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Number of items: 79.

Ark, Robert, van (2022) Exploring Social Psychologists’ Local Perspectives on Direct and Conceptual Replication and their Contribution to Research Quality. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Badric, Tessza (2022) International PhD Experiences in the Work Environment and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beverdam, Jooske, A.R. (2022) De Effecten van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen op de Intentie om Online Gokgedrag te Reguleren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Aline Baukje de (2022) De Rol van Groepscohesie in het Verband Tussen Interdependentie en Samenwerking, en Groepscohesie in een Online en Offline Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bompa, S.M (2022) Open Science: Why (Not) Use It? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bours, Laura (2022) Onderzoek Naar de Effecten van Samenwerking en de Rol van de Supervisor op de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring in Bachelorthese Groepen: Een Moderatie-Analyse. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Breeuwsma, Ilona (2022) A Small Qualitative Study on the Effect of Cultural Differences on Well-Being of International PhD Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brink, Lotte (2022) De Invloed van de Covid-19 pandemie op de Zelfmanagement Vaardigheden van Ouderen wonend in Lage SES-Wijken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bruinenberg, I.E (2022) Humour as a Coping Mechanism in Left-winged Activsm. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brunotte, Ira (2022) The Effect of Perceived Dissimilarity on Student Academic Performance and the Mediating Role of Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Casby, Shea (2022) The effects of communicating uncertainty on the intention to share scientific information on social media. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Coman, Ruxandra (2022) The Effect of Goal Focus on Successful Goal Pursuit: the Role of Self-Esteem. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

D'Souza, Charlotte (2022) What is the effect of recalling 12 compared to 4 negative childhood memories on metamemory beliefs? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkema, Sam (2022) The Effect of Goal Focus on Contentment with the Goal Pursuit: The Moderating Roles of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dingen, van, S (2022) Helpt empathie om mannen zich te laten verontschuldigen voor het gedrag van andere mannen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eichinger, Louise (2022) Goal Framing, Gender Differences and Attitude Towards Cargo-Bike Sharing Within the Groningen City Centre. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fremouw, Odette Elisabeth (2022) In hoeverre dragen verschillende vormen van Hondensport Verschillend bij aan de Satisfactie van Autonomie, Competentie en Verbondenheid? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fritzsche, Stella (2022) “I seem to take away way more” – A Comparison of Student Perceptions of Summative and Formative Assessment Methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gols, Pim, P.F. and Boerma, Jasper, J. (2022) De Relatie tussen Streefdoelen en Mentale Gezondheid via Competentie Satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Graul, Henriette Nele (2022) Feel Like Dancing: How Observing Synchrony in a Dance Performance Affects Belonging, Considering a Moderation of Cultural Background. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haarst, Suzan van (2022) De Mediërende Rol van Waargenomen Samenwerking in het Verband Tussen een Online of Hybride Leeromgeving en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hangx, Sem (2022) Basisbehoeftes en intrinsieke motivatie bij individuele en teamsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hassebroek, Inga (2022) The Moderating Role of Attachment Anxiety on the Effect of Social Exclusion on Attitude Moralization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Helfferich, Jessica, J (2022) De Relatie tussen Satisfactie van Psychologische Basisbehoeften, Mentale Gezondheid en de Invloed van Aantal Sporturen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Jerke (2022) The Effects of a Value Based Approach on Public Participation Scenarios: Acceptability of a Sustainable Project and Decision Making Process. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hout, Sanne van der (2022) Online en Hybride Onderwijs in Tijden van Covid-19: Het Verband tussen de Mate van Samenwerking, Cohesie, en de Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoß, Larissa Eleonore (2022) Social Psychologists’ Critiques Regarding the Practices, Priorities, and Attitudes of the Reform Movement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Huisman, Charlotte (2022) Samen Sterker: Korte en Langetermijneffecten van de Interventie ‘Community Wise’ op Zelfmanagementvaardigheden bij Oudere Volwassenen Wonend in Gebieden met een Lage Sociaal Economische Status gedurende de Covid-19-Pandemie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Höfer, Antonia Gloria Karolina (2022) Potentials of Electric Cargo-Bike Sharing Systems – Goal-Framing, Place Affect and Attitude on Environmental Intention. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jacobs, Larissa (2022) Working under Best Conditions: The Power of Collaboration in the Satisfaction with Students’ Learning Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Janssen, Sophia (2022) The mediating effect of sense of belonging on the relationship between perceived dissimilarity and academic performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kaesemann, Philipp Samuel (2022) The Effect of Grunting and Sexual Orientation on Perceived Masculinity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kemmer, Raphael (2022) The Impact of Perceived Dissimilarity on Perceived Academic Performance and the Mediating Role of Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kennepohl, Melissa Maria Katharina (2022) The Impact of Increasing ADHD Symptomatology on the Process of Proactive Cognitive Control. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Konradt, Oliver (2022) Do Study Habits Acquired at Secondary School Persist? The Effect of Transitioning to University and Different Assessment Methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koole, Glenn, B.G. (2022) Verschillen tussen Individuele en Groepsfitness: Behoefte Satisfactie en Autonome Motivatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koster, Fardau (2022) Public Participation and Values in Sustainable Projects. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kranz, Niklas (2022) Workplace Stressors and Culture – Distinguishing International PhD Candidates’ Experiences and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kuhnert, Matti (2022) The relationship of self-efficacy and engagement with formative and summative assessment in Higher Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mathiske, Carlotta Mae (2022) Are Anti-Depressants as Safe as Reported? A Review of Publication and Outcome Reporting Bias in Trials Investigating Pediatric Depression. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mollema, Nina (2022) De Financiële Prestatie Schaal voor Subjectieve Financiële Prestaties in het Alledaagse Leven: een Evaluatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moolen, Mike van der (2022) The Influence of Students’ Perceived Dissimilarity on Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Muikku, Pauliina (2022) The impact of Perceived Dissimilarity and Self-Esteem on Perceived Academic Performance through a Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Lot (2022) Het effect van waargenomen ongelijkheid op de academische prestaties bij psychologie studenten, met de mediërende rol van het gevoel van verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Muranyi, Bianca (2022) The Influence of Public Participation and Self-efficacy on Project Acceptability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Müller-Scholtz, Tilman (2022) Student’s experiences with assessment: Differences in course satisfaction and perceived retention for summative and formative assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nagler, John Clemens (2022) Assessing Critical Thinking in Bachelor Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Neuenstein, Eva (2022) The effect of ostracism on attitude moralization: The moderating role of social anxiety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nonkes, Justine (2022) Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, Samenwerken en Houding tegenover Samenwerken bij Bachelorthese Studenten in een Online- of Hybride Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nonkes, Justine (2022) Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, Samenwerken en Houding tegenover Samenwerken bij Bachelorthese Studenten in een Online- of Hybride Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pauly, Petronella, P.M. (2022) Ph.D. Students of Color and their Academic Work Experience. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Peters, Rieke (2022) Do Sexual Orientation and Grunting in the Gym have an Effect on the Perception of an Athlete? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pezhgorska, Radost (2022) Is There an Association Between Self-Regulatory Function and Preference for Directive or Advisory Leaders? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Picard, Manuel (2022) Synchronicity: A Survey Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pliaukstaite, Liucija (2022) Preferred Working Styles by the Regulatory Modes of Locomotion and Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Postma, Renske (2022) Gender of a Leader and Frequency of Conflict at Work; The Mediating Role of Conflict Handling Strategy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sandker, Kerine Margaretha (2022) Verschillen in de satisfactie van basisbehoeften en intrinsieke motivatie tussen beach- en zaalvolleybal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmidt, Leonie Sophie (2022) Goal Conflict of Students and its Impact on Well-being: The Role of Goal Importance and Goal Attainment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmieszek, Alexandra (2022) Does your socioeconomic status influence your trust in science? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmitt, Lara Olivia (2022) Goal Framing Theory and Ecological Worldview on Cargo-Bike Sharing Systems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schonewille, Nadine Isa (2022) Verschillen in de satisfactie van basisbehoeftes en intrinsieke motivatie tussen beach- en zaalvolleybal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schröder, Thomma (2022) Developing the Groningen Psychological Critical Thinking Task: A pilot study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Seifert, Keziah S (2022) The experience of PhD students of colour and how they navigate their relationships, identity and work environment at the University of Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spielmann, Lina Carlotta, LC (2022) The Interaction of Goal Importance and Goal Attainment on the Well-Being of Eastern European Migrants in the United Kingdom. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stegehuis, Sem (2022) The Effect of Education-based Status Threat on Outgroup Attitudes Towards Lower Educated People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stiekema, Anouk Ingrid (2022) De Relatie tussen Autonome Sportmotivatie en Mentale Gezondheid via Vitaliteit Satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thiele, Pia (2022) What is the Effect of Recalling Four Compared to Twelve Negative Childhood Memories on Metamemory Beliefs? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vegt, Miranda, de (2022) Rol van de Supervisor en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring: een Vergelijking tussen Online en Fysiek Onderwijs bij Bachelorthesestudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velthuis, Daphne (2022) sources of social influences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Visser, Margriet Anna (2022) Vitaliteit satisfactie, sporturen en mentale klachten bij mannen en vrouwen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westerhuis, Nils (2022) The Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy on the Relationship between Goal Focus and Successful Goal Pursuit. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westerling, Eefje (2022) De relatie tussen vitaliteit satisfactie, het aantal sporturen en mentale klachten bij mannelijke en vrouwelijke sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wulf, Julia (2022) University Student Perceptions: A Comparison Between Formative and Summative Assessment Based on Self-Efficacy and Academic Misconduct. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zee, Emma, de (2022) The Role of Memory Self-Efficacy in Metamemory Beleifs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zimmermann, Jan (2022) Predicting Attitudes towards Cargo Bike-Sharing Systems with Goal-Framing Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zuurman, Stephanie (2022) The Influence of Public Participation on Project Acceptability and the Willingness to Participate in the Decision-Making Process. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

van Alphen, Julia, J.A. (2022) Verdringing: De Invloed van Ervaren Ophaalmoeilijkheid op Metageheugen Overtuigingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Çoban, Esra (2022) The effect of status threat on outgroup attitudes of the higher educated towards the lower educated when the existence of a meritocracy is doubted. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ó Fuartháin, Colm (2022) The Point of Replication: Investigating Social Psychologists’ Beliefs on Direct and Conceptual Replication. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Sat Jan 18 13:06:16 2025 CET.