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Number of items: 36.

Bergers, Iris (2021) The effect of a neighbourhood car sharing initiative on mobility behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bluyssen, Steven (2021) De rol van visuele klachten en het type MS op visuele perceptietaken bij MS-patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Esquivel Franco, Diana Carolina (2021) Development Of The Hyperfocus Concept And Analysis Of An Initial Item Pool. Master thesis, Psychology.

Faille, Jeanique la (2021) Visuele perceptie bij patiënten met multiple sclerose. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gerigk, Catharina (2021) Stages of Kübler-Ross: How she denied, resisted, then came to accept the popularisation of her Stages of Loss as Stages of Grief. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gomolzig, Lea Sofie (2021) Isn’t That Kind of Sexist? - The Role of Intent and Harm in Lay Judgements of Sexism. Master thesis, Psychology.

Greif, luisa (2021) The Influence of a Collective Action Frame and Identification With Diet on the Willingness for Normative and Non-normative Collective Action Against Factory Farming. Master thesis, Psychology.

Groot, Bob de (2021) Untreated if Unrecognized: Subjective Cognitive Decline Following COVID-19, in a Heterogeneous International Sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Haan, Margriet de (2021) De Effecten van Sociale Cognitie Training (SCT) op het Functioneren van het Brein van Mensen met Psychotische Stoornissen - een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Houben, Yannicke (2021) The Relationship Between Body Image and the Emotions Shame Pride and Self-Disgust in Autobiographical Memories. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jongh, Eefke de (2021) Executieve functies en ADHD bij studenten, een experimentele studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kamphuis, Daniëlle (2021) The Negative Impact of Psychological Distress on Executive Functioning in COVID-19 Infection. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klimek, Charlotte (2021) Perceived Parental Rejection and Symptoms of Depression in Adolescents: Mediation Analysis of Hostility and Submissiveness, and Conditional Effects of Gender. Master thesis, Psychology.

König, Elena (2021) Do dissociative traits and states influence the experience of experimentally induced out-of-body experiences in a nonclinical sample? Master thesis, Psychology.

Leibbrand, Jelle (2021) De Veronderstellingen van Humormakers over Of en Hoe Humor kan Aanzetten tot (Steun voor) Collectieve Actie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lenstra, Iris (2021) De invloed van ouderlijke stress op de ontwikkeling van ASS- en ADHD-symptomen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Magurean, Alexandra (2021) Me, Myself and I: The Relationship between Identity Disturbance and Psychopathology. Master thesis, Psychology.

Marle, Kim van (2021) Dissociatieve Identiteitsstoornis en de Centraliteit van Self-Defining Memories. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mavituna, Selin (2021) A Systematic Review of the Evidence for Acceptability and Effectiveness of Compassion-Based Approaches. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mavituna, Selin Charlotte (2021) Self-Compassion in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Evidence for Acceptability and Effectiveness of Compassion-Based Approaches. Master thesis, Psychology.

Noordberger, Jochem (2021) Een blik op herinneringen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Olde Keizer, R.C.G. (2021) Het Effect van Psychologisch Momentum op Beoordeelde en Daadwerkelijke Actiemogelijkheden bij Tennissers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Oomkens, Amber (2021) Imagery bij Kinderen met een Obsessieve-Compulsieve Stoornis: Een Kwalitatieve Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Palland, Doortje (2021) Het effect van de Bouncing Image Training Task op de aandacht bias in vrouwen met obesitas die gegeten hebben. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pelikan, Lucie Marie-Ann (2021) Ageism and Intrinsic Motivation at the Workplace: The Mediating Role of Age Group Identification and Job Involvement. Master thesis, Psychology.

Quaedvlieg, Nicola (2021) The Role of Executive Control on Weight: A Study on Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reemst, Dieske, van (2021) De Relatie tussen Experiëntiële Vermijding en Slaap Reductie: een gecontroleerde Regressie en Mediatie Analyse. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rij, Eva van (2021) Bevordering van coronasolidariteit onder Jongvolwassenen: Een Experimentele Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schagen, J.E. van (2021) De effecten van Community Wise op de percepties van deelnemers op sociale gezondheid (verbondenheid, sociale steun en eenzaamheid) en interventie eigendom. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schuitert, Liset (2021) The reliability and validity of the Dutch versions of the Acute Recovery Stress Scale and the Short Recovery and Stress Scale. Master thesis, Psychology.

Spieker, Johanna (2021) De positieve invloed van PEERS® op sociale vaardigheden en sociale angst onder Nederlandse adolescenten met ASS. Master thesis, Psychology.

Troles, Hannah (2021) Potential predictors of secondary traumatization in mental health workers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Veli, Levent (2021) An Investigation of Heart Rate Validity and Psychological Correlates of the Out-of-Body Illusion Paradigm. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wattel, Florieke (2021) The role of environmental- and health information and commitment on the intention to reduce meat consumption, to enhance the meat tax in the Netherlands. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zantinge, Anna (2021) Naar een Basis Risicotaxatie Instrument. Master thesis, Psychology.

van der Lof, Floor, F.E.J. (2021) The Relationship Between Eating Disorder Symptoms and Satisfaction with Specific Life Domains in Female University Students. Master thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 07:49:28 2025 CET.