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Bakker, L. C. (2023) Matching for Diversity: Examining the Effects of Physical and Non-Physical Similarity Factors on Mentorship Program Evaluation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bouwknegt, Kyra (2023) Primary School Innovation and it’s Antecedents: Applying a Job Demands-Resources Framework. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bouwmeester, Gijs (2023) Innovatie in Organisaties: de Implementatie van een Nieuwe Leerlijn op Basisscholen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Broek, Pontus van den (2023) A Qualitative Examination of the Role Trainers’ Social Support Plays in Employees’ Psychological Engagement in an Online Training Program. Master thesis, Psychology.
Buitendijk, F.M. (2023) Nieuwe Inzichten in de Idee-Evaluatie: Het Beoordelingsverschil tussen Additieve en Subtractieve Ideeën. Master thesis, Psychology.
Burgering, Felix (2023) Acknowledging Similarities While Maintaining Differences: A Paradoxical Approach in Resolving Identity Tension in Artists. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dam, Daisy (2023) Perceived Organizational Support als Moderator in de Relatie tussen Self-Efficacy en Job Crafting. Master thesis, Psychology.
Deest, Martijn van (2023) Supervision, Age and Attitudes towards Telework among Dutch IT Personnel. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dunkel, Tide Chiara (2023) Life Goals of Migrants – A Scale Development. Master thesis, Psychology.
Eggers, Janina (2023) Relationships between Professional Skills Growth Mindset, Career Adaptability, Career Exploration, and Supervisor Support: A Moderated Mediation Model. Master thesis, Psychology.
Escudero Gimeno, Laura (2023) Impact of Risk Attitudes in the Interpretation of Ambiguous Workplace Conflicts. Master thesis, Psychology.
Gelder, Sharon van (2023) The Effects of Job Crafting on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in a Hybrid Work Mode - a Moderated Mediation Model. Master thesis, Psychology.
Gringhuis, Kirsten (2023) Past thuiswerken bij jou? Een studie naar voorspellende factoren van houding tegenover thuiswerken onder Nederlandse ICT'ers. Master thesis, Psychology.
Heyder, Lennart (2023) People Who Debate, Innovate: The Mediating Role of Constructive Controversy Between Psychological Safety and Innovative Work Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hoenig, Mats Lennart (2023) Examining Links between the Dark Triad, HEXACO Personality Traits, Motivation and Success of Members of Political Youth Organizations. Master thesis, Psychology.
Holland-Letz, Miriam, Miss (2023) Online Learning Engagement Among Students in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hulzebosch, Greetje Zwanet (2023) Differences in Evaluations between a Female Communal vs Female Agentic Applicant. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hüsing, Marile (2023) What if the evil ones fear falling? Psychopathic leadersˋ engagement in abusive supervision and the moderating role of fear of power loss. Master thesis, Psychology.
Koole, Glenn (2023) Professional Skills and Abilities Growth Mindset as a Predictor of Career Adaptability: The Moderating Role of Perceived Rewards. Master thesis, Psychology.
Merkus, Roy (2023) Vervulling van de Psychologische Basisbehoeften en Werkprestaties: Het Mediërende Effect van Motivatie en Modererende Effect van Psychologische Flexibiliteit. Master thesis, Psychology.
Müller, Lena (2023) Revenge Bedtime Procrastination – a Compromise for Satisfying Frustrated Needs? Master thesis, Psychology.
Radosch, Lydia (2023) Confrontation as a Workplace Intervention: Exploring the Role of Hostility in Organizations Addressing Gender Bias. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schumacher, Alexandra (2023) Effects of Leader Age on Leader Conflict Management Strategies Towards Employees: The Mediating Role of Emotional Abilities. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schwezoff, D. (2023) How Motives of Entrepreneurship Relate to Growth Intention: The Roles of Passion for Inventing and Proactivity. Master thesis, Psychology.
Strube, Justine (2023) Is it Good, Bad, or Just Fuzzy? A Newspaper Qualitative Content Analysis to Explore the Public’s Perception of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and its Potential for Resource Generation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vlutters, Anne (2023) De Light Triad en Contraproductief Werkgedrag: Een Verkennend Onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.
Weperen, Jikkie van (2023) The Moderating Effect of Sensory Processing Sensitivity on the Relationship Between Problem-Solving Demands and Vitality. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wolters, Francis (2023) Compensatory Behaviours amongst Cultures: How to Respond to Perceived Threats? Master thesis, Psychology.