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Abels, Lisette (2024) The Perception of Social Harm. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Abjaou, Amira (2024) Hoogsensitiviteit en mentale gezondheid: de modererende rol van zelfcompassie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Adamska, Konrad Johannes (2024) The Spreading Effects of Positive Emotion on Episodic Memory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Addison, Laura Sophie (2024) Moved by Film: Exploring the Relationship Between Narrative Complexity, Immersion, and Extraversion While Watching Short Films. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Akhbari, Saran (2024) Comparing the Perceived Purpose of Higher Education Between Educators and Students, and Among Students Grouped by Self-Efficacy and GPA. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Akkerman, Kaja (2024) The Influence of Positive Emotion on Episodic Memory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Akkerman, Robien (2024) Opvoedingsstress van ouders en de emotionele flexibiliteit van ouders en hun jonge kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Alagic, Ajlin (2024) The Moderating Role of Political Ideology on the Relationship Between Perceived Effectiveness and Public Acceptability of DACCS. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Alamsyah, Daffa (2024) “What is it all for?”: An Examination of Motivations Profiles within RUG Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Albarqawi, Furat (2024) Mind Your Grunt: The Impact of Grunting on Social Perceptions in the Gym. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ali, Jara (2024) The Effect of Overarching Identity Commitments on Well-being in Emerging Adulthood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Alken, Chimène (2024) De Invloed van Katten en Honden op Mensen en de Mechanismen Onderliggend aan deze Beïnvloeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Alting, Sven (2024) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van ouderschap en opvoeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ambrožič, Rebeka (2024) The Role of Student Engagement in the Relationship of Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ananias, Daniela (2024) Het Effect van de Visuele Aantrekkelijkheid op de Bruikbaarheid van de Universiteitswebsite. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ancher, Florine (2024) Zelfvertrouwen en de Mate van Acceptatie van Partnergedragingen: De Mediërende Rol van Angstige Jaloezie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Andreo, Silvia (2024) Prejudice against lower educated second-generation immigrants as a function of cultural values. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Antoniadou, Thiresia (2024) Big Five Personality Traits Effects on Acceptability of a Neurofeedback Learning Companion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Appelo, J (2024) Misperceiving the Values of Others and the Effect on Pro-Environmental and Prosocial Behaviour. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Azhigulova, Kamila (2024) Role of Individual Differences in Goal Revision Upon Negative Career Feedback: Does Mindset Matter? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bahajji, Lina (2024) How does grunting influence masculinity, social dominance and attractiveness perceptions in gyms? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bakker, Wilhelmina H. M. (2024) The Influence of Gestures on Variability of Human Cognition during the Gear-System Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Baron, Bertus (2024) Op Weg Naar Duurzame Sportvelden: Eco-Anxiety en de Bereidheid om Meer te Betalen voor Verduurzaming van Sportclubs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bartelink, Pien, P.R.D. (2024) Stress Levels Measured by HRV During the IAT: Effects of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Becker, Niklas (2024) Public Acceptabiliy of Direct Air Capture with Carbon Storage (DACCS): The Effect of Knowledge and Mediating Role of Perceived Climate Severity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bedleková, Žofia (2024) From Stoic to Sensitive: Measuring Shifts in Societal Perceptions of Masculinity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Benedikovičová, Ellen (2024) To Eat or Not to Eat Meat: A Deep Dive Into Motivated Reasoning Behind Dietary Choices. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Benninghaus, Mats (2024) The Purpose of Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Educators and Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bensink, Sebastiaan (2024) What are the odds? The likelihood of information retention of behaviour-congruent and behaviour-incongruent information in the context of animal product consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bergman, Jasmijn (2024) The Relation of Negative Feedback and Career Distress Across Different Domains of Perfectionism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bergmann, Franka (2024) The Role of Gender Diversity on Public Participation in Energy Governance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Berkel, Noa van (2024) De Rol van Cognitieve Emotieregulatie in de Relatie tussen Strafgevoeligheid en Restrained Eating. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bernat, Viktoria (2024) Heartfelt Connections: Decoding the Interplay of Intergroup Threat and War Narratives on Empathy and Behavioral Intentions Toward Ukrainian Refugees. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bijen, Babette (2024) Reactions of gay men to gender norms and their acceptance of transgender people. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bintz, F. (2024) Interrelations of Perceptions of Non-Normative Climate Activism and Participation in Energy Governance Through Social Identity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Blauw, Remo (2024) High Levels of Neuroticism as a Predictor for the First Onset of Depression in Youth: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bleeker, Florence (2024) The Extent to Which the Perception of Other People’s Biospheric Values Influences Personal Pro-environmental Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bodewits, Carmen (2024) De Relatie tussen Antisociale Persoonlijkheidsproblemen bij Ouders en Negatieve Emoties bij Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Joyce de (2024) Tevredenheid van de Studentportalwebsite, onder Psychologie Studenten van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Marit (2024) Theta Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Predicting the Progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boer, N.D. de (2024) De Beleving van de Beving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boer, Puck P. de (2024) Disentangling Relations Between Upward Body Comparison Tendency, Self-Compassion and Body Envy on Dieting: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boerma, Jasper (2024) Victim blaming als mediator van de samenhang tussen empathie en erkenning bij slachtoffers van aanranding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boldt, Hannah (2024) From Anger to Action? Investigating the Relationship Between Eco-Anxiety, Eco-Anger and Pro-Environmetal Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boomsma, Renske (2024) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van ouderschap en opvoeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boon, M. (2024) Exploring the Spectrum of Responses to Art: A Comparative Analysis of Sex-Based Development Across Life Stages. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boon, Meike (2024) Exploring the Spectrum of Responses to Art: A Comparative Analysis of Sex-Based Development Across Life Stages. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Boonstra, Kimberly (2024) De relatie tussen negatieve interacties tussen ouders en negatieve emoties van hun jonge kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bootsma, René (2024) Sekse en Genderverschillen in de Positieve Gezondheid Perceptie van Ouderen met een Lage Sociaal-Economische Status. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Borg, Eva van der (2024) De werkende student: de combinatie tussen het studentenleven en een bijbaan. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Borst, Isa (2024) Network of Ideas: A comparison of Cognitive and Sociomaterial Approaches to Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bosch, Veronique van den (2024) Rol van Gedragsinhibitie bij de Initiële Ontwikkeling van Angststoornissen in Kindertijd en Adolescentie: Een Systematische Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bosma, Marjet (2024) Wat is de invloed van een bijbaan op het mentaal welzijn, de studieprestaties en de vrije tijd van een student? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bouma, Annick (2024) A study of the relationship between different forms of pride, empathy and tolerance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Braakman, Tom (2024) Working Smarter to get Things Done. How Procrastination Moderates the Relationship Between Workload and Unfinished Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Brandes, Charlotte (2024) Pro-Environmental Behavior in Distinct Social Roles and the Effects of Constructive Hope. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Brank, Eva (2024) What is the Face of Academia? Descriptive Analysis of Student and Educator Opinions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Brickenden, Eliza (2024) The Power of Purpose: Unpacking the Impact of Purpose in Life, Academic Self-Concordance, and Mindfulness on Academic Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Brink, Milou (2024) Invloed van de Hoeveelheid Gebaren op het Probleemoplossend Vermogen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bruin, Alice de (2024) Effects of Extraversion and Positive Emotion on Episodic Memory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bruins, Silke (2024) De Relatie Tussen de Bruikbaarheid en de Volledigheid en Interactiviteit van een Universiteitswebsite. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bruinsma, Hester (2024) Relatietevredenheid en Jaloezie in Partnerrelaties: De Mediërende Rol van Commitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bruinsma, Ids (2024) The Effect of the Need for Closure on Idea Evaluation as Moderated by Role Clarity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Buchenau, Annkathrin (2024) Aesthetic Experiences as Mirrors of the Self: A Pilot Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Buddle, Megan (2024) The Role of Normative Barriers in Limiting Public Engagement in Energy Governance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Buiko, Dominyka (2024) Understanding Student Well-Being Through the Interplay of Basic Psychological Needs and Values: A Qualitative Approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Burg, Florijne (2024) The relationship between gender, problem solving strategies, and problem solving speed. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Buring, Zohra Isobel (2024) Understanding Well-being in Academia Through Self-Determination Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Burlacu, Teodora (2024) Misperceptions of Ingroup and Outgroup Values and their Impact on Individual Pro-Environmental Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Busse, Jarla (2024) The Moderating Role of Political Orientation on the Relationship Between Perceived Risks and Public Acceptability of DACCS. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Butan, Maria Gabriela (2024) Deconstructing Hate: The Role of Dehumanization in Hate Perceptions of Moral Transgressors. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Bünger, Saskia Isabel (2024) The Moderating Role of the Belief in a Just World on Perceived Unfairness and (Dis) Honesty. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Cacencu, Cristiana (2024) Unveiling Gendered Hate: The Emotional Impact of Sexual Harassment Severity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Caillet, Cléophée G. (2024) How Negative Career Feedback Impacts Career Exploration: The Role of Career Self-Efficacy and Maladaptive Perfectionism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Castillo Janschek, Luis (2024) Dealing with unfinished tasks. The role of self-compassion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Cats, Merel (2024) Het Verband tussen Groepscohesie en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring en de Gedeeltelijk Mediërende Rol van Samenwerken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Chiriac, Elisabeta (2024) How Much Do Our Eyes Give Away? Exploring the Effects of Mind Wandering on Pupil Size in a Near-Threshold Visual Detection Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Chitic, Dumitru (2024) A Brief Meaning in Life Intervention and Flow. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ciuperca, Dorina (2024) Perception of biospheric values and circular economy behaviours. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Correa, Sasha (2024) Perceived Similarity with Peer and Faculty Mentors: Effects on Student Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Corrigan, Nelly (2024) Grunting speaks louder than words – Perceptions of Men Grunting in the Gym. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Covers, Thomas (2024) The two facets of pride and how they influence prosociality. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Cramer van den Bogaart, Denise (2024) How Masculinity and Gender Norms Influence Gay Men’s Attitudes Towards Transgender People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Crone, F.S. (2024) The effect of three of the Big Five personality traits, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience on Affective Polarisation after a conversation about a polarised topic. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Csomor, Dávid (2024) Who Can Tell If It Is AI: Can Inductive Learning Improve AI-Art Literacy? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Csölle, Kristóf (2024) We’re All in This Together: Investigating the Relationships Between Climate Policy Acceptance, Public Participation Procedures, and Group Values. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Damm, Rebekka (2024) Does Extrinsic Motivation Moderate the Relationship Between Perceived Unfairness and Dishonest Behavior? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dantzer, Kjell (2024) A Comparative Review of Sociocultural and Sociomaterial Approaches to Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Das, Shristi (2024) Temporal Patterns in Attractor States to Understand Problem-Solving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Davids, Hylke Bowe (2024) Leader employee working dynamics. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
De Jong, Jildou (2024) Hechtingsstijlen en de Mate van Acceptatie van Verdachte Partnergedragingen: De Mediërende Rol van Angstige Jaloezie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dechering, Anne-Floor (2024) Perception of others’ biospheric values influences our own engagement in pro-environmental behaviour. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dekkers, Hanne Jetske (2024) Een Gepolariseerd Gesprek: Effect van Conflictstijlen op Harmonie in een Online Gesprek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Demeler, Ramsis (2024) How Despotic Leadership Moderates the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Job Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dethmers, Alieke (2024) De Samenhang tussen Communicatiekwaliteit en Overspelintentie: De Mediërende Rol van Relatietevredenheid en de Nauwkeurigheid van de Inschatting van wat de Partner Ziet als Acceptabel Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Diekstra, Meike (2024) De Prins(es) op het witte Paard: de Invloed van Sekse op Partnervoorkeuren in een Romantische Relatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dijkstra, Rianne (2024) Welke Sociale Omgevingsfactoren Voorspellen de Eerste Ontwikkeling Van Depressie Bij Kinderen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dijkstra, Simon (2024) Differences in Design Preferences for a Neurofeedback Companion for Neurofeedback Training Between People with Psychiatric and Cognitive Complaints. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Diken, Alisha van (2024) Negatieve Interactie tussen Ouders en de Emoties van hun Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dirks, Elena (2024) The Impact of Gender Norms and Traditional Masculinity on Gay Men’s Attitudes Toward Transgender Individuals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Doelman, Joëlle (2024) Wat Maakt de Eerste Date Succesvol: Verschillen tussen Mannen en Vrouwen in Effectieve Gedragingen op een Eerste Date. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Doorn, Silke (2024) Weerbaarheid op de Baan: de Rol van Mentale Veerkracht op Tennisprestaties bij Nederlandse Jeugdtennissers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dost, Leonie (2024) Disentangling the influence of body-admiration, thin-ideal internalization and Upward Body Comparison Tendency on Dieting behaviour in a Sample of College Women: A moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Douma, Femke (2024) Paniek? De Beleving van de Beving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Drogt, Ashley (2024) The Influence of Mental Imagery Ability Across Sensory Modalities on Aesthetic Appreciation in Terms of Emotional Impact and Immersion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Duijn, Sjoerd van (2024) “Ben ik zó slim?” Het schooladvies, schoolresultaten, en de perceptie van de eigen competentie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Dunst, Miriam (2024) Individual Role Differences in Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Influence of Biospheric Value and Perceived Capability in the Personal and the Professional Roles. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Durivou, Floris (2024) Disentangling the Relations Between Purpose in Life, Academic Self-Concordance, and Mindfulness on Subjective Well-Being: a Moderated-Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Düßler, Lenno (2024) Exploring the Interplay Between Student Identity, Basic Psychological Needs, and Well-Being in Higher Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Elgersma, Femke (2024) The influence of normative and gain goal-framing on people from rural areas’ intention to use carpooling. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Elzie, Eveline Louise (2024) The Role of Dehumanization and Evilness Attributions on the Negative Emotional Reactions towards Sexual Harassers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Embovica, Inga (2024) Student Engagement as a Mediator Between Academic Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievements. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Erkens, Jimi (2024) The Impact of Attitudes and Reactions Towards Game-Based Assessments on Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Eshuis, Daniel (2024) A Matter of Perspective: The Cognitive and Sociomaterial Views on Distraction and Digitalization in Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Etwaroe, Asmita (2024) Schooladvies en Vocational Identity: Hoe Ervaringen van het Schooladvies de Doelen van Jongvolwassenen Beïnvloeden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Evers, J.A.C. (2024) Angstklachten van Ouders en Emotionele Flexibiliteit van Ouders en hun Peuters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ewerth, V.F. (2024) That Has Nothing to Do with how I feel - How Affect Influences Conflict with Supervisors: Exploring the Moderating Role of Competitive Climate. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ezzedinne, Aya (2024) Does Absorption Moderate the Effect of Awe-Induction on Emotion of Awe, Time Perception, Perception of Vastness, and Accommodation Motivation? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Falke, Kim (2024) De Beleving van het Schooladvies uit Sociaal Perspectief. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Farah, Mahamed I. and Buring, Zohra Isobel and Kučárová, Terézia and Düßler, Lenno and Buiko, Dominyka and Hilber, James (2024) Understanding Well-being in Academia through Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Feij, G.P.H. (2024) Trap door naar een Duurzame Toekomst: Het Effect van Topsporters op de Intentie tot Duurzaam Transport Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ferstl, Christina (2024) Do High Performing Employees Suffer More? The Relationship between Layoffs, Psychological Contract Violation and Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Fiedler, Daan Liam (2024) The Receiving Side of Creativity: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility Between Positive Trait-Affect and Idea Evaluation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Fietje, Suzanne (2024) Cognitieve Kwetsbaarheden als Voorspellers van een Eerste Depressie in Jongeren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Fleck, Lena (2024) Mitigating Climate Change Across Different Roles: The Role of Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control in Forming Pro-Environmental Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Fokkema, Merijn (2024) Society’s Perceptions: Traditional Versus Modern Masculinity and Sexual Harassment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Frank, Jona (2024) Who can tell if it’s AI? Investigating the effects of training on AI-generated art recognition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Freels, Carla (2024) King of the Gym? Investigating the Effect of Grunting on Masculinity Perceptions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Friedrich, Sophie (2024) The Salience of Moral Implications of Meat Consumption in Predicting Moral Disengagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Frieh, Amélie (2024) The Relation between PTSD Symptoms in Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD and their Daily Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Frieseman, Sander (2024) "I am scard of commitment" A study on Identity Development and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Frieseman, Sander (2024) "I am scared of commitment" A study on Identity Development and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Fritzsche, Felicitas (2024) Pro-Environmental Motivation as an Antecedent of Circular Economy Behaviours – An Alternative Explanation of Positive Spillover Effects. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ganesan, Nidarshana (2024) Exploring Psychological Detachment in the Face of Unfinished Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Garcia Keinanen, Maria Elizabeth (2024) Disentangling upward social comparison tendency, body-envy and perfectionism on dieting in a sample of college women: a moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Garrido Jimenez, Javier (2024) Cognitive Impact of a Drone-Assisted Inspection in a Space Analog Mission. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gast, Julia (2024) Doortrappen naar een duurzamere toekomst. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gebauer, Maximilian (2024) The Role of Student- and Faculty Mentors` Immediacy Behavior in Promoting Students` Sense of Belongingness and Intellectual Risk-Taking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Geffken, Anna (2024) The Development of Aesthetic Appreciation: A Progressive Shift from Simple Emotion to Complex Cognition? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gembris, Anna-Marlene (2024) What is the Effect of Personalized Information on Social Media Profiles of Conservatives on Affective Polarization Among Left-Leaning People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gemmink, Marrit (2024) Experiencing and Expressing Different Pride States: the Relation with Empathy and Tolerance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gerbrandij, Albert (2024) Examining People’s Perceptions of Those Who Grunt in the Gym. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Goedeke, Johan (2024) The Impact of Daily Work Events on Self-Esteem: Neuroticism as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gościański, Kajetan (2024) Exploring the Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Academic Performance With Flow as a Mediator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Graveland, Romee, R.N.A. (2024) ADHD Symptoms and Cognitive Motivation in University Students: The Mediating Role of Motivational Drive. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Groot-Zevert, Laura (2024) Het Effect van de Houding ten opzichte van Samenwerken op de Sociale Interactie en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Groote, Isabelle de (2024) Does the Need to Maintain an Honest Self-Concept Moderate the Association between Perceived Unfairness and Dishonest Behavior? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Grunert, Max (2024) “Light weight, baby” - The Effects of Grunting During Weightlifting on Perceived Masculinity, Dominance, and Aggressiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Gucik, Adam (2024) The Influence of Authentic and Hubristic Pride in Shaping Tolerance Mediated by Empathy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Guerlixa Machado, Beatriz Alexandra (2024) Career Goals and Negative Feedback: Understanding the Drivers of Career Exploration. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Guguianu-Tincu, Daria (2024) What Just Happened? How Complex Film Plots Shape Cognitive Empathy in Extraverts. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Günther, Max (2024) How needs based off job crafting may buffer against affective rumination over unfinished tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hackenberg, Luke Hendrik (2024) Navigating the Digital Classroom: A Comparative Analysis of Sociomaterial vs. Cognitive Approaches to Understanding Learning Experiences in Online Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Haes, Kris de (2024) Een Fit voor een Groene Toekomst: De Rol van Sporters in het Promoten van Duurzaam Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hakenberg, Kim (2024) Mind-wandering in Aesthetic Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hakkers, Emily (2024) Genderverschillen in de Percepties van Verbondenheid, Sociale Steun en Geloof in Eigen Kunnen bij de deelnemers van Community Wise. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hall, Rubi (2024) Group Identification and Participation in Community Adaptation Action: The Mediating Role of Sense of Community Responsibility. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hansel, Joshua (2024) How does artistic engagement change the way we experience aesthetics outside of a typical art environment? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hara, Koichi (2024) Understanding Well-Being in Academia Through Self-Determination Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Harfterkamp, Emma and Karlsen, Dina and Meijer, Jonna and Fokkema, Merijn and Lange, Natascha and Jonge, Nienke, de (2024) Societal Perceptions of New and Traditional Masculine Men’s Gender Egalitarian Views. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hartman, Miron (2024) Een onderzoek naar de invloed van het combineren van studeren met een bijbaan. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hartwig, Nele (2024) No Evidence for a Mediating Role of Hyperfocus in the Relationship Between Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hasert, Analiv (2024) Callous-Unemotional Traits, Attachment Avoidance, and Social Reward: A Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hasper, Fleur (2024) De Chemie van Begroetingen: Hoe het Eerste ‘Hallo’ Invloed Heeft op het Succes van de Eerste Date. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hazenbrink, Sophie (2024) De relatie tussen telewerkintensiteit en het gevoel van verbondenheid met mogelijke moderator interactieve taken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Heijenbrok, J.M.T. (2024) Navigating the Nexus: The Impact of Daily Stressors on Rumination and Depression. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Heinrichs, Svenja (2024) Can Cognitive Dissonance Confrontation Lead to Behavior Change Regarding Dietary Choices? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hendrikse, Hannah (2024) Het Effect van het Verhinderen van Handgebaren op Spraak. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hetmeier, Jasper (2024) Well-Being in Academia: The Importance of Acknowledging Pluralistic Experiences for Possible Interventions in Universities. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hiddema, Kars (2024) Op weg naar duurzaamheid: De rol van Eco-Anxiety in de keuze voor duurzamer transport. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hilber, Andreas (2024) The Power of Resilience: Understanding Student Well-Being through Self Determination Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hilber, James (2024) The Power of Resilience: Understanding Student Well-Being through Self Determination Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hilber, James (2024) The power of resilience: understanding student well-being through self determination theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hof, Ebel (2024) Sekse- en genderverschillen in de perceptie op positieve gezondheid onder ouderen met een laag sociaaleconomische status in foto-elicitatie interviews. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hof, Martijn van 't (2024) Het Belang van Hoffelijkheid voor Romantisch Succes. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hofbauer, Lotte (2024) The Relationship Between Daily PTSD Symptom Fluctuations and Substance Use: A Systematic Literature Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Holm, Tina and Sadlier, Lily and Erkens, Jimi and Rusch, Felix (2024) Perceptions and attraction: A mediating analysis of Game-based Assessment in personnel selection. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Holvast, Esmée C. J. (2024) The influence of Knowledge on Polarization and Negative Emotions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hoogers, Jet (2024) Foto-elicitatieonderzoek naar percepties over positieve gezondheid onder oudere mannen en vrouwen met een lage sociaaleconomische status. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hoogland, Jasmijn (2024) Verbindt Fictie? Het Effect van het Lezen van Fictie op Cognitieve Empathie in een Gepolariseerde Samenleving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hooijman, Maud (2024) The Relationship between Cognitively Driven Pupil Size Changes and Visual Processing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Hopman, Lisanne (2024) Ouderlijke Psychopathologie als Risicofactor voor de Initiële Ontwikkeling van een Depressie bij Kinderen: Een Systematische Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Huisma, Andrea (2024) De Relatie tussen Negatievere Attitudes tegenover Veroudering en Stressreducerend Gedrag en de Modererende Rol van Controle. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Humpf, Johannes (2024) Disentangling How Purpose in Life, Academic Self-Concordance, and Self-Reflection Relate to Subjective Well-Being in Students: A Moderated-Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Härtel, Madlen (2024) The Relationship Between ADHD and Self-Regulated Learning in University Students: Exploring the Role of Self-Compassion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Irfan, Hadya Layla Aretha and Silva van der Meer, Carmem Anneke da and Uszko, Hanna and Ferstl, Christina and Sokolov, David (2024) From Security to Uncertainty: Psychological Contract Violations in the Wake of Layoffs and The Moderating Role of Distributive Justice. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ivancheva, Yoanna (2024) How Does Job Crafting Moderate the Relationship Between Workload and Unfinished Tasks? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jamin, Rémy (2024) Exploring the Relation between ADHD Symptoms, Self-Compassion and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in First Year Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jelsma, Joëlla (2024) De Relatie tussen Hoogsensitiviteit en Mentale Gezondheid: Een Onderzoek onder Studenten met Sociale Steun als Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jong, Lycke, de (2024) Disentangling the Roles of Purpose in Life, Mindfulness, and Academic Self-concordance on Academic Harmonious Passion: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jong, Pieter de (2024) Duurzaam Scoren: De Rol van Eco-Anxiety in de Keuze voor Duurzame Sportproducten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jong, Sanne de (2024) Meat consumption explained through strictness in diet, biospheric values and attitudes towards the consumption of meat. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jonge, Nienke de (2024) Perceptions of Variance in Gender Equality-Supportive Attitudes and Behaviors Between Traditional and New Masculine Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jonkman, Marilin (2024) Eco-anxiety en duurzaam gedrag: Hoe sportdoelen invloed hebben op de bereidheid tot vegetarisch eten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Joostens, Remko (2024) Disentangling the Relationship Between Purpose in Life, Academic Self-concordance, and Self-reflection on Academic Satisfaction: A Moderated-Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jordan, Sophie (2024) Influencing Factors in Public Acceptability of DACCS: The Role of Group Identification, Group Biospheric Values and Political Orientation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Jungclaus, Rayk (2024) Why Are People Carpooling and What Might Prevent Them? Carpooling Behavior Examined Through Goal Framing and Dispositional Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kabierschke Sotelo, Stefanie (2024) Gender Differences in a Mental Rotation Task: Examining the Number of Strategies Used and Discovery of Parity Strategy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kaci, Filiz (2024) ‘In a healthy body resides a healthy mind’: Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Students Mental Health and the Moderating Role of Physical Activity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kaldhone, Aditi Ashish (2024) Does Neuroticism Moderate the Effect of Negative Events on Employee Self-Esteem? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kamp, Bridget (2024) The Association Between Daily PTSD Symptom Severity and Substance Use in Clinical and Nonclinical PTSD Patients: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kapoh, Ezra (2024) Commitment Utility In Overarching And Domain-Specific Commitments. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Karge, Jacqueline (2024) Disentangling upward social comparison, insecure narcissism and body envy on weight loss dieting: a moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Karlsen, Dina M. D. (2024) Masculinity Types and Emotional Expressiveness: Implications for Intimate Partner Violence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kasabova, Teya (2024) The Effects of Roles, Responsibility, and Social Norms on Pro-Environmental Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kassenberg, Erik (2024) Your Hamburger With a Side of Oppression: Cognitive Dissonance and Social Justice Values. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keijzer, Emma (2024) Ouderlijke ADHD-Symptomen en Negatieve Emoties bij Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keijzer, Laura (2024) Politics and Perceptions: How Social Safety Campaigns and Political Ideology Influence Moral Judgments. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keil, Marlene (2024) Eating in the Absence of Hunger: The Role of Punishment Sensitivity and Emotion Regulation Skills. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keller, Ida (2024) The Influence of Gender Norms and Endorsement of Traditional Masculinity on the Attitudes of Cis Gay Men Toward Transgender Individuals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keller Munoz, Jon (2024) Decolonising Mental Health through an Indigenous Māori Lens. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Keuning, Alysha (2024) The Influence of Childhood Adversity on Emotional Reactivity to Daily Stress in Adulthood: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Khalil, Sarah (2024) Sekse- en genderverschillen in de perceptie van positieve gezondheid bij ouderen met lage SES. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kielstra, Jeske (2024) Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de combinatie van studeren en een bijbaan op studieprestaties, mentaal welzijn en vrije tijd, en de rol van timemanagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kieviet, Quint (2024) De Samenhang Tussen ADHD bij Ouders en de Emotionele Flexibiliteit van Ouders en Ouder-Kind Dyades: Een Naturalistisch Observationeel Onderzoek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kiewiet, Paulien (2024) The Purpose Fulfilment Gap; What Student and Educators Think About University Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kijlstra, Joyce (2024) De invloed van ervaren leeftijd en controle over veroudering door middel van alcoholconsumptie op alcoholconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kilian, Jana (2024) To Switch or Not to Switch: The Influence of Feedback Valence and -Magnitude on Probabilistic Decision-Making. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kitsis, Georgios (2024) Does reflection on past group behavior or reflection on past individual behavior, has a greater impact on the intentions to perform an environmental behavior in the future? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Klaeser, Karina (2024) Effect of Negative Work Events on State Self-Esteem. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Klaver, Floris (2024) De Rol van Gender- en Sekseverschillen op Positieve Gezondheidspercepties bij Participanten van de Community Wise Interventie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kleine Schaars, Laurie (2024) De Rol van Angst in de Relatie tussen Callous-Unemotional Traits en Hechting. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Klingels, Hannah Marie (2024) On the Edge of Change: Understanding the Factors Influencing the Transition From a Meat-Based to a Meatless Diet. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Klink, Yannick (2024) Moral Disengagement in the Context of Dietary Preferences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Knijpstra, Berber (2024) Do-Gooders or Moral Cheats: Consistency in Pro-Environmental Action - Environmental Spillover: Individual versus. Group. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Koellmann, Phil Bennet (2024) The Effects of Positive Emotion on the Precision of Episodic Memory and Influences of Emotional Reactivity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Koetje, J.H. (2024) Fysieke Aantrekkelijkheid van de Partner en Relatietevredenheid: De Rol van Jaloezie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kok, S. (2024) Students’ Preference for Assessment Methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kooi, E.C. van der (2024) Houding ten opzichte van Samenwerken, Groepscohesie en de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kooi, E.C. van der (2024) Houding ten opzichte van Samenwerken, Groepscohesie en de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Koopmans, Julie (2024) Sekse- en Genderverschillen bij Ouderen met een Lage Sociaaleconomische Status en de Perceptie van Positieve Gezondheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Korth, Jenni (2024) The Influence of Home-Office Set-Up on Telework Intensity in the Hybrid Work Context and the Moderating Role of Interactive Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Krakau de Jong, Marije (2024) Cognitieve emotieregulatie en Eten in de Afwezigheid van Honger. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kraker, Lotte de (2024) Zelfvertrouwen en Relatietevredenheid: De Mediërende Rol van Angstige Jaloezie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Krambeer, Malte Leonard (2024) Identification of Prior Knowledge for the Optimization of Adaptive Fact-Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kreulen, Isa (2024) Sprintend naar Duurzaamheid: de Rol van Sport in de Relatie tussen Eco-anxiety en een Vegetarisch Dieet. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kreulen, Isa (2024) Sprintend naar Duurzaamheid: de Rol van Sport in de Relatie tussen Eco-anxiety en een Vegetarisch Dieet. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Krol, M.S. (2024) Investigating the Impact of the Implicit Association Test on Stress by Measuring Heart Rate Variability and the Moderating Role of Neuroticism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Krol, M.S. (2024) Investigating the Impact of the Implicit Association Test on Stress by Measuring Heart Rate Variability and the Moderating Role of Neuroticism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kroon, Veerle (2024) The Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation on Academic Success With Flow as a Mediator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kruis, G.D. (2024) De Invloed van Positieve Interdependentie op de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, met de Mediërende Rol van Groepscohesie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kruize, Chris (2024) Task interdependence as a mediator of the relationship between shared leadership and performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kudelska, Lena (2024) The Effect of Organizational Social Safety Policy on Conflict Perception and Reaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kuiper, Maaike (2024) Verbondenheidsatisfactie en Autonome Motivatie bij Sporters die aan Fitness doen: de Modererende Rol van Veerkracht. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kuiper, Nynne (2024) Negatief Affect en Dieetsucces: de Rol van Emotieregulatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kunath, Katharina (2024) Protecting Your Calling: Career Goal Downward Revision Upon Receiving Negative Career Feedback, Mediated by Career Distress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kuperus, Katharina Anne Rixt (2024) De beleving van de beving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kučárová, Terézia (2024) Understanding Well-being in Academia through Self-Determination Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kyriakou, Mikaela, Ms (2024) Sex as a moderator in the association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Attachment Styles. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Kölling, P.F. (2024) The aha-moment in problem-solving: age effects in gesturing for solving gear problems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Laman, Lise (2024) ADHD-Symptomen, Executieve Functies en Strategisch Plannen bij Universiteitsstudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lammers, Alinde (2024) The influence of art consumption on theory of mind development. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Landman, Sarah (2024) De Relatie tussen Ouderlijke Zelfeffectiviteit en Emotionele Flexibiliteit bij hun Jonge Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Landmeter, Emma (2024) Relatie tussen approach temperament & mentale gezondheid: mediërende rol van growth mindset. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Landzettel, Timo (2024) Can We Unlearn to Get Tricked? An Inductive Learning Approach to Distinguish Between AI Paintings and Traditional Paintings. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lange, Natascha (2024) Exploring Societal Perceptions of New Masculinity Traits in Fatherhood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lawson, Marie (2024) A Queer Eye On Masculinity: The Impact of Traditional Masculinity Norms and Gender Norm Perceptions on Gay Men’s Attitudes Towards Transgender Individuals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Leber, Louis (2024) Implications of Negative Career Feedback: Career Distress, Downward Career Goal Revision, and the Role of Growth Mindset. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Leezenberg, Liam (2024) Van Advies tot Toekomst: Een Kwalitatief Onderzoek naar Leerlingenperspectieven op Schooladvies en Onderwijsloopbanen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Leffers, Jens (2024) There is No Mediating Effect of Hyperfocus on the Positive Relationship Between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Leister, Thea Sophie (2024) Stick to the Meat You Know - The Role of Status Quo Bias and Moral Disengagement in Sustaining Meat Consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lekkerkerk, T.D. (2024) The Relationship between Shared Leadership and Employee Performance: the Moderating Role of Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lensen, Marieke (2024) De beleving van de Beving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lepenies, Leon (2024) How Legitimate is Legitimacy? Perceived Legitimacy and its Predictors in the Context of Climate Policies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lessing, Max (2024) What Effect does Perceived Stress have on the Frequency and Intensity of Aesthetic Experiences? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lindenhayn, Taya (2024) “Wherever You Are, Be There Totally”: Sensory Processing Sensitivity, Student Mental Health and the Moderating Effect of Mindfulness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lipták, Samo (2024) Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy as determinants of participation in Collective action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Liu, Romano (2024) Unraveling the Fabric of Learning: A critical Examination of Sociomaterial Perspectives on Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lohmann, Catharina (2024) ADHD, Executive Function and the Core Executive Function Working Memory in Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Loo, Marthe van (2024) The importance of group values in pro-environmental change. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Loos, Jari (2024) The moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between destructive leadership and job performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ludwig, Leopold (2024) How Does Individuals’ Justice Sensitivity Affect Engagement in Dishonest Behavior when Being Treated Unfairly? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Luncanu, Matei, M.G. (2024) A Systematic Review Over the Relationship Between Daily Stressors Experienced by Young Adults With no Diagnosed Mental Health Disorders and The Severity of Their Daily Depressive Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lutgert, Dennis (2024) Telewerk en Werktevredenheid: Een Onderzoek naar de Relatie en het Modererende Effect van Taakvolbrenging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Lutgert, Dennis (2024) Telewerk en Werktevredenheid: Een Onderzoek naar de Relatie en het Modererende Effect van Taakvolbrenging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Luze, Emma Marie (2024) Empathy and Behavioral Intentions Toward Ukrainian Refugees: An Examination of Information Exposure and European Identification. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mandić, Nives (2024) The Role of Mentors' Immediacy Behaviors in Mentees' Sense of Belonging and Well-Being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mandon, Louise (2024) Effects of Task Interdependence on Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Role of Mutual Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Maring, Floor (2024) Snoezige Vrienden: Het onderzoeken van de connectie tussen mens en huisdier. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mattern, Kinga, A (2024) Development and Emotions: To what Extent Does the Valence of Emotions Felt in Art Appreciation Affect the Semiotic Strategies Used by Children to Appreciate and Interact with Art. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
May, Francesca (2024) The Dishonesty Dance: How the Felling of Injustice Makes You Want to Behave Dishonestly (But Maybe Your Inner Saint Can Stop You?). Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
McMahon, Emma L. (2024) How does Right-Wing Authoritarianism Influence the Relationship Between Choice of Diet and Usage of Cognitive Dissonance Reduction Strategies? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meer, Doety Anna van der (2024) Autisme en Emotionele Flexibiliteit van Peuters Tijdens Ouder-Kind Interacties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meerema, Marijn (2024) Need for Closure en creatieve idee evaluatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meiborg, Willemijn (2024) Are Acceptability Levels Significantly High Among Therapists, Individuals with a (Sub)Clinical Disorder and the Healthy Population Regarding the Addition of a Neurofeedback Learning Companion to Neurofeedback Training for the Improvement of Executive Functions? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meiden, Susan van der (2024) Geuitte Emoties in Gepolariseerde Gesprekken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meijer, J.K. (2024) Exploring Societal Perceptions Regarding Intimate Partner Violence in Relation to Masculinity Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meindertsma, Tjalle (2024) De Rol van Executieve Functies in de Relatie tussen ADHD en Studieprestatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meinten, Anka (2024) De effecten van studeren met een bijbaan. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mensinga, Fleur (2024) PEB in the Workplace. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mensink, Jesse (2024) Trots, een te Complexe Emotie? Een Experimenteel Onderzoek naar de Invloed van Authentieke en Hubristische Trots op Empathie en Tolerantie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mers, Joris (2024) The Forecast of Victory: Mental Toughness as a Predictor of Future Tennis Success. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mertins, Isabel (2024) The effect of stress and heart rate variability on schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorder symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mesken, Tessa (2024) Exploring the Impact of Chronotype on Spontaneous Pupil Fluctuation during a Cognitive Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meulen, Ilse van der (2024) The role of body movement intensity in the gear-system paradigm. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Meulman, Marit (2024) De Rol van Extraversie in Polarisatie: Een Onderzoek naar de Mediatie van Gespreksflow. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Michelle, Chelsea (2024) The Impact of Telework Intensity on Employee Task Performance: The Moderating Role of Employee Living Companions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Michlewicz, Jadwiga (2024) Why Do Motivated Students Perform Better? Hyperfocus as a Potential Mediator Between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Minnen, Janke van (2024) The Relation Between Frontal Brain Activation During Executive Performance and Daily Life Functioning in People With Major Depressive Disorder. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Morshuis, L.M (2024) De relatie tussen Theory of Mind en emotie in kunst. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mulder, Silke (2024) De Invloed van Positieve Interdependentie op Samenwerkend Leren en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Muskita, Yonna Claudia (2024) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van ouderschap en opvoeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Mönch, Pauline (2024) Onze Geliefde Viervoeters: Het Verkennen van de Mens/Dier Connectie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Müller, Hanjo (2024) Connected With an Inherently Human Whole? The relationship between awe, dehumanization, and ego dissolution. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Müller-Kuckelberg, Maike Malena (2024) Seeing Invisible Harm: The Impact of Harm Salience & Empathetic Concern on Moral Judgement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nanninga, Thessa (2024) Parental Depression and Emotions of Parents and Toddlers: Flexibility and Expression in Interactions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Neubauer, Paula (2024) Exploration in Depth as a Mediator: Understanding the Influence of Commitment Strength on Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Neuhaus, Maximillian (2024) Affective Polarization in Online Discussions: A Practical Solution? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Neuvel, Anne (2024) Persoonlijkheidstrekken in relatie tot de lichamelijke reactie van kinderen op kunst. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Niango, Kaylynn (2024) The Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy on the Relationship Between Destructive Leadership and Employee Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nickol, Lenna (2024) Ambulatory Measurements of the Relation between Insecure Attachment Style and Stress: A Systematic Literature Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nieminen, Mirjam Esteriina (2024) Negative Career Feedback Effects on Career Goal Engagement: Exploring Goal Discrepancy and Professional Skills and Abilities Growth Mindset Dynamics. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Niggendijker, H. (2024) Students' preference on examination format and the relation with learning strategies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nijboer, Roos (2024) De Relatie tussen Hoogesensitiviteit en Mentale Gezondheid onder Studenten: de Modererende Rol van Zelfwaardering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nijenkamp, Caitlin (2024) 'Iedereen dacht er zo over': De wisselwerking tussen ervaringen van het schooladvies en waardeoordelen over schoolniveaus. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Nitz, Bente Levin (2024) Development of an Acceptability Measure of Psychedelic-Assisted Interventions for Adults Including an Experimental Video Intervention. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Noort, T.C. van den (2024) Creativity in the Workplace: the Mediating Role of Trust between Shared Leadership and Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Odolphij, Tim (2024) Thuiswerken: Relatie met werktevredenheid en de rol van werklocatie-autonomie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oldörp, Laura-Marie (2024) HRV and Stress Regulation: Sex Differences in Heart Rate Variability and Perceived Stress During Participation of IAT. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oltmann, Finn (2024) Group Identity and Perceived Discrimination as Psychological Determinants of Community-led Pro-environmental Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oncescu, Mihai Andrei (2024) How Positive Emotion and Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms Affect Episodic Memory Accuracy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Onderstal, L.C. (2024) De Relatie tussen Hoogsensitiviteit en Mentale Gezondheid onder Studenten: Inzicht in De Rol van Emotieregulatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ooiman, Lisa (2024) Motivated Reasoning Behind Dietary Choices. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oosterhuis, Cindy Trix (2024) Understanding Harm Perception: The Impact of Social Safety Campaigns and Organizational Identification. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oostra, Nienke (2024) Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Student Mental Health in the Netherlands: The Moderating Role of Self-Concept Clarity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Opršalová, Klára (2024) Examining the Mediating Role of Engagement Between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Opršalová, Klára (2024) Examining the Mediating Role of Engagement Between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Oterdoom, Thomas Jan (2024) The Relationship between Pride, Empathy and Tolerance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ozcelik, Emir (2024) Polarisatie in Gesprekken: Het Impact van Openheid op Discussies over Vluchtelingenopname in Nederland. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Pavičić, Lucija (2024) The Influence of Authentic and Hubristic Pride on Tolerance and the Mediating Role of Empathy and Self-Focus. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Peklar, Nika (2024) Examining State Self-Esteem in the Face of Workplace Events: The Moderating Role of Sensory Processing Sensitivity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Perifanou, Evangelia, E (2024) Exploring Art's Transformative Potential: An Inquiry into Pelowski and Akiba's Model of Art Perception in Children and Adolescents. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Peristianis, Ioannis (2024) Disentangling the Roles of Purpose in Life, Self-Reflection, and Self-Concordance on Negative Affect: A Moderated Mediation Model. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Petermann, Mai (2024) Environmental Sensitivity and Student Mental Health: Investigating the Moderating Role of Connectedness to Nature. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Petkova, Maria (2024) Advocating for Behavioral Shift and Raise in Awareness Amidst a Warming Planet. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Pickman, Ivan (2024) Investigating the Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Self-Regulated Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Pieper, Lois (2024) Huisdierpsychologie: De Processen van Beïnvloeding door Honden en Katten op Mensen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Piepers, Matsen (2024) The Role of Performance Tasks in Higher Education Assessment: A Study of Students’ Preferences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Pieters, Senna (2024) How Daily Negative Work Events Predict Employee Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of Neuroticism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ploeg, Bettine, van der (2024) Hoogsensitiviteit en Studentenwelzijn: de Modererende Rol van Eenzaamheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Podt, Ellemijn (2024) Measuring Heart Rate Variability and Perceived Stress during an IAT: Gendered Socialization and the Pressure to Conform to Social Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Pop, Patricia Alanis (2024) Empathy and Emotions in the Filmic Experience: The Influence of Narrative Complexity and Visual Film Style. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Post, Tessa Lynn (2024) Het Mentale Spel van Tennis: Invloed van Psychologische Vaardigheden op de Voorspelbaarheid van Tennisprestaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Posthuma, Laura (2024) Hybride Werken: Hoe productief zijn we wanneer onderbrekingen op de loer liggen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Postma, Hannah (2024) Sleep Deprivation and Near-Threshold Detection Across the Visual Field: A Pupillometry Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Prakash, Prajwal (2024) "What a nice thought!": Exploring the Role of Positive Emotion in Episodic Memory Using Imagination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Preusting, Gitte (2024) Aiming for Success: The Role of Approach Goals in Performance Improvement in Youth Tennis Players. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Prins, Vera (2024) De Kunst van het Omgaan met Veroudering: Een Onderzoek naar de Samenhang tussen Leeftijd, Attitudes, Controle en Fysieke Activiteit in het Verouderingsproces. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Prinsen, Raoul (2024) Het Effect van Veerkracht op de Relatie tussen Competentie Tevredenheid en Autonome Motivatie bij Sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Raaij, Emie van (2024) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van ouderschap en opvoeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rabbow, Johanna (2024) Investigating Human's Need for Cognition in its Relationship to Affective Polarization on Twitter. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Raducu, Diana (2024) Callous-unemotional traits and attachment styles: Exploring the moderating role of anxiety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rakou, Ioulita (2024) Investigating the Role of Hyperfocus in the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ramos, Arya (2024) Shared leadership and employee creativity: how does trust moderate this relationship? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Reddy Kankanala, Priyamvada (2024) Shared Leadership and Performance: The Moderating Role of Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Regorius, Lisa (2024) Mood: Does it Influence Emotions During Aesthetic Experiences? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rehwinkel, Mijke (2024) Kunstbeleving en Betekenisgeving bij Kinderen: Het Effect van Kleurgebruik in Kunstobjecten op de Emoties van Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Reinstrom, Maria (2024) Future Energy Systems: An Analysis of Public Preferences Based on Distributional Fairness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Reinwand, Luca Daniel (2024) Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as predictors of academic performance among university students with flow as a mediator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Reits, Isis (2024) The Influence of Shared Leadership in the Workplace. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rijksen, Ties (2024) The Link Between Workload and Unfinished Tasks and the Role of Self-management. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rohowski, Hanna (2024) B Psychologie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rolander, Karin (2024) Perceiving Masculinity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Sex Appeal and Sexual Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Roorda, Keke (2024) De rol van sekse en gender in positieve gezondheidspercepties van oudere inwoners van buurten met een lage sociaaleconomische status. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ruiter, Floor de (2024) Schooladvies en Leermotivatie: Een Kwalitatief Onderzoek Naar De Ervaring Van Nederlandse Scholieren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ruiter, Jorn (2024) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van ouderschap en opvoeding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rusch, Felix (2024) Comparing Applicants’ Attitudes towards Game-Based Assessments and Traditional Pen-and-Paper Assessments. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rölleke, Alexandra (2024) Telework and Sense of Belonging: The Effect of Telework Intensity and Voluntariness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Rühsen, Paul (2024) AI or Art? – Can we learn to differentiate between AI Imagery and Art? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sadlier, Lily and Erkens, Jimi and Holm, Tina and Rusch, Felix (2024) A Comparative Study on Applicant Attitudes Towards Game-based vs Traditional Assessment: Investigating Age as a Moderator Between Perceived Fairness and Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sahm, Marie (2024) Adaptive Responses to Negative Feedback: Exploring the Role of Growth Mindset and Self-Efficacy in Sustaining Career Goal Engagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Salverda, Romee (2024) Do-Gooders or Moral Cheats: Consistency in Pro-Environmental Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sange, Natalia (2024) Ruminating about Unfinished Tasks? - The Role of Peace of Mind. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Saul, Greta (2024) Group Identification and Participation in Community-Led Adaptation Actions: The Mediating Role of Perceived Group Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schaaf, Hannah van der (2024) Invloed van Verschillende Vormen van Trots op Empathie en Tolerantie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schaik, Tijs van (2024) The Influence of Intrinsic- and Extrinsic Motivation on Academic Performance and the Mediating effect of Flow. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Scheffler, Mathilde (2024) The Effect of Telework Intensity on Employees’ Sense of Belongingness: The Moderating Role of Interactive Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schilling, Malte (2024) Balancing Brilliance: Understanding Academic Well-Being in High-Achieving Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schmidt, Leonard (2024) Who Can Tell if It's AI? Using Inductive Learning to Distinguish AI Art and Traditional Art. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schmidt, Tammo (2024) The Moderating Role of Environmental Identity on the Relationship Between Political Ideology and Public Acceptability of Direct Air Carbon Capture with Storage (DACCS). Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schmidtmann, Johann (2024) What Motivates People to Carpool? The Interplay Between Goal Framing, Attitudes and Subjective Norms in Fostering Ridesharing Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schoor, Lotte van der (2024) Gender differences in hate feelings towards moral transgressors. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schoor, Max van der (2024) The Link Between Educational Theories and Purpose in Life in the Context of Higher Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schröer, Anne (2024) The Role of Stress Mindset in Coping with Unfinished Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schulz, Magdalena (2024) Moving Short Films - The influence of Narrative Complexity on Empathy and Art Experience. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Schuppert, Ivo (2024) Tolerante Trots: Het Effect van Trots op Tolerantie en de Mediërende Rol van Empathie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Seelos, Greta Charlotte (2024) Identity and Well-being: The Role of Commitment Utility. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Seiffert, Paula (2024) Power to the People: Democratic Pathways to Climate Policy Acceptance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Selesnew, A. (2024) Students' Exam Preferences and Associated Levels of State Evaluation Anxiety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Selles, Grietje Berdien (2024) Multimodal Cognitive Variability: To What Extent Does Parity Strategy Choice Differ Between Men and Women Moderated By Hand Movement Condition? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Shekarian Tabarestani, Sofya (2024) Interpersoonlijke effecten van dubbelzinnigheid op Harmonie en Sympathie in Online Discussies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Siebert, Angélique (2024) Does the Level of Caring Behavior Exhibited by Mentors Impact Students' Sense of Mattering in Mentoring Relationships? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Silva van der Meer, Carmem Anneke da and Irfan, Hadya Layla Aretha and Sokolov, David and Uzko, Hanna and Ferstl, Christina (2024) Evaluating Managers: The Influence of Self-Esteem After Workplace Disappointment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sipma, Roos (2024) Fysieke Aantrekkelijkheid: Voorspeller van een Succesvolle Eerste Date en het Subjectieve Belang in Relaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Slagter, Saskia (2024) Kinderen die Plezier Beleven aan Kunst die Gepaard Gaat met Negatieve Emoties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Smeyers, Margarita (2024) Evaluating Societal Perceptions: A Comparative Study of New/Progressive Masculinity and Traditional Masculinity Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Soobiah, Daryian (2024) Understanding well-being in academia: discerning the conceptualisation of well-being and the importance of relatedness for Dutch and international students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Specht, Hanna (2024) The Role of Student Engagement in the Relationship Between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Spijkerman, Wessel (2024) Rejecting or Rejoicing in Creativity: Paradox Climate as a Moderator of the Relation between Need for Closure and Creativity Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Spikman, Selma (2024) The Relation between Deficits in Emotion Regulation Skills Use and Eating in the Absence of Hunger in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Spratt, Jill, J (2024) Het Afwijzen of Erkennen van Creativiteit: De Moderende Rol van Rolduidelijkheid op het Effect van de Need for Closure bij Idee Evaluatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Staege, Luisa (2024) First Year Students Perceived Similarity to Faculty and Student Mentors: Exploring Feelings of Belongingness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stam, R.L. (2024) Als Topsporters De Extra Mijl Lopen Op Het Gebied Van Duurzaamheid, Volgen Hun Fans. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Staveren, Rozemarijn van (2024) Harmonieuze Relaties in Polarisatie Conversaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stegeman, Esmé, W.E. (2024) De Relatie Tussen Rumineren en Waargenomen Dagelijkse Stress in Mensen met een Depressieve Stoornis: Een Systematische Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stegenga, Josephine (2024) De relatie tussen approach temperament en mentale gezondheid via competentie satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Steier, Moritz, M (2024) Road to Sustainability: Factors Associated with Car-lessness and Car-sharing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stein, Livia Jasmin (2024) Winning Ambitions or Losing Fears: The Effect of Achievement Goal Orientations on Future Performance in Youth Tennis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stelwagen, Carmen (2024) De Ontwikkeling van Kindertekeningen in een U-curve: Meervoudige casestudie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Steman, A.E. (2024) De Rol van Growth Mindset in de Relatie tussen Competentie Satisfactie en Autonome Motivatie bij Sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sternsdorff, Emily (2024) Digital Divisions and Affective Polarization: An Exploration of the Impact of Internalized Stereotypes About Political Outgroups on Affective Polarization in Online Settings. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stokke, Katrine Marit (2024) Examining Soft Outcomes: The Effect of Mentor Approachability on Student Belonging and Intellectual Risk Taking Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Straten, Shahar van (2024) Adult ADHD and Executive Functions: Can Inhibition Explain it all? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Strijker, Finn (2024) A Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Daily Stress and Sleep. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Strows, Isabella (2024) Shared Leadership on Employee Performance and the Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stróżyk, Anna (2024) Effectiveness of spontaneous mental strategies used during neurofeedback training in individuals with deficits in executive functioning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stuckert, Niclas (2024) To What Extent Do Distractions Affect the Possible Association Between Workload and Telework Intensity? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Stuut, Brechje (2024) De Efficiëntie van Universiteit Websites. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sutschet, Hannah (2024) The Effects of a Meaning Intervention on Depressive Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Sydner, Sean (2024) Role of general anxiety on the association between callous- unemotional traits and affiliative reward. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Syring, Emma (2024) Affective Influences in Pro-Environmental Policy Support: The Role of Climate Guilt and Public Participation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Takács, Juraj (2024) The Role of Personality in Preference for Different Types of Academic Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Tan, Guang Hao (2024) Shall I Stay or Shall I Go? The Functional Account of Counterfactuals in Predicting Electoral Switching. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Tarcatu, Diana-Serena (2024) The Interplay Between Self-Control, Interference Control, and Motivation in Students with ADHD Symptoms: An Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Taylor, Cameron (2024) Exploring the Relationship Between Cognitive Complaints and Acceptability Factors of Neurofeedback Companions in Cognitive Training: Implications for Neurofeedback Training Enhancement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Teeninga, Joshua (2024) The Possible Mediating Role of Hyperfocus in the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Tenhunen, Mai (2024) Effects of Moralized Attitudes, Disgust, Anger and Receptiveness on Affective Polarization: a Moderated Mediation Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Termote, Michelle (2024) The Level of Individuals Stress, Measured by HRV, whilst Performing the IAT, Moderated by Neuroticism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Teske, Daphne (2024) Is there more to the commitment-strength-well-being link than meets the eye? A study on the mediating role of identity satisfaction on commitment-strength and well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Till, Dieter van (2024) Empathy and Behavioral Intentions Change Toward Ukrainian Refugees: A Comparative Analysis of Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology Endorsement Among Irish Citizens Exposed to War Narrative. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Timmermans, Mathilde (2024) De Invloed van Trots op Empathie en Tolerantie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Tjarks, Elena (2024) Unraveling the Complex Interplay Between Intrinsic Motivation, Hyperfocus, and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Torenbeek, Manon (2024) De Relatie tussen Competitie en Autonome Sportmotivatie via Competentiesatisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Uszko, Hanna and Silva van der Meer, Carmem Anneke da and Irfan, Hadya Layla Aretha and Ferstl, Christina and Sokolov, David (2024) When Dreams are Deferred: A Study on the Emotional Impact of Denied Promotions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vani, A. (2024) From Tweets to Tensions: Exploring the Impact of Moralized Political Content on Affective Polarization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vatovec, Katarina (2024) Does Flow in Studies, Predisposed by Motivation, Improve Academic Performance? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vauda Lorenčič, Hana (2024) Disentangling Upward Social Comparison Tendency, Hypercompetitiveness, and Body Envy Tendency on Weight-Loss Dieting in a Sample of College Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vaštová, Kateřina (2024) Examining the Effect of Exposure to Social Harm on Moral Disapproval and Perceived Harm, and the Moderating Role of Moral Identity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Veen, Ilse van der (2024) De Relatie tussen Attitude ten opzichte van Veroudering en Fysieke Activiteit en de Invloed van Ervaren Effectiviteit op deze Relatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Veer, Gea ter (2024) De Beleving van de Beving: De Psychosociale Gevolgen van de Aardbevingsproblematiek in Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vegt, Gerard Chris van der (2024) Belonings- en Strafgevoeligheid en Dieetsucces: De Rol van “Delay Discounting”. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vegt, Thomas de (2024) Self-Determination Theory and Basic Needs: A Comprehensive Understanding of Academic Well-Being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Veldhuis, Nina (2024) Exploring Age-Related Variances in Children’s Appreciation of Literature, Music and Visual Art. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Velthuis, Diede (2024) ADHD, Motivatie en Geslachtsverschillen in Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ven, Hermina van der (2024) De Overdracht van Delinquent Gedrag: Effect van Negatieve Emoties in Interactie tussen Ouders en Jonge Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Venema, Harold (2024) De samenhang tussen hoogsensitiviteit en de mentale gezondheid van studenten met een potentieel modererende rol van spiritualiteit. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Verbree, Lieke (2024) The Relation Between Different Forms of Pride with Empathy and Tolerance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Verkerk, Bastiaan (2024) Effects of Negative Career Feedback on Career Goal Revision through Career Self-efficacy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Veuger, Yasmine (2024) Increasing Climate Policy Acceptance: The Role of Group Identification with Decision-Makers and Democratic Decision-making. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vierstraete, Ghislaine Antoinette (2024) Exploring Societal Perspectives: A Comparative Study on Men's Emotional Conduct Between Masculinities. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vinokurova, Maria (2024) Group Identification and Participation Intention in Community-Led Adaptation Actions: The Mediating Role of Environmental Social Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Visscher, Hanne (2024) Sociale Beïnvloeding in Politieke Gesprekken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Voogd, Lucie, A.L. (2024) Welke variaties in de Hersenen kunnen de Initiële Ontwikkeling van een Depressieve Stoornis Voorspellen bij Adolescenten, een Systematische Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vries, AnneMaike de (2024) Mastery als Weg naar de Top: het Verband tussen Zelfreferentie, Zelfvertrouwen en Tennisprestaties in Nederlandse Jeugd Tennisspelers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Vries, E.J. de (2024) De rol van carrière-exploratie bij het tegenkomen van negatieve carrière feedback: gemedieerd door carrière zelf-effectiviteit en gemodereerd door SES. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Völker, Louise (2024) The Effects of Psychosensory Pupil Responses and Color on Detection Performance in a Light and Dark Environment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wachtmeester, Eke (2024) De relatie tussen de mate van vloeiend spreken en het gebruik van de pariteitsstrategie bij het wel of niet gebruiken van gebaren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wachtmeester, Mila (2024) Dierenvrienden en Hun Baasjes: De Invloed van Huisdieren op Sociale Perceptie en Zelf-categorisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wal, Maud van der (2024) De relatie tussen angstsymptomen bij ouders en de emotionele flexibiliteit van hun kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Warbroek, Axel (2024) Exploring the Impact of Inductive Learning on Recognition of AI-Generated Artworks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Waters, Fionn (2024) Legitimacy and Performance: An investigation of Trust's mediating role. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Weber, Marloes (2024) The Impact of Negative Work Events on State Self-Esteem: Unpacking the Role of Neuroticism as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Weers, Sarah van (2024) Het verband tussen Nieuwsgierigheid en de beoordeling van Originaliteit en Bruikbaarheid van creatieve Ideeën in een efficiëntie gerichte organisatiestructuur. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wehner, Kim (KT) (2024) Exploring Public Acceptance of Direct Air Capture with Carbon Storage: Analyzing the Role of Knowledge and Risk Perception. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Weide, Demi van der (2024) Sekse- en genderverschillen in de Community Wise interventie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Weiden, Daria (2024) The Effects of Stimulus Intensity and Pupil Size on Event-related Potentials (ERPs). Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Weijerman, Saar (2024) Neurofeedback Training met behulp van leerbegeleiders. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wempe, Judith (2024) Op Weg naar Duurzame Overwinningen: de Rol van het Type Sport in de relatie tussen Eco-Anxiety en Verminderde Vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Werkman, Samantha (2024) The Relation Between Different Forms of Pride with Empathy and Tolerance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wesseling, Vera (2024) A Comparative Study of societal perceptions of New Masculinity and Traditional Masculinity Norms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Whitney, Lavinia (2024) Examining Student Engagement as a Mediator Between Academic Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wiarda, Jetske (2024) Door Wind en Weer Fietsen: Het Effect van Topsporters die Duurzaamheid Promoten op de Intentie tot Duurzaam Gedrag van Consumenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wiersma, L.J. (2024) Exploring the Impact of War Exposure on Empathy and Behavioral Intention Towards Ukrainian Refugees: The Moderating Role of Political Ideology. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wilms, Manon (2024) Hoe draagt zelfherkenning bij aan de betekenis van kunst voor kinderen tussen de zes en zeventien jaar? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wimmenhove, Lisette (2024) The Role of Collective Narcissism in the Effect of Personal Accounts on Empathy Towards Refugees. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Winkeler, Elsemarijn (2024) Het Belang van Complimenten voor een Succesvolle Eerste Date. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Winkler, Bruno (2024) Leaders in Shared Leadership Settings: Trust, But Not Too Much – A Moderator Analysis of Top-Down Organizational Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wolfgang, Damian (2024) Food Neophobia as a Function of Self-serving Bias in Meat Consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wolfrom, Amber (2024) “He’s Evil and I Hate Him!”: Evilness Attributions and the Experience of Hate Feelings. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Wortel, Shanice (2024) Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Relationships Between Relationship Aspects, Sexual Self-Esteem, Vulvar Pain, and Sexual Distress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Xi, X. (2024) Disentangling the influence of body-envy, neuroticism and upward body comparison tendency on dieting in a sample of college women: a moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Yokeeswaran, Ajani (2024) Associations Between ADHD and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in University Students: Exploring the Role of Self-Compassion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Yue, Dora Katharina (2024) Impact of Destructive Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior: Exploring the Role of Psychological Safety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Zeegers, Eva (2024) Omgaan met Veroudering: Vleesconsumptie in relatie tot de Attitude ten opzichte van Veroudering, Leeftijd en Controle over Veroudering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Zeimet, Cynthia (2024) The Effect of Gender Differences on Perceived Polarization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Zhang, Ziying (2024) Assessment Preferences and Test Anxiety: Student Perspectives on Multiple-Choice, Open-Questions, and Performance Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Zinnemers, Laura (2024) Society’s Perception on Different Kinds of Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Ziobakaite, Ula (2024) Understanding Well-Being in Academia: A Developmental and Motivational Approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Zurbel, Laura (2024) The Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between Shared Leadership and Performance in Leader-Follower Dyads. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
de Jager, Bente (2024) Associaties tussen ADHD en Executieve Functies bij Universiteitsstudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
van Asperen, Laura (2024) Daily physical activity and depressive symptoms in adults: a systematic review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.
Šarabon, Lovro (2024) Antecedents of Unfinished Tasks: The Role of Workload and Unfinished Tasks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.