, Emma, van de (2022) Self-reported visual complaints in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Knegt, Keylie (2022) De rol van gepercipieerde stress bij het aangaan van milieuvriendelijk gedrag. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koch, M.T. Koch (2022) The Potential of Diagnosing ADHD and Depressed Patients on Basis of Actigraphy Data Using Extreme Gradient Boosting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koning, Jamilla de (2022) A Motor Imagery-based Brain Computer Interface. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Julian (2022) Het Gebruik van Virtual Reality bij de Revalidatie van Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Julian (2022) Het Gebruik van Virtual Reality bij de Revalidatie van Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Korogiannou, Demetra (2022) Adherence of treatment fidelity for cognitive rehabilitation program. Is treatment fidelity related to treatment outcome? Master thesis, Psychology.

Korvemaker, Jantje Gesiena (2022) Kun je cognitieve vaardigheden naar het volgende level brengen door het spelen van videospellen? Master thesis, Psychology.

Leijzer, Miriam (2022) Subjective complaints in patients with lower-grade glioma: Relationships with tumor characteristics and life satisfaction. Master thesis, Psychology.

Linnenkemper, Leonie Chiara (2022) Identity-based interventions in people with a severe mental illness: A scoping review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lipinsky, Charly (2022) Systematic Review on Treating Neglect with Prism Adaptation – The Relative Impact of Realignment and Recalibration. Master thesis, Psychology.

McCreary, Alice (2022) ADHD Characteristics, Gender, and Their Relation to Sensory Profiles: A Dimensional Approach. Master thesis, Psychology.

Melanie, Priscella (2022) ADHD and Executive Functions: The Relation Between Strategic Planning and ADHD Symptoms in University Students. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mik, Danielle (2022) The impact of coping on fatigue, cognitive and psychological complaints in patients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ogrel, Anna (2022) De relatie tussen het psychologisch trauma, de copingstijl en de kwaliteit van leven zes en twaalf maanden na een subarachnoïdale bloeding. Master thesis, Psychology.

Paschertz, Benedikt (2022) Speed of Older Cyclists in Difficult Traffic Situations. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pohuja, Dhanishka (2022) Digital Administration of the TMT: An Analysis of Intraindividual Variability in Computerized Testing. Master thesis, Psychology.

Prinsen, Emma (2022) A Neuropsychological Evaluation of Driving Performance of Older Adults. Master thesis, Psychology.

Promok, Lena (2022) The Concept of Effort-Allocation in Students with Self-Reported ADHD Symptomatology. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pruin, Annika (2022) Reading training in Hemianopia: a feasibility study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rehfeldt, Sophie (2022) Investigating Auditory Perception in a Signal Detection Task during Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reijnen, Milou (2022) Neuropsychological assessment of reading ability, cognitive performance and questionnaire-domains in people with Homonymous Hemianopia: a Feasibility study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rein, Eva van (2022) ADHD en de Executieve Functies Organisatie en Strategische Planning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rheenen, Adam van (2022) Glutamaat-glutamine in rusttoestand in het frontopariëtale netwerk en werkgeheugenprestatie voor patiënten met een milde cognitieve stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Riemersma, Baukje (2022) Gebruikservaring van Virtual Reality en Eye Tracking bij een Gestandaardiseerd Protocol en bij Kijktraining voor Oversteken met Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rijkse, Fréderique (2022) Sekseverschillen in cognitieve functies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Salzwedel, Maren Helene (2022) Improving Daily Functioning with Cognitive Training in Stroke Patients and the Role of the Therapist: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sanders, Mara (2022) The Relationship between Self-Esteem, Emotion Regulation, and Feedback Processing in People with Bipolar Disorder Compared to Healthy Control Subjects. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schneider, Katja (2022) Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cognitive Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia. Master thesis, Psychology.

Staring, Caroline (2022) Sensorische Gevoeligheid bij Vrouwen met een Lage versus een Hoge Mate van ADHD-kenmerken. Master thesis, Psychology.

Steggemann, Christin (2022) Towards a new measure of work performance in psychiatric evaluation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adulthood. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sterenborg, Corine, C. (2022) De Samenhang Tussen de Executieve Functies en Motorische Vaardigheden in Typisch Ontwikkelende Kinderen van Drie en Vier jaar oud: De Mogelijke Invloed van Fysieke Fitheid en Sociaaleconomische Status. Master thesis, Psychology.

Stoliarov, Andrea (2022) ADHD Symptoms and Executive Functions in Daily Life: the Moderating Role of Perceived Mental Effort-Reward Imbalance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tetzlaff, Melina (2022) Electrophysiological Measures and Callous-Unemotional Traits as Predictors of Cognitive Impairments. Master thesis, Psychology.

Todorovic, M.J. (2022) Differences Between Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Typically Developing Children in Dual-Task Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tol, Joey (2022) The Effectiveness of Dopamine Stimulating Agents in Late-Life Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ulrich, Joost (2022) The subjective effects of COVID-19 on general cognitive functioning and memory based on an international sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visscher, Madelief (2022) Facial Emotion Recognition and Visual Functioning in the Early Stage of Parkinson's Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vries, Aniek de (2022) ADHD en Executieve Functies: Voorspellende waarde van Organisatie voor ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weerd, Rachelle de (2022) ADHD in studenten en de Executieve Functie Impulscontrole. Master thesis, Psychology.

Werning, HC (2022) The Cognitive Effects of Classic Psychedelic Drugs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wichers Schreur, Kars (2022) The relation between experiencing Low-Frequency Noise and Memory Functioning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wichers Schreur, Kars (2022) The relation between experiencing Low-Frequency Noise and Memory Functioning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wieringa, Jasmijn (2022) ADHD, Executieve Functies en Motivatie bij Studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zutphen, Esther van (2022) The effects of stress, self-control and self-efficacy on pro-environmental behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 06:18:07 2025 CET.