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Aanstoot, Floor (2024) Leesproblemen bij individuen met homonieme gezichtsvelduitval. Master thesis, Psychology.
Adema, Sophie (2024) De Mogelijke Rol van het Zoeken naar en Ervaren van Zingeving bij Angst, Depressie en hun Comorbiditeit. Master thesis, Psychology.
Aksit, Busra (2024) De Invloed van het Subjectieve Stressniveau op het Cognitief Functioneren bij Jongvolwassenen: een Cross-sectioneel Onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.
Albarda, A.C.S. (2024) Social Cognition across MS, Stroke, and Brain Tumor Patients. Master thesis, Psychology.
Alkema, Melissa (2024) Mindfulness voor een Gezonde Toekomst: Emotieregulatie als Mediator in de relatie tussen Mindfulness en Internaliserende Psychopathologie in de Jeugd. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ambergen, Fleur (2024) De Invloed van Eenzaamheid op de Relatie Tussen Eetstoornis Symptomen en het Ervaren van Zin in het Leven. Master thesis, Psychology.
Anneveldt, Mats (2024) De invloed van emotieregulatiestrategieën op eetgedrag. Master thesis, Psychology.
Baaijens, Claire, C.N.A. (2024) De Mate van Zelfacceptatie onder Neurodivergente Individuen: op Zoek naar Passende Meetinstrumenten. Master thesis, Psychology.
Baak, Arlette (2024) The Emergence of the Confused: Public Understanding of a Dutch Classification System, 2009-2019 (History) & 2015-2018 (Thematic Analysis). Master thesis, Psychology.
Bakker, A.D.L. (2024) Psychometric Properties of a Newly Developed Dutch Well-Being Questionnaire for Young Children. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bakker, W. H. M. (2024) Dynamic Connectivity States underlying Processing of Social Feedback and their Relationship with Trait Cognitive Insight. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bartczak, Natasha (2024) Role of Job Crafting, Autonomy Need Satisfaction and Relatedness Need Satisfaction for Job Satisfaction among Remote Workers. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bebendorf, Kimberley (2024) Shades of Change: Environmental Art Inspiring Pro-Environmental Intentions through Emotional Pathways. Master thesis, Psychology.
Becci, Stella Lucia (2024) Beyond “Us and Them”, There “We” Are: The Importance of Shared Identity for Enhancing the Attractiveness of Community Energy Initiatives. Master thesis, Psychology.
Beek, Vester Dion van (2024) From Perception to Collective Action: The Role of Perceived Responsibility and Efficacy in Driving Pro-Environmental Intentions. Master thesis, Psychology.
Besener, Marey (2024) The Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Personnel Selection: A Systematic (Literature) Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bik, Iris Johanna Magdalena (2024) De Relaties Tussen Ouderlijke Warmte, Emotie Expressie en Negatieve Emoties. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bik, Iris Johanna Magdalena (2024) De Relaties Tussen Ouderlijke Warmte, Emotie Expressie en Negatieve Emoties. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bletterman, Alisha, A E (2024) Veerkracht van kinderen die blootgesteld zijn aan huiselijk geweld. Master thesis, Psychology.
Blom, N. (2024) The Influence of Job Originality and Trust in Algorithms on Algorithm Use in Personnel Selection. Master thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Aline de (2024) sexual Individuals’ Coping with Meta-Stereotypes: Does Self-Affirmation Reduce the Relation Between Negative Personalized Meta-Stereotyping, Self-Acceptance of Sexuality, and Internalized Heterosexism? Master thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Anniek de (2024) The Role of Preoperative Psychological Factors in Postoperative Recovery in Adult Patients. Master thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Jane de (2024) Cut-off scores in adaptive learning systems. Master thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Marike de (2024) Neuropsychology in aviation: The role of executive functions in piloting an airplane – A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bolhuis, Evanne (2024) Relationships between ADHD symptoms, hyposensitivity and social impairments. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bollema, Eva (2024) Differences in PTSD and risk assessment in people with a history of (re)victimization. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bompa, S.M. (2024) Interviewing Qualitative Research Methods Educators: A Study of Qualitative Research Methods Courses. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bongaerts, Luisa (2024) When to Use it, When to Lose it: The Effect of Retention Interval Cues on Memory Accessibility over Time. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bormann, Karlotta von (2024) The effect of Long-COVID on memory, working memory, and attentiveness and its predicting power on quality of life and functional activity, tested in an online study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Borstelmann, Clara (2024) Self-Directed Disgust, Disgust Sensitivity, and Disgust Propensity in Sex-Related Scenarios in Men and Women. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bos, Jesse Lucas Reijer (2024) The validity and reliability of the Nummenmaa Emotion Experience Test and gender differences in emotion experience. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bos, Yara (2024) De relatie tussen depressie en het SIF-effect: een correlationeel onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bosch, Bibi (2024) Prestatiedoelen en Veerkracht in de Competitieve Context van de Paardensport. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bosch, Charlotte (2024) The Relationship Between Gray Matter Volume, Set-Shifting and Depressive Symptoms in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bouwmeester, Melissa (2024) Adaptive-skills after early-life adversity: A systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bouwsema, L.J. (2024) Korte-termijn effecten van een eenmalige schrijfopdracht over lichaamsfunctionaliteit op het lichaamsbeeld bij vrouwelijke adolescenten met een eetstoornis: een gerandomiseerd en gecontroleerd onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.
Boven, Romy van (2024) Professionals in de acute zorg en hun ervaring met blootstelling aan noodgevallen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Boyvadaoglu, Murat Can (2024) Are Functionally Passive Items in Working Memory More Resistant to Interference? Master thesis, Psychology.
Brink, Laura (2024) De rol van zelfbewustzijn in het verbeteren van het welzijn van neurodivergente mensen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Brouwer, Jannie (2024) De Mediërende Rol van Vermijdingsgedrag in de Relatie tussen Residuele Angstsymptomen en Residuele Depressieve Symptomen: Een Onderzoek bij Jongeren in Remissie van Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bruinenberg, Ian (2024) De invloed van de ervaren zin van het leven op alcoholgebruik. Master thesis, Psychology.
Buijs, Anne Floor (2024) Het Effect van het Maken van Handbewegingen en -Gebaren op het Oplossingsvermogen van Kinderen tijdens Wetenschap- en Techniek-Taken: Een Pilotstudie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Bulthuis, Romy (2024) De Invloed van een Duurzame Opvoeding op het Milieugedrag van Kinderen in de Leeftijd van 0 tot 18 Jaar. Master thesis, Psychology.
Busman, Lara (2024) Suppression-Induced Forgetting And Depression. Master thesis, Psychology.
Carpenter, Fleur (2024) Are Smarter Narcissists More Successful? A Look into Cognitive Ability as a Moderator of the Relationship between Narcissism and Career Success. Master thesis, Psychology.
Cheung, Sik-Kan (2024) De voorspellende waarde van de HKT-R voor intramurale agressie: een vergelijking tussen de somscore en het gestructureerd klinisch oordeel. Master thesis, Psychology.
Closier, Manon (2024) De relatie tussen subjectieve slaapkwaliteit en (werk)geheugen bij mensen tussen 16 en 35 jaar. Master thesis, Psychology.
Coman, Ruxandra (2024) Unravelling the Heterogeneous Nature of Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: a Cluster Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Cordes, Jeffrey (2024) The differences in psychological variables between talented junior cyclists and (semi-) professional cyclists: A comparative study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Couwenberg, W. N. (2024) De Relatie met Klasgenoten en de Invloed op Depressieve en Angstige Symptomen in Jongeren in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
D'souza, Charlotte (2024) The Role of Feedback Valence in Modulating the Late Positive Component (LPC) during Probabilistic Reward Learning. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dai, Pengchen (2024) "Imagination" and "Ingenium" in Huarte's Examen de ingenios para las ciencias (1575). Master thesis, Psychology.
Dalen, J.W. van (2024) Perceptions of Mechanical Assessment by Employees and Managers. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dam, Marline van (2024) The Moderating Role of Sleep on Stress and Anxiety in Adolescents in Remission of Anxiety Disorders. Master thesis, Psychology.
Damen, Jamila (2024) The Influence of a Positive Humor Style on the Identity Integration and Well-being of LGBTQ+ Muslims. Master thesis, Psychology.
Datema, Bregje (2024) Verschillen tussen jongens en meisjes met ODD: een systematische literatuurstudie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Debets, Sterre (2024) Upward Social Comparisons and Job Satisfaction: Diving into the Mediating Role of Envy and the Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dettke, Constanze (2024) Just Paint a Picture? The Impact of Utopian Illustrations on Perceived Value Endorsement and Pro-Environmental Behavioural Intentions. Master thesis, Psychology.
Diever, Ilse (2024) Het meten van zingeving en Floreren bij neurodivergente volwassenen: Een onderzoek naar bruikbare meetinstrumenten. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dijk, L. van (2024) De predictieve validiteit van het sociogram voor uitval bij het Korps Commando Troepen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dijkema, Fleur (2024) De Betekenis van Veerkracht: Onderzoek naar de Rol van Meaning in Life en Locus of Control bij Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dikkema, Sanne (2024) De Rol van Maladaptieve Coping in de Relatie tussen Stress en Depressieve Symptomen bij Jongeren in Remissie van Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dilling, Muriël (2024) Neuroticisme en Chronische Stress bij mensen met de Ziekte van Parkinson. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dirr, Ida Maria (2024) The Effects of Perceived Motivation and Perceived Overarching Social Identity on Environmental Minorities’ Potential to Spark Change. Master thesis, Psychology.
Djaoedji, Danny (2024) When refugees are either the perpetrator or the victim of a transgression: Positive and negative action tendencies as a function of attitudes towards refugees. Master thesis, Psychology.
Don, Lotte van (2024) De Relatie tussen Aandachtsbias voor Voedselgerelateerde Stimuli en Eetstijlen bij Vrouwen met Obesitas en Vrouwen met Normaal Gewicht. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dorenbos, Maaike Johanna (2024) The Role of Sleep Problems and Negatively Charged dreams in Breakup-related Grief. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dortmond, Roos (2024) De Rol van Dysfunctionele Attitudes in de Relatie tussen Stress en Residuele Depressieve Klachten bij Adolescenten in Remissie van Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Douma, Anouk (2024) Het Effect van Lichamelijke- en Emotionele Verwaarlozing in de Kindertijd op het Huidige Welbevinden van Nederlandse Volwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dragt, Karlijn (2024) Physiological Mechanisms Underlying the Passive Defence Response in Human Individuals: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Drenthen, Marjolijn (2024) ADHD, Executieve Functies en Werkgeheugen bij Studenten: Een Experimentele Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Drevijn, Bart (2024) De Mediërende Rol van Hostile Attribution Bias in het Verband Tussen Responsinhibitie en Reactieve Agressie Onder Jongeren. Master thesis, Psychology.
Duiverman, Lena (2024) From Frontline to Mindline: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews on First Responders Mental Health. Master thesis, Psychology.
Dunker, Philipp (2024) The Effect of Public Participation on the Acceptability of Sustainable Energy Policies and Their Development Process – The Mediating Role of Perceived Representation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Eck, Erick van (2024) The association between parental warmth/coercion, callous-unemotional traits and proactive aggression, a systemic review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ehlers, Paul-Sebastian (2024) Public opinion and called for consequences for Paedophiliacs. Master thesis, Psychology.
Eijk, Luco van (2024) Emotieregulatie-strategieën als voorspellers van succesvol afvallen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Eisen, Nander Johannes (2024) Eten in afwezigheid van honger: De rol van belonings- en strafgevoeligheid. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ellermann, Katja (2024) What does it take to take part? Exploring the Impact of Group Composition on Group Dynamics: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Efficacy and Ingroup-prototypicality. Master thesis, Psychology.
Elling, Wouter (2024) Fietsen Senioren die Gevallen Zijn Voorzichtiger dan Senioren die niet Gevallen Zijn? Master thesis, Psychology.
Elsaesser, Fanny (2024) Can individual differences in cognitive motivation and hyperfocus predict academic achievement in university students with ADHD? Master thesis, Psychology.
Ende, Sigrid, S.G.G. van 't (2024) The Relation between Sustained Attention and Motor Components in Developmental Coordination Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.
Evers, Anne (2024) Genderverschillen in ADHD-kenmerken en Sensorische Gevoeligheid bij Jongvolwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Evers, Britt (2024) Catalysts or Constraints? A Contingency-Approach on Leadership Styles and Team Creativity and Innovation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Fabisch, Emma (2024) Give Meaning to your Job: an Explanation of the Educational Effect on Extreme Political Voting. Master thesis, Psychology.
Fasano Martinez Diaz, Gabriela (2024) The Influence of Psychological Ownership on Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors: the Moderating Effect of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Feitsma, Sabien (2024) Don't Look Up, Look Within: Investigating the Influences of Perceived Urgency and Collective Efficacy on Climate Anxiety. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ferdinandus, Lucas (2024) The Contribution of the Cerebellum on Working Memory Volume with Patients with a Mild Cognitive Impairment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Freier, Carolin (2024) How Do Values and Past Participation Processes Influence People’s Willingness to Participate in Decision-Making on Renewable Energies? An Investigation of Public Participation on the Concrete Level. Master thesis, Psychology.
Fremouw, Odette Elisabeth (2024) The Role of Neuroticism in Perceptions and behaviours of the Workplace Environment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Friedrich, Felix (2024) Being Mindful of the Certainty of Death: Intolerance to Uncertainty as a Mediator between Mindfulness and Fear of Death. Master thesis, Psychology.
Galiën, Jelle van der (2024) The Association between Endocrine Functioning and the Manifestation of Psychotic, Mood and Anxiety Symptoms: A Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Geelink, Ella Christina Maria (2024) Dark Triad op de Werkvloer: de Rol van de behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Master thesis, Psychology.
Genuchten, Kees van (2024) Towards a Psychological History: Social Science and Historical Methods. Master thesis, Psychology.
Gjaltema, Jorinde, J M (2024) De Rol van Seksueel Gedrag en Alcoholgebruik bij Seksuele Revictimisatie in Vrouwen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Gols, Pim, Floris (2024) The moderating effects of playful work design on work engagement and perceived autonomy. Master thesis, Psychology.
Grashuis, Amber (2024) De Nazorgbehoefte van Voormalige Cliënten van het Centrum voor Integrale Psychiatrie (CIP): een Kwalitatieve Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Groot, Iris (2024) Travel light, leave your cognitive dissonance behindd? A new framework for understanding cognitive dissonance in the context of polar tourism. Master thesis, Psychology.
Grooten, Jesse (2024) Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease: Assessing Face-Name Associative Memory, Executive Function Decline, and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms. Master thesis, Psychology.
Gökirmak, Hande (2024) Een studie naar de mate van acceptatie van de PROSPECT-module (Predicting Real-world Outcomes from Social, Psychophysiological and Environmental characteristics using a Clinical Transdiagnostic assessment). Master thesis, Psychology.
Göl, Selin (2024) Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Revictimization: The Mediating Roles of Risk Recognition and Motives for Sexual Risk-Taking. Master thesis, Psychology.
Haarman, M.H.J. (2024) Effects of Psychotropic Medication Use on Trauma-Focused Treatment Outcomes in PTSD Patients. Master thesis, Psychology.
Haertlein, Vincent (2024) Verklaart Fysieke Activiteit De Relatie tussen Depressiesymptomen en Insomniesymptomen na Verlies? Een Mediatiemodel. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hagen, Tessel (2024) The Role of Binary/Nonbinary Pronouns in Employment: A Study of Perception and Bias in Job Candidate Evaluation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Haitel, Charlotte (2024) De relatie tussen hypersensitiviteit, kwaliteit van leven en ADHD kenmerken bij jongvolwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hakala, Minna (2024) The Impact of Individual Factors on Hyperactive Preschoolers’ Response to Executive Function Intervention. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hakkers, Emily (2024) Neuroticisme als Voorspeller van de Kwantiteit en Ervaren Kwaliteit van Interpersoonlijk Contact. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ham, Merel van der (2024) The Effects of Ingroup Transgression Visibility on Dutch People’s Solidarity with Asylum Seekers. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ham, Merel van der (2024) The Effects of Ingroup Transgression Visibility on Dutch People’s Solidarity with Asylum Seekers. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hamam, Jasmina (2024) Factors involving interpersonal conflict. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hamstra, Anneke (2024) Quality of Life in Post-Stroke and MS Patients: Associations With Social Cognition, Fatigue, Physical Disability, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms. Master thesis, Psychology.
Harink, Liset (2024) Choice Switching Behaviour in Relation to the LPC in Probabilistic Reward Learning. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hartman, Philip (2024) Exploring the Impact of Physical Fitness and Resilience on Recovery Dynamics in Dutch Special Forces Training. Master thesis, Psychology.
Haze, Jasmijn, JM (2024) Testing the Influence of Anticipated Pain on Sexual Arousal: A Conditioning Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Heeren, Christian (2024) To Feel Well, It’s Not Enough to Have It, You Need to Use It. Master thesis, Psychology.
Heidstra, Hendrika (2024) The Moderating Role of Problem- and Emotion-Focused Coping Styles between Social Support and Depressive Symptomatology in Adolescents in Remission of Depressive Disorders. Master thesis, Psychology.
Heikens, Renée (2024) Duurzaam Gedrag Onder Sporters. Master thesis, Psychology.
Herholz, H.J. (2024) Replicating the Suppression-Induced Forgetting Effect in Online and In-Person Settings: Interactions with Emotion Regulation and Psychopathy. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hettinga, Susan (2024) Waarschuwingssignalen voor afwijkende ontwikkeling in emotie en gedrag bij kinderen in Nederland: een systematische literatuurreview. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hiemstra, Rosanne (2024) Diagnostic procedures and treatments for autistic children in the Netherlands: a systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hilverda, Jörn, J.A (2024) Mental Imagery in Children with Specific Phobia: the Role of Types and Vividness of Visual Mental Imagery. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hoekstra, Frea (2024) Linguistic Features of Verbal Fluency and Higher-Order Cognitive Functions in Low-Grade Glioma Patients. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hoes, Noortje (2024) Confronting Sexism: The Influence of Internalised Sexism on Perceptions of Confronting Women and Offending Men. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hofbauer, Mara (2024) Is Litter in the Eye of The Beholder? The Influence of Goal Frames on Attention to Litter in Pictures of Nature. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hofstede, Sanne (2024) The Relationship between Cognitive Deficits and Cognitive Complaints in People with Multiple Sclerosis and the role of Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hollmann, Darleen (2024) The Link between Childhood Maltreatment Severity and Dissociation Severity: Examining the Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation as a Mediator. Master thesis, Psychology.
Horst, Erika van der (2024) De Relatie Tussen Taal Ontwikkeling en Intelligentie bij Extreem prematuur geboren kinderen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Houter, Jet (2024) Musical Experience in Primary School Children: Its Relationship with Musical Creativity and Autonomy Support. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hummel, Laura (2024) Reappraisal of Exercise Discomfort: The Moderating Roles of Previous Experience and Gender on Affective Responses and Future Behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.
Hut, Manon (2024) Baumrinds Opvoedstijlen en Reactieve Agressie: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Jones, I.S.R. (2024) ADHD, Executieve Dysfuncties en Motivatie bij Studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.
Jong, Michelle de (2024) The Effect of a Meaning-Centered Intervention on Eating Disorder Symptoms, Depression and Anxiety Among Undergraduate Women with High Weight and Shape Concerns: A Replication Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Jonge, Eline, (2024) De Relatie tussen Walgingsgevoeligheid, Angst en ARFID-Symptomen bij Nederlandse Kinderen en Jongeren met ARFID. Master thesis, Psychology.
Jongsma, Mirjam (2024) The Role of Work Engagement and Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Work Condition and Perceived Meaningfulness. Master thesis, Psychology.
Jonker, Alicia (2024) Who is Asexual? An Exploration of Laypeople’s Asexual Stereotypes and The Effect of Prototypicality on Recognition of Asexual People. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kahlstatt, Tabea (2024) Stress or Identification? – The Relationship between Participation and Persistence in Environmental Activist Groups. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kassenberg, Erik (2024) Have You Found What You Are Looking For? Relating the Search for and Presence of Meaning in Life to Depression and Anxiety. Master thesis, Psychology.
Katerberg, Veere (2024) De Effecten van Seksueel, Emotioneel en Fysiek Kindermisbruik op het Psychologisch Welbevinden van Nederlandse Volwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kemmer, Raphael (2024) ADHD Symptomatology, Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Performance in First-Year Psychology Students. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kiers, V.E.J. (2024) Avoidance During Exposure and Changes in Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kieviet, Quint (2024) Belonings- en Strafgevoeligheid en Eten Tijdens de Afwezigheid van Honger bij Studenten: Geen Modererende Rol van Emotieregulatievaardigheden. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kim, Hyunsuh (2024) Does System Justification Mediate the Relations between Epistemic, Relational and Existential Needs and Pro-environmentalism? Master thesis, Psychology.
Kim, Hyunsuh (2024) Does System Justification Mediate the Relations between Epistemic, Relational and Existential Needs and Pro-environmentalism? Master thesis, Psychology.
Kind, Myrte (2024) De relatie tussen executief functioneren, hostile attribution bias en reactieve agressie bij jongeren. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kleefstra, Renske (2024) Temporal dynamics of self-efficacy and performance of elite youth football players. Master thesis, Psychology.
Klis, Henriëtte van der (2024) Neural Regions Associated with Self-Reflection in Healthy Individuals. Master thesis, Psychology.
Klomp, Sylke (2024) Van Droom tot Dreiging: Onderzoek naar Kwaadaardige Creativiteit en Groepsdynamieken. Master thesis, Psychology.
Koning, Ellis (2024) A correlational study, the relationship between sustained attention and gross and fine motor skills in children with Development Coordination Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kop, Bente van de (2024) Intergenerationele Patronen van Huiselijk Geweld: Aanknopingspunten uit Dossiers van Veilig Thuis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Korstanje, Danique (2024) Pro-Environmental Attitudes and the Relation with Sexism, Conventionalism and Gender-Specific System Justification. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kremer, Marleen (2024) Financial Performance and Alcohol Use - A European-wide Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Krikken, Kristian (2024) Exploring Cognitive Flexibility and Response Inhibition in Individuals with Subclinical OC Tendencies. Master thesis, Psychology.
Krikken, Tara (2024) Samen Rijden. Master thesis, Psychology.
Krops, Kim (2024) De relatie tussen ADHD-symptomen, hypergevoeligheid en functionele beperkingen in het dagelijks leven. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kruisdijk, Danae, D.S. (2024) Empathy Towards Individuals with Dissenting Opinions: The Role of Pride and Humility. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kruiter, Tess (2024) Psychometric Qualities of a Renewed Version of Happe’s Cartoon Test. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kuipers, Jessie (2024) Exploring Suppression Induced Forgetting in Relation to Resilience: A Replication Study of the Think/No Think Paradigm. Master thesis, Psychology.
Kwint, Joris (2024) Bridging Science and Clinical Practice: A Study on Burnout Definitions and their Clinical Utility. Master thesis, Psychology.
Labee, Carmen (2024) A Meaning-Centered Intervention Concerning Meaning in Life and Eating Disorder Symptoms and its Influence on Meaning in Life, Self-Esteem and Heightened Concerns about Weight and Shape for Undergraduate Women. Master thesis, Psychology.
Labee, Carmen (2024) A meaning-centered intervention concerning meaning in life and eating disorder symptoms and its influence on meaning in life, self-esteem and heightened concerns about weight and shape for undergraduate women. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lamboy, Noah Jon de (2024) Investigating the Impact of Theta tACS on Resting State Networks in patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Graph Theory Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lange, Jana (2024) Performance of Children and Adolescents on the Groninger Effort Test. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lange, Jana (2024) Performance of children and adolescents on the Groninger Effort Test. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lantink, Emke, E.H. (2024) Meetinstrumenten voor Sociaal Functioneren bij Mensen met een Ernstige Psychische Aandoening (EPA): een Systematisch Literatuuroverzicht. Master thesis, Psychology.
Leber, Gijs (2024) The role of an EnTranCe learning community facilitator with regards to autonomy support. Master thesis, Psychology.
Leckwyck, Emma van (2024) EEG Study: SPN Modulations in a Probabilistic Reinforcement Learning Task. Master thesis, Psychology.
Leenders, Bente (2024) Imaginatie en herschrijven in combinatie met Exposure met responspreventie bij patiënten met Obsessieve-compulsieve stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lin, Zhenghao (2024) Navigating Masculinity: Exploring Threats and Responses in the Chinese Cultural Context. Master thesis, Psychology.
Linden, Sammy van der (2024) The Heteronormativity of the Motherhood Mandate: The Role of Woman Identity, Sexual Identity, and Identity- Related Metaperceptions in the Reproductive Intentions of Heterosexual and Queer women. Master thesis, Psychology.
Linneman, Julia (2024) Emotion Recognition and Social Behavioral Functioning Among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Looijestijn, Noor (2024) Sekseverschillen in mate van spanning en negatieve emoties in reactie op een trauma film. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lugers, Sita (2024) Verschil in Communicatie tijdens Autoritten tussen Jonge en Oude stellen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Luijtgaarden, Nua van de (2024) “Yuck!” Aversive Conditioning: Investigating the Link Between the Expectation of Disgust and Sexual Arousal. Master thesis, Psychology.
Lübbers, Manon (2024) Behoeften en Uitdagingen bij de Implementatie van de Gezinsbenadering in PI Almelo. Master thesis, Psychology.
Maathuis, T.C. (2024) Interventions aimed at improving emotion recognition in youth with disruptive behavior and aggression: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Manting, Boris, BW (2024) Authenticity and Belongingness as Mediators in the Relationship Between Working From Home and Work Meaningfulness. Master thesis, Psychology.
Maring, Sanne (2024) How Parental Involvement, Support, Control, and Pressure are Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Secondary Education Students: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mathieu, Charlotte (2024) The Credibility of Climate Advocates and the Adoption of Plant-Based Diets: the Influence of Advocate Type and Personal Dietary Lifestyles. Master thesis, Psychology.
Meffert, Julia (2024) Social Cognition in ADHD - A Meta-Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Miaei, Ali (2024) Unraveling the Interplay of Social Comparisons, Envy, and Their Implications for Job Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.
Miesen, Dacia (2024) De ontwikkeling van identiteit tijdens de praktijkstage: verschillende ontwikkelingstrajecten van commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mogezomp, Ellen (2024) Het Effect van Ervaren Fysieke Inspanning op Ervaren Spanning en de Levendigheid van Traumatische Herinneringen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mohammadi Dehdezi, Shirin (2024) The mediating role of the early maladaptive schema of emotional deprivation in the relationship between childhood maltreatment severity and evoked dissociation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Molenaar, Lieke, L.M. (2024) Bridging Beyond Words: Unravelling the Dynamics of Volunteer Engagement and Newcomer Integration in an Online Language Buddy Program. Master thesis, Psychology.
Moolen, Elisabeth Maria van der (2024) The Inconsistency Strategy as Detection Method for Malingering in Assessment of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mschwelitze, Georg (2024) Cognitive Reappraisal of Exercise Discomfort: The Moderating Role of Experience. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mulder, Anne Jet, A.J.P. (2024) Literatuuronderzoek naar de neuropsychologische ontwikkeling bij meiden/vrouwen met autisme. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mulder, Elina Liza (2024) Balanceren na Herstel: de Relatie tussen Stress en Welzijn, en de Rol van Probleemgerichte Coping en Sociale Steun bij Jongeren in Remissie van Angst en Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Mulder, Lot (2024) Intergenerationele overdracht van optimisme en de rol van sociaaleconomische status. Master thesis, Psychology.
Munnik, Rose (2024) Meaning-Centered Intervention, Eating Disorder Symptoms and Perfectionism: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Master thesis, Psychology.
Müller-Scholtz, Tilman (2024) Shifting Lenses: Exploring Antecedents for Organizational Support of Malevolent Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.
Müllers, Hannah (2024) Dynamic Shifts in Work Ethic: Examining COVID-19 Pandemic Induced Changes in the Workplace. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nadolna, Oliwia (2024) This Treatment Is Made for Walking: the Effect of 3MDR Exposure Does Not Differ for People with Varying Physical Activity Habits. Master thesis, Psychology.
Neijenhuis, Ellen (2024) De ervaringen van ouders met betrekking tot de vroege motorische en cognitieve ontwikkeling bij kinderen met klompvoetjes in de context van het verloop van de behandeling: een kwalitatief, verkennend onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nemeth, Veronika (2024) The effects of self-construal on territoriality, using the Dark Triad as a moderator. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nguyen, Minh Hieu Teresa (2024) Belonging Beyond Borders: Contact with Dutch People as the Key to Fostering Belonging Among Ukrainian Migrant Women. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nicolai, Annerique (2024) Zelfbeeld Meten: Een Verkenning naar Ecological Momentary Assessment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nijboer, N.A.J. (2024) Het effect van een korte schrijfinterventie over lichaamsfunctionaliteit op lichaamsbeeld bij jongeren met een eetstoornis: een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nijeholt, Sarah à (2024) Mind over Memory: Exploring the Association between Anxiety and Suppression-Induced Forgetting. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nijhuis, Romy (2024) The Relationship Between Autism Spectrum Disorder Traits, Sensory Sensitivity, and Quality of Life in Emerging Adults. Master thesis, Psychology.
Noack, Maleena (2024) What Happens at Work Does Not Stay at Work – Exploring Dimensions of Work Appreciation and Their Effect on Social Trust. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nordkamp, Renske (2024) Hoe nu verder: de Duurzaamheid van de Token Economy. Master thesis, Psychology.
Nugteren, Anouck (2024) Cognitive and Psychiatric Symptoms Between Huntington´s Disease Patients With and Without Motor Symptoms, a Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ofer, Noa (2024) Optimalisatie van Onderzoekstaken voor Cognitieve Variabiliteit bij Kinderen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Onderstijn, Tycho (2024) How does art shape emotional processes through sense-making: A developmental perspective. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ottens, Manon (2024) De karakteristieken van auditieve hallucinaties bij patiënten met dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis in vergelijking met de karakteristieken van auditieve hallucinaties bij patiënten met schizofrenie spectrum stoornissen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Otter, Mirthe (2024) Exploring the Complexities of Divided Attention in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Multisensory Approach. Master thesis, Psychology.
Overgoor, Mandy (2024) Passende en Valide Meetinstrumenten Voor het Meten van Zingeving in het Leven bij Neurodivergente Individuen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Oweh, Rachel, R.R. (2024) Schaamte als Barrière: Een Onderzoek Naar de Rol van Schaamte bij de Bestrijding van Armoede. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pal, Jasmijn van der (2024) Literatuurstudie naar de Neuropsychologische Ontwikkeling bij Meiden en Vrouwen met Aandachtstekortstoornis met Hyperactiviteit. Master thesis, Psychology.
Paul, Yvette (2024) Exploring the Influence of Police Social Media Responses on Left-Wing Activists’ Trust in the Police in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Interview Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pekkeriet, Elza (2024) De relatie tussen meegemaakt trauma en supression induced forgetting (SIF) in een lab en online omgeving. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pelho, Katariina (2024) The Impact of Psychological Safety on Work Engagement and Work Withdrawal: Exploring the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pelho, Katariina (2024) The Impact of Psychological Safety on Work Engagement and Work Withdrawal: Exploring the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pelzl, Dustin (2024) A Longitudinal Case Study on the Effects of an Ecological Training Intervention in an Elite Football Player. Master thesis, Psychology.
Perricci, Ira (2024) Improving Digital Consent in Online Research: The Effect of Interactivity on Retention and the Possible Influence of Trauma History. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pfaff, Luise (2024) Gender Role Identity and Meat-Eating Justifications: The Role of Cognitive Dissonance and Identity Threats. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pietersma, Lianne (2024) Selecting an instrument to measure authenticity in neurodivergent individuals with the broader goal to contribute to wellbeing. Master thesis, Psychology.
Piso, Ellis (2024) De Duur van Opeenvolgende Perioden van Symptomen bij Depressie: Een Analyse per Symptoom. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pliaukstaite, Liucija (2024) Lowering Defensiveness Toward a Persuasive Message Concerning Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol-related Identity as a Moderator. Master thesis, Psychology.
Pliaukštaitė, Liucija (2024) Lowering defensiveness toward a persuasive message concerning alcohol consumption: alcohol related identity as a moderator. Master thesis, Psychology.
Poernbacher, J. (2024) Echoes of Perfection: The Dual Role of Positive and Negative Perfectionism in Shaping Musicians' Motivation, Performance, and Self-Evaluation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Post, F.A.H. (2024) Fostering green behavior at work: unveiling the psychological pathways to pro-environmental action. Master thesis, Psychology.
Postema, Irene (2024) De Relaties tussen de Dark Triad, Organisatiecultuur en Interpersoonlijk CWB. Master thesis, Psychology.
Quintanilla, Brenda (2024) A Peak Through the Lense of the Gifted: Perceived Well-being of Gifted Students as They Transition from Primary to Secondary Education – A Retrospective Study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Rebeski, Karen (2024) A Qualitative Study on Employees’ Psychological Strategies in Response to the Perceived Misalignment Between Their Environmental Self-Identity and Their Perceived Organization’s Green Identity. Master thesis, Psychology.
Reinders, Kyra (2024) From stillness to survival: a deep dive into the phenomenology of the Freeze response: a systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Remie, O.N. (2024) Illuminating Perspectives: The Impact of Amsterdam Light Festival – Edition 12 on Visitors’ Attitudes Towards AI in Art. Master thesis, Psychology.
Rietvink, Hendrika Catharina (2024) Being Part of ‘the Family’: The Role of Psychological Safety on Affective Commitment in Small Family Firms. Master thesis, Psychology.
Rivière, Madelief (2024) De Invloed van Daling in Spanning tijdens een Exposuretaak op Analoge PTS Symptomen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Rodermond, Ilse (2024) Neuropsychologische ontwikkeling van kinderen behandeld met therapeutische hypothermie na perinatale asfyxie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Rofifah, Oriana (2024) Eco-Friends or Foes? Investigating the relationship between Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Xenophobia, Social Dominance Orientation, and System Justification. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ruijter, Nienke de (2024) The Impact of Negative Personalised Meta-Stereotypes and Ingroup Identification on Asexual Individuals’ Well-Being. Master thesis, Psychology.
Sagel, Sarah (2024) The effect of a meaning in life intervention in reducing weight and shape concerns and depressive symptoms in female undergraduates. Master thesis, Psychology.
Saxena, Emma (2024) Assessing the Effect of Visioning in Promoting Acceptance of Sustainable Policy Measures: An Investigation of Underlying Psychological Mechanisms. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schaafsma, Silke (2024) Societal Discontent: Explained by Socioeconomic Status and Meta-perceptions, Influenced by Intergroup Contact? Master thesis, Psychology.
Scheffelaar, Josephine (2024) The Influence of Sexual Scenarios on Self- Directed Disgust and Mental Contamination. Master thesis, Psychology.
Scherpenhuizen, Cloë (2024) A Systematic Review: The Influence of School Factors on LGBTQ Secondary Education Students’ Mental Health. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schick, L (2024) An Examination of Applicants’ Reactions and Attitudes towards a Gamified Cognitive Ability Test. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schonewille, Nadine Isa (2024) How to stay in balance: the impact of an inborn error in adults presenting with neurological symptoms and their partners. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schouten, Willanda (2024) Affectieve sociale cognitie bij adolescenten met ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schröder, Janeke (2024) The Burden and Quality of Life of Dementia Caregivers: Exploring the Roles of Care Recipients’ Social Cognition, Memory, and Executive Functioning. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schulte, Isadora (2024) Uit de tweede hand: vorm, inhoud en (klinische) functie van dagboeken op de IC-afdeling. Master thesis, Psychology.
Schwabe, Jenny (2024) Feeling Confident after all? Examining the Relationship between Daily Negative Work Events and Employees' Self-Esteem in a Diary study. Master thesis, Psychology.
Seliger, Linnea (2024) Confronting Sexism: How Different Confrontational Approaches Shape Perceptions of Female Confronters and Male Perpetrators. Master thesis, Psychology.
Sesli, A. E. (2024) Confrontation versus Ambiguity: Exploring Interpretation of Responses to Sexism in a Polarized Turkish Context. Master thesis, Psychology.
Sinclair, Anne (2024) Diagnostic and Educational Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland: A Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Sluijs, Maaike van der (2024) Educating Others and Affirming one’s Moral Virtuousness – Investigating Two Motivational Pathways that Drive the Expression of Extreme Pro-Environmental Opinions. Master thesis, Psychology.
Smid, Julia (2024) Hoe gingen verpleegkundigen om met de gevolgen van de COVID-19-pandemie? Analyse van morele schade, betekenis in het leven en PTSS. Master thesis, Psychology.
Smid, Yvonne (2024) Evaluatie van het Geïmplementeerde Token Economy Systeem in de FPK Assen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Smit, Huib (2024) Op zoek naar de nieuwe Jonas Vingegaard; een benadering vanuit de selectiepsychologie naar de voorspellende waarde van selectietesten bij Nederlandse jeugdwielrenners. Master thesis, Psychology.
Snijders, Anne Babet Maria (2024) Het Sociaal Welbevinden van Kinderen tijdens de Overgang van Basisonderwijs naar Voortgezet Onderwijs: Percepties van Kinderen, Ouders en Leerkrachten in Plattelandsgebieden. Master thesis, Psychology.
Soederhuizen, M.D (2024) Temporal alignment of hand gestures and speech within and between dyads of native and non-native speaking children. Master thesis, Psychology.
Somers, Lisanne (2024) De Prevalentie en Beïnvloedende Factoren van Secundair Trauma Onder Hulpverleners in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg: een Scoping review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Stegehuis, Sem (2024) The Effect of Intimacy on Sleep. Master thesis, Psychology.
Stegeman, Jelle (2024) The Development of a Tennis-Specific Performance Behaviour Coaching Tool. Master thesis, Psychology.
Stiekema, Anouk (2024) Aandacht Voor Eten: Aandachtsbias Voor Visuele Voedselsignalen bij Vrouwen met Obesitas en de Relatie met Slaap. Master thesis, Psychology.
Straaten, Judith van (2024) De Rol van Positief Affect in de Relatie tussen Gedragsactivatie en Depressieve symptomen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Stroemer, Ellen (2024) Can Soccer Scouts Identify Talent Better Than Laypeople? Master thesis, Psychology.
Szirtes, Panna (2024) Rebuilding Social Networks: How Host Society Contact Mitigates Loneliness for Ukrainian Refugee Women in the Netherlands. Master thesis, Psychology.
Tangemann, Annette (2024) The relationship between late-life depression and cognitive decline and the impact of lifestyle factors. Master thesis, Psychology.
Tatlicioglu, Salih (2024) Loneliness in people with psychosis. Master thesis, Psychology.
Tatlicioglu, Salih (2024) Loneliness over time during an eating club intervention for people with psychotic disorders. Master thesis, Psychology.
Teertstra, Jacob (2024) Mental Imagery and its Characteristics in Children with Specific Phobia. Master thesis, Psychology.
Terpstra, Elise (2024) Why Not Take the Train Instead? On the Effectiveness of a Grant to Promote Pro-environmental Travel Behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.
Tersou, Léa-Claire (2024) Measuring Mindfulness: A Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of Current Mindfulness Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. Master thesis, Psychology.
Thiele, Pia (2024) Mental Health Outcomes of Children Whose Parents have PTSD: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Timmerman, Anna (2024) De vorm van het beëindigen van langdurige psychotherapieën – een behandelaarsperspectief. Master thesis, Psychology.
Top, Alexandra (2024) Assessing Agency in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review of Measurement Instruments. Master thesis, Psychology.
Trappe, Annika (2024) Is one’s work related to political attitudes? - Four different work appreciation dimensions and their relationship to trust in institutions. Master thesis, Psychology.
Tóth, Dóra (2024) Enhancing recycling behavior intention in student dormitories applying the extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.
Ulas, David (2024) Unlocking Leadership Impact: The Role of Psychological Empowerment in Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vasilda, Cleo (2024) Work Hard, Sleep Late? The Influence of Job Demands on Bedtime Procrastination, Mediated by Psychological Detachment. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vasilev, Mariyan (2024) How daily work events predict employee well-being: Sensory processing sensitivity as boundary condition. Master thesis, Psychology.
Veen, Sanne van der (2024) Depressie en zingeving in de sociale context: een dagboekstudie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Velde, Nola van (2024) The Association Between Sleep Quality and Burnout Symptoms With Meaning in Life as a Potential Moderator: a Study on Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Master thesis, Psychology.
Verhoef, Mandy (2024) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after Aneurysmal- and Angiographically Negative Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prevalence, Temporal Progression, and Impact on Societal Participation. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vermeer, Jente (2024) Investigating the Impact of Face Memorability on Associative Recall of Person Information. Master thesis, Psychology.
Veter, Marit (2024) De rol van persoonlijkheid in de link tussen kindermishandeling en welbevinden. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vis, Demi (2024) Psychologische prehabilitatie interventies voor een electieve operatie bij volwassen patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vooijs, Emma (2024) Symptoms of Depression and Financial Performance in Everyday Life: Evaluating Alcohol Consumption as a Mediating Variable. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vorenholt, Ilse (2024) The Effect of Exercise Interventions on Social Outcomes in Individuals with a Psychotic Disorder: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vorenkamp, Julia (2024) Helpende en beperkende factoren in het bereiken van gedragsverandering gedurende een leefstijlinterventie bij patiënten met een ernstige psychiatrische aandoening. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vries, Christa de (2024) Aversive conditioning: The Impact of Elicited Pain Expectancies on Women’s Sexual Arousal in Response to Pornographic Stimuli. Master thesis, Psychology.
Vries, H. de (2024) Meaning in Life and Attachment Style as Risk Factors for Adult Revictimization. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wagenaar, Rienk (2024) Training Scanning Behavior in Virtual Reality: Does it improve Decision-Making of Elite Football Players? Master thesis, Psychology.
Wagenaar, Rienk N.A (2024) Training Scanning Behavior in Virtual Reality: Does it improve Decision-Making of Elite Football Players? Master thesis, Psychology.
Walgien, Sven (2024) Are Judgments of Experts Superior to Those of Non-Experts? Master thesis, Psychology.
Wall, Marije van de (2024) Relapse After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children and Adolescents: The Influence of Parental Involvement and Parental Anxiety. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wandernoth, Marlon (2024) Pushing or Pulling? The Influence of Policy Type on Social Norm Perceptions for Sustainable Transportation Policies. Master thesis, Psychology.
Warringa, N.C. (2024) The Effect of using Images and their Memorability on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. Master thesis, Psychology.
Weber, Manuel (2024) Semiotic Strategies Across Development Phases. Master thesis, Psychology.
Weert, Amber de (2024) De PO-VO Schoolovergang in kaart: Percepties van Leerkrachten in Noord-Nederland Betreffende het Sociaal Welbevinden van Communicatief Kwetsbare Leerlingen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wellinkvoorde, Lyan (2024) Gebruikservaring van VR en Eye-Tracking bij Kijktraining voor mensen met Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Westendorp, Sonia (2024) De Relatie van Leerling met Leraar en Depressieve en Angstige Symptomen bij Middelbare Scholieren: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Westerhuis, Mia (2024) Welke rol spelen ouders in het eetgedrag van hun kinderen met ARFID? Master thesis, Psychology.
Wezeman, M.I. (2024) De Toepasbaarheid van het Cognitive Assessment Interview (CAI-NL) in het Behandeltraject van Mensen met Ernstige Psychische Aandoeningen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wienbelt, I.M. (2024) Self-disgust in sexual experiences, the influence of gender. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wiersma, Yannick (2024) Depressie, Insomnie en Piekeren over Slaap in Nabestaanden: Een Mediatiemodel. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wildeboer, Marije (2024) De Relatie tussen Hechtingsstijlen, Verlangde Hechting en Persisterende Rouw: Een Vragenlijststudie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Willemsen, Annet (2024) Onderzoek naar meetinstrumenten om zelfregulatie te meten bij neurodivergente mensen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Willemsen, Annet (2024) Onderzoek naar meetinstrumenten om zelfregulatie te meten bij neurodivergente mensen. Master thesis, Psychology.
Williams, Sarah (2024) The effect of fruit and vegetable form on consumer purchase intentions, the mediating role of taste perception and the moderating role of price. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wit, Noa de (2024) Ecstasygebruik en depressieve symptomen: een systematisch review. Master thesis, Psychology.
Woldendorp, Anne (2024) Mentale gezondheid van Zorgverleners Tijdens de Pandemie: Slaapkwaliteit, Intrusie Ernst en de Mediërende Rol van Peritraumatische Dissociatie. Master thesis, Psychology.
Worpenberg, M.B. (2024) Responsinhibitie in kinderen met Developmental Coordination Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wächtler, Ramona (2024) Nature's Embrace: Unveiling the Psyche of Eco-Emotions and Pro-Environmental Behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.
Wübbels, Floor (2024) Motivatie bij Kinderen in het Uitvoeren van Cognitieve Taken. Master thesis, Psychology.
Zand, Marije in 't (2024) Are there gender differences in sensory sensitivity and ASD characteristics in emerging adults? Master thesis, Psychology.
Zeiseler, Henri Sinan (2024) Predicting relapse from pre-treatment anxiety severity and post-treatment depression severity after successful CBT in youth with anxiety disorders. Master thesis, Psychology.
Zimmeck, Carlotta (2024) From Climate Change Denial to Veganism: The Role of Environmental Minorities in Promoting Sustainable Practices. Master thesis, Psychology.
Zureiqi, Laurens (2024) The Development of Psychological Momentum in Handball. Master thesis, Psychology.
Zwiers, Ilja (2024) Negatieve Symptomen als Voorspeller van Verbetering in Executief Functioneren en Dagelijks Functioneren na Cognitieve Remediatie. Master thesis, Psychology.
van Esch, Lianne, L,J,J (2024) Reactieve en proactieve agressie en de relatie met automatische actietendensen op boze gezichten. Master thesis, Psychology.