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Number of items: 305.

Abad Malo, Domenica (2023) The Effect of Spontaneous Eye Blinks on Time Perception. Master thesis, Psychology.

Acar, Alisa-Cagla (2023) Stepping Into Creativity: An Explorative Study about the Effects of Movement-Based Exercises on Musical Creativity in Singers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Agullo Stolz, Elena (2023) Forgotten fathers: Young adult fathers in prison - a systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ahlers, Maja (2023) Revictimization in Online Dating: Sex Motives and Protective Strategies in Childhood Sexual Abuse Victims. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ahrari, Dominik (2023) Too abstract to care about the environment - unravelling the underestimation of biospheric group values. Master thesis, Psychology.

Alamdar Sanchez, Daniel (2023) Meaning in Life, an Existential Protection Against Drinking to Cope. Master thesis, Psychology.

Aldabbagh, Joud (2023) Contextualizing Al-nafs: A Critique of Badri’s Historical Account of Islamic Psychology. Master thesis, Psychology.

Andy, Marcella (2023) Seksualiteit bij ouderen met dementie: Verschillen tussen de beoordeling van zorgmedewerkers en partners. Master thesis, Psychology.

Anema, Lisette (2023) Spreading Veganism Through Vegan Labelling? The Effect of the Vegan Label on Consumer Perceptions and the Mediating Role of Dietary Identity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Arzbach, Jonathan (2023) The relation between socio-economic status and societal discontent, and the mediating role of negative meta-stereotyping. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baan, Merith (2023) Het Effect van Seksuele Opwinding op de Responsiviteit op Experimentele Pijnopwekking bij Jongvolwassen Vrouwen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baglini, Leonardo (2023) Cognitive Distortions, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Violence. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bakker, L. C. (2023) Matching for Diversity: Examining the Effects of Physical and Non-Physical Similarity Factors on Mentorship Program Evaluation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bakkeren, Vincent van (2023) Callous-unemotional trekken en de vermijding van angstige gezichten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baltes, Jannika (2023) Cognitive Resilience in Trauma: Exploring the Impact of Mood and Tetris on Intrusion Development. Master thesis, Psychology.

Barnett, Christine (2023) Romantic Regrets: Counterfactual Thoughts, Regret, and Rumination. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baumgartner, Bastian (2023) The effect of hunger on emotions and the moderating role of reward and punishment sensitivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baumgartner, Bastian (2023) The effect of hunger on emotions and the moderating role of reward and punishment sensitivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Beck, Bibi (2023) How is one’s experience of self-directed disgust influenced when their values are violated? Master thesis, Psychology.

Beckers, Mara (2023) De relatie tussen Activiteitsniveau, Posttraumatische Stress Symptomen en Depressieve Symptomen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Begovic, Mark Alexander (2023) A Motivating Opposition: The Influence of Outgroups on Biospheric Ingroup Values and Pro-environmental Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bergen, Miriam Elisabeth (2023) The Relations Between Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care: Conjunction and Distinction of Two Connected Fields. Master thesis, Psychology.

Berrada, Elias (2023) The Effect of Top-down Involvement on People’s Willingness to Join a Bottom-up Initiative. Master thesis, Psychology.

Besselink, E. (2023) De Relatie Tussen Hechting in de Kindertijd en Behandelsucces in de Forensische Verslavingszorg. Master thesis, Psychology.

Beverdam, Jooske (2023) Het effect van een Wii Fit interventie op aandachtsvaardigheden bij kinderen met Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bilt, F. van de (2023) De Invloed van Negatieve Jeugdherinneringen Ophalen op en het Verband Tussen Fantasiegeneigdheid en het Metageheugen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bischoff, Celina (2023) Effects of an ethnically diverse vs. non-diverse image of environmental organisations on autochthonous and Turkish people’s pro-environmental behavioural intentions. Master thesis, Psychology.

Blazevic, Zvonimir (2023) Examining the effects of mindfulness training on flow and self- perceived mindfulness in racing drivers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Laura M. den (2023) Act on your prioritized values. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Lisa de (2023) Sociale Actieneigingen bij Reactieve Agressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Nynke de (2023) Counterfactual thoughts in prolonged grief: A phenomenological analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boerties, Redmar (2023) Financial Competence and Cognition in Individuals with Psychotic Disorders: Insights from a Case-Control Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bogaards, Femke (2023) Sex Differences in Cognitive Decline of De Novo Parkinson's Disease Patients: A Longitudinal Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bont, Naomi (2023) Commitment en autonomie in relatie tot welzijn in verschillende levensdomeinen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boone, Isjo (2023) Implications for ACL injury prevention: The effect of visual feedback on joint loads and intrinsic motivation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bosco, Carolina Angela (2023) The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Complicated Grief: A systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bosma, Dagmar (2023) Pilotonderzoek naar Flashforward Beelden en EMDR Flashforward bij Kinderen en Jongeren met een Sociale Angststoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boswijk, Anouk (2023) Een Replicatie van het Think/No-Think Paradigma en het Verband tussen Suppression-Induced Forgetting en een Repressieve Coping Stijl. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bouma, Rianne (2023) Kijkgedrag van mensen met Homonieme Hemianopsie tijdens oversteken. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bouwknegt, Kyra (2023) Primary School Innovation and it’s Antecedents: Applying a Job Demands-Resources Framework. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bouwmeester, Gijs (2023) Innovatie in Organisaties: de Implementatie van een Nieuwe Leerlijn op Basisscholen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Braake, Marjan ter (2023) Omgaan met (het eigen) autisme Van realistische zelfkennis, zelfacceptatie en zelfregulatie naar zelfrealisatie/manifestatie en welbevinden: begeleiding van identiteitsontwikkeling en behandeling van bijkomende psychische problemen bij mensen met autisme. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brandsma, Anneke (2023) The Influence of Different Financial Decision Styles on Financial Judgment in People with and without Vulnerability to Psychosis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brink, Isabel van den (2023) Behandelrationales van exposure in vivo bij angststoornissen: Therapie-uitkomst en de relatie met emotional processing en inhibitorisch leren. Master thesis, Psychology.

Broek, Pontus van den (2023) A Qualitative Examination of the Role Trainers’ Social Support Plays in Employees’ Psychological Engagement in an Online Training Program. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brunotte, Ira (2023) The Relationship between Meaning in Life and Harmful Drinking: Emotion Dysregulation as a Mediator. Master thesis, Psychology.

Budel, Jean-Luc (2023) Resilience in Youth Soccer: The Relationship Between Static and Temporal Measures. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buente, Veronika (2023) Sexual arousal and pain: The influence of sexual arousal on subjective pain intensity and pain tolerance during a cold pressor test in women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buijs, Maarten (2023) Psychometrische Eigenschappen van de Metrisquare Cognitive Testbattery for Concussion (MCTC) bij Gezonde Volwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buisman, Freya, F. (2023) Actief Herstellen na een Eerste Psychotische Episode: een Verkennend Kwalitatief Onderzoek naar Remmende en Faciliterende Invloeden op Actieve Deelname aan Sportactiviteiten in Verschillende Contexten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buist, Nienke (2023) Differences in Cognitive Decline in Probable Brain-First and Body-First Parkinson’s Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buitendijk, F.M. (2023) Nieuwe Inzichten in de Idee-Evaluatie: Het Beoordelingsverschil tussen Additieve en Subtractieve Ideeën. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bunk, Vivien (2023) The Dynamical Interaction between Coach and Coachee of Empathy and Autonomy Support in Coaching Beginning Teachers: An Observational Approach. Master thesis, Psychology.

Burgering, Felix (2023) Acknowledging Similarities While Maintaining Differences: A Paradoxical Approach in Resolving Identity Tension in Artists. Master thesis, Psychology.

Byun, Jaehong (2023) The Relation Between Humility and Tolerance and The Mediating Role of Empathy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Böwing, Nele (2023) The Effect of Different Counterfactual Thoughts on Blaming-The-Victim Consequences. Master thesis, Psychology.

Callahan, Owen (2023) Acceptance of Hyperloop. Master thesis, Psychology.

Carabain, Britte (2023) Bump' It or Dump It? A Qualitative Study exploring the Demand for, and Facilitators and Barriers towards an Anonymous Partner Notification App for STIs among Dutch Students. Master thesis, Psychology.

Cluyssen, Daniella (2023) Factors Influencing the Recent Increase of Clinically Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in Girls and Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Coppes, Michelle (2023) Encoding of Memories for the Near and Far Future. Master thesis, Psychology.

Czeschka, Olivia (2023) A Meaning-Centred Intervention on Body Image Concerns and Depressive Symptoms in Female University Students: A Replication Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dam, Daisy (2023) Perceived Organizational Support als Moderator in de Relatie tussen Self-Efficacy en Job Crafting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Deest, Martijn van (2023) Supervision, Age and Attitudes towards Telework among Dutch IT Personnel. Master thesis, Psychology.

Depner, Hannah (2023) A Replication of a Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effects of a Meaning-Centered Intervention on Meaning in Life, Eating Disorder Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Young Women with High Weight and Shape Concerns. Master thesis, Psychology.

Deutsch, Lilli (2023) The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Complicated Grief: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dietz, Miriam (2023) Shattering Stigma: The Influence of Stereotypes on People with Drug Addiction. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijken, Sanne van (2023) Family-Level Risk Factors for Girls’ Involvement in Gangs: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijkslag, Iris (2023) Cycling and impaired cognition. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Josefien (2023) Kan de Relatie Tussen Zingeving en Overeten Verklaard Worden Door Zelfcontrole? Master thesis, Psychology.

Doornbos, Marije (2023) De mediërende rol van tegenfeitelijke gedachten in de relatie tussen een gewelddadig verlies en persisterende rouw. Master thesis, Psychology.

Doornbusch, Nouska (2023) Hoe Ouders Praten over Alledaagse Fysieke Pijn met hun Kinderen: Een Studie naar de Rol van Ouder-Kindinteractie bij Pijn-Appraisals. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dorfzaun, Noam (2023) Distress of Elite Young Football Players in Relation to Perceived Coaching Behaviors. Master thesis, Psychology.

Douma, Myrthe (2023) Rapportage bias in onderzoeken naar de werkzaamheid van tweede generatie antidepressiva in de behandeling van een gegeneraliseerde angststoornis en een obsessief-compulsieve stoornis in kinderen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Drenth, Laura (2023) De effecten van kindermishandeling op victimizatie in de volwassenheid en de mediërende rol van dissociatie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dunkel, Tide Chiara (2023) Life Goals of Migrants – A Scale Development. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ebbinge, Eva (2023) Gender differences in acoustic features in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ebbinge, Eva (2023) Gender differences in acoustic features in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eggers, Janina (2023) Relationships between Professional Skills Growth Mindset, Career Adaptability, Career Exploration, and Supervisor Support: A Moderated Mediation Model. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eichinger, Louise Annie Ulrike (2023) Kine-Musical Performance (KiMuPe) – How Does a Movement-Based Approach Affect Flow and Self-Efficacy? Master thesis, Psychology.

Escudero Gimeno, Laura (2023) Impact of Risk Attitudes in the Interpretation of Ambiguous Workplace Conflicts. Master thesis, Psychology.

Evasco, Christianne (2023) The Role of Romantic Attachment in Grief Responses and Coping Strategies Following Romantic Breakups. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ewers, Steffen (2023) The Effect of Emotion Regulation on Eating Behavior: An Experimental Intervention. Master thesis, Psychology.

Feenstra, Ruth (2023) Sociaal cognitieve prestaties bij ouderen met chronische gezondheidsaandoeningen: een verkennend onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.

Finken, Alina (2023) The Influence of Sex-Related Experiences and Psychopathy on Self-Disgust. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fokkens, Eline (2023) The Role of Outgroup-Directed Gratitude on Prejudice Toward the Outgroup in an Intergroup Context: The Mediating Role of Outgroup Empathy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Formanski, Felix Johannes (2023) Climate change and the tipping point scenario: Exploring laypeople’s perceptions of the risks associated with nonlinear climate shifts. Master thesis, Psychology.

Geißler, Lion (2023) Evaluation of an Admission Procedure for Higher Education in the Netherlands. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gelder, Sharon van (2023) The Effects of Job Crafting on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in a Hybrid Work Mode - a Moderated Mediation Model. Master thesis, Psychology.

Genders, Melanie H. M. J. (2023) Effect of The Crisis Monitor on Aggression in a Single Closed Psychiatric Hospital Melanie H. M. J. Genders Master Thesis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Girolamo, Dario (2023) The Effects of PETTLEP-Imagery on Motorcycle Racers’ Self-Efficacy: A Pilot Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Girolamo, Dario (2023) The Effects of PETTLEP-Imagery on Motorcycle Racers’ Self-Efficacy: A Pilot Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gontijo-Santos Lima, Caroline (2023) The Influence of Optic Neuritis and RNFL thickness in the Relationship Between Visual and Cognitive Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gool, Sophie van (2023) De behoefte aan psychologische hulp na een sterfgeval door COVID-19 in vergelijking met een sterfgeval door ander natuurlijk verlies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gringhuis, Kirsten (2023) Past thuiswerken bij jou? Een studie naar voorspellende factoren van houding tegenover thuiswerken onder Nederlandse ICT'ers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Grötsch, Astrid Marie (2023) The Mediating Role of Insecure Attachment Styles and Emotion Dysregulation in Sexual Revictimization. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gänzler, Beatrice (2023) Protect Yourself and Others: Analyzing Facilitators and Barriers of a Digital Approach to the STI Epidemic amongst Men who have Sex with Men. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gödecke, Marieke (2023) Understanding the link between international students’ perceived inclusion with well-being and academic achievement: What is the impact of study goals? Master thesis, Psychology.

Haan, Nienke de (2023) Rumineren, Hopeloosheid, Gedragsvermijding en Mentale Gezondheid na Verlies: Een Serieel Mediatiemodel. Master thesis, Psychology.

Haarst, Suzan van (2023) Theorieën en Modellen over de Ontwikkeling van Angststoornissen bij Kinderen en Adolescenten: een Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hartstra, W. A. (2023) The Ontology of Mental Disorders; The Natural Ontological Attitude and Psychopathology. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hassink, Imme (2023) The Mediating Effect of Intolerance of Uncertainty on the Relationship between Meaning in Life and Psychological Distress: A Focusing-Oriented Intervention Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Heijnen, Nikki (2023) Stress Generation Hypothesis in Internalizing Psychopathology: A Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Heilen, L.M.C (2023) De Rol van Systeemtherapie en Dit Ben Ik! in de Identiteitsontwikkeling bij Mensen met Autisme. Master thesis, Psychology.

Helfferich, Jessica (2023) Omgaan met (het eigen) Autisme: Integratie van Thematische Analyses van Interventies in Relatie tot Verschillende Zelf-thema’s van Identiteitsontwikkeling bij Autisme Spectrum Stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Henneke, Anna-Christina (2023) Inclusion and Well-Being of International Psychology Students at the University of Groningen - About the Impact of the "Buddy Project". Master thesis, Psychology.

Hennink, Julia (2023) Assessing Financial Capability in People with a Mild Intellectual Disability. Master thesis, Psychology.

Heyder, Lennart (2023) People Who Debate, Innovate: The Mediating Role of Constructive Controversy Between Psychological Safety and Innovative Work Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hilperath, Leonhard (2023) Gender Variance and Identity Integration: The Influence of Social- and Neurocognitive Functions. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hochegger, Saskia (2023) The Face-Name Associative Memory Exam (FNAME) as an early indicator of cognitive decline. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoeksema, Deborah (2023) Identiteitsontwikkeling bij autismespectrumstoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoeksema, Emma Elizabeth (2023) Subjectieve cognitieve klachten en cognitieve achteruitgang bij de ziekte van Parkinson. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Silke (2023) Attention Problems in Relation to Sleeping Problems in Those that Experience Low Frequency Noise. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoenig, Mats Lennart (2023) Examining Links between the Dark Triad, HEXACO Personality Traits, Motivation and Success of Members of Political Youth Organizations. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoepman, Lense (2023) Limitations of the ecological niche: Expanding the ecological niche framework. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hof, L.A.M. (2023) Policy Acceptance and Support for a 2050 Hypothetical Energy Scenario. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoffman, Amanda (2023) Framing the Plate: Explaining Rationalizations of Meat Consumption through Moral and Normative Goal Frames. Master thesis, Psychology.

Holland-Letz, Miriam, Miss (2023) Online Learning Engagement Among Students in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hout, Sanne van der (2023) Begeleiding bij Identiteitsontwikkeling en Behandeling van bijkomende Psychische Problemen bij Mensen met Autisme: Een Overzicht van Twaalf Interventies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Houtzager, Frederique (2023) Verschillen in kijkgedrag richting het blinde veld tussen mensen met adequaat compenserende hemianopsie, gesimuleerde hemianopsie en een intact gezichtsveld tijdens oversteken in Virtual Reality. Master thesis, Psychology.

Huberts, Eline, E.A. (2023) Begeleiding van de Identiteitsontwikkeling bij Mensen met Autisme: Lichaamsgerichte Interventies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Huitfeldt, Alexandra (2023) The Role of Awe in Arctic Tourism. Master thesis, Psychology.

Huizenga, Ellis (2023) Comparing the IFTE and HKT-R in Relation to Intramural Violence: Can the IFTE Replace the Clinical Items of the HKT-R? Master thesis, Psychology.

Huizinga, Julia (2023) Dissociative experiences and emotional detour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hulzebosch, Greetje Zwanet (2023) Differences in Evaluations between a Female Communal vs Female Agentic Applicant. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hutjens, Lynn (2023) The impact of Wii-fit intervention on children with ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Höfer, Antonia (2023) Reducing Wind Turbine-Induced Bird Mortality: the Black Blade - on Values, Perceived Consequences, and Public Acceptance of Wind Parks. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hüsing, Marile (2023) What if the evil ones fear falling? Psychopathic leadersˋ engagement in abusive supervision and the moderating role of fear of power loss. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jaarsveld, Leonie van (2023) The Influence of Sexual Arousal on Experienced Pain. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jackenkroll, Jannika, Ms. (2023) The Effect of a Meaning-Centered Intervention on Perceived Meaning in Life, Eating Disorder Symptoms and Clinical Perfectionism in Young Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Fetsje de (2023) Comparing the Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of a Personalized ESM-based Feedback Module (Therap-i). Master thesis, Psychology.

Jonkers, Lotte (2023) Does societal discontent predict prejudice? The role of low- and high socio-economic status. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jonkers, Lotte, L.L. (2023) Does societal discontent predict prejudice? The role of low- and high socio-economic status. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kadjo, Patrick Lumumba (2023) Coaching Beginning Teachers: The Moderating Role of Perceptual (Dis)Agreement and Personality in Basic Psychological Need Support, Satisfaction, and Autonomous Motivation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kamp, Maud van de (2023) Rouw na het Verlies van een Dierbare op de Intensive Care: Een Gecontroleerde Groepsvergelijking. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kamphuis, Kristel Michelle (2023) Emotie(s) achter ARFID: De mediërende rol van walging in de relatie tussen angst en ARFID. Master thesis, Psychology.

Karsten, Matty (2023) De Relatie tussen Emotionele Reactie, Veerkracht en Intrusieve Herinneringen aan Trauma: een Analoog Onderzoek met behulp van het Traumafilmparadigma. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kasto, Jesselyn (2023) Who am I? A Systematic Review of the Measurement of Identity in People who Experienced Trauma. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kay, Betty-Charlotte (2023) Subjective Pain Intensity and Duration of Hand Immersion in Water During a Cold-Pressor Test in Sexually Aroused Women Exposed to Erotic Film Clips. Master thesis, Psychology.

Khafaji Zadeh, Christin (2023) Are You More ‘In Sync’ With Another Person When Extraverted? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kievit, M.E. (2023) Gratitude in the Context of Football: Does (And How Does) Gratitude Reduce Indirect Aggression Tendencies Toward Outgroup Members in Football Supporters? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kischko, Lennart (2023) The Mediating Effect of Trait Dissociation between Childhood Abuse and Neglect and Revictimization in Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kleijnen, Boubka (2023) Verschillen in autonome motivatie bij verschillende domeinen van identiteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kobs, Franziska (2023) Steps towards a more naturalistic picture of change blindness – The Influence of Context on Change Detection. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koning, Nathasja (2023) Intergenerationele Continuïteit van Uithuisplaatsingen: een Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koole, Glenn (2023) Professional Skills and Abilities Growth Mindset as a Predictor of Career Adaptability: The Moderating Role of Perceived Rewards. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Marlies (2023) Bruikbaarheid van het Cognitive Assessment Interview (CAI-NL) in het geven van een behandeladvies bij mensen met Ernstige Psychische Aandoeningen (EPA). Master thesis, Psychology.

Korf, Vera Linde, V.L (2023) Ouder-kind interacties over alledaagse fysieke pijn in relatie tot eerdere ervaringen met pijn en ziekte. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kwant, Leonie (2023) Tailored sport coaching: How does coach support of the basic needs relate to intrinsic motivation in athletes, and does need strength make a difference? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kwasniewska, Nina (2023) Feigning attention deficits across assessments: the consistency of performance in repeated assessments as a source of detecting feigned ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Köster, Kalle Nils Valentin (2023) Systematic Literature review: The relationship between Attention to the eyes; CU traits and Emotion Recognition in children and youth with CU traits. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lamberink, J (2023) Risk Recognition and Sexual Revictimization: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lambers, Mila Petra (2023) De invloed van zingevingsgerichte interventie op meaning in life en self-esteem bij studentes met zorgen over lichaam en gewicht. Master thesis, Psychology.

Langenberg, Pia, Mrs. (2023) Understanding reading complaints in people with Parkinson’s disease: a cross-sectional study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lee, Lars van der (2023) The Effect of Heavy Training Weeks on the Psychological and Physiological Development of Professional Football Players. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lehmann, Robyn Johanna (2023) Exploring Executive and Thought Control Processes as an Explanatory Framework for Suppression-Induced Forgetting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Leisink, Bo (2023) Self-disgust and the Urge to Wash in Women After Reading About Sex-Related Experiences. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lell, Alexander (2023) Predictors of relapse after CBT for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Liesyte, Saule (2023) Athletes‘ Psychological Resilience and Its Connection With The Coach-Athlete Relationship. Master thesis, Psychology.

Linke, Sophia (2023) Attachment Style, Risky Sexual Behavior and Revictimization in Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Liukkonen, Iida Vilhelmiina (2023) Processing speed as Predictor of Face Name Associative Memory Exam Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lux, Johann (2023) Exploring the Dynamics of Junior-to-Senior Transition: Unveiling Psychological Processes in Athlete Development. Master thesis, Psychology.

Maat, M.A. (2023) Jeugdtrauma’s en Persoonlijkheidsproblematiek in de Forensische Psychiatrie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Maloney, Doreen (2023) Stereotypes of Drug Addiction: What Do Laypeople Think? Master thesis, Psychology.

Maloney, Doreen (2023) Stereotypes of Drug Addiction: What Do Laypeople Think? Master thesis, Psychology.

Mamedio Costa, Sidartha (2023) Het Effect van het Ophalen van Negatieve Jeugdherinneringen op Oordelen over het Geheugen en de Samenhang met Alexithymie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mann, Johanna (2023) Shifting the Focus: The Effects of a Meaning-Centered Intervention on Perceived Meaning in Life, Eating Disorder Symptoms, and Self-Esteem. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mason, Samuel, S. (2023) Distress in Elite Youth Soccer Players: Testing the Links with Coping Strategies and Mental Coaching. Master thesis, Psychology.

Matilda, Famiglini (2023) Family System Theory and the Destructive Impact of Family Conflict. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mazarakis, Konstantinos (2023) The Association Between Social Identity and Well-being in ASD: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

McCabe, Nathan (2023) Using Users’ Experience Level to Assess User Experience. Master thesis, Psychology.

Meenhorst, Beau (2023) Randomized Controlled Trials in the Field of Psychotic Disorders: What do RCTs look like? Master thesis, Psychology.

Meijer, Rikst (2023) De Rol van Affordances in de Taalontwikkeling van Kinderen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Merkus, Roy (2023) Vervulling van de Psychologische Basisbehoeften en Werkprestaties: Het Mediërende Effect van Motivatie en Modererende Effect van Psychologische Flexibiliteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Meyer, Jorin (2023) Assessment on Education for Sustainable Development: Developing scales to measure students' perceived competencies, perceived curriculum, and intentions as practitioners and investigating its interrelations. Master thesis, Psychology.

Michels, Sophia (2023) Digital Trail Making Test Performance in Individuals With Homonymous Hemianopia: The Effects of Visual Field Defect Location and Test Item Location on Task Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Michels, Sophia (2023) Digital Trail Making Test Performance in Individuals With Homonymous Hemianopia: The Effects of Visual Field Defect Location and Test Item Location on Task Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Moolen, Mike van der (2023) Treatment-Resistant PTSD: The Role of Avoidance in the Relationship Between Treatment Non-Response and PTSD Symptom Severity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Moolhuizen, Annelie (2023) Ouderschap en Sharenting, de Praktijk en Gevolgen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Morgenroth, Lina (2023) ADHD en Executieve Functies: de Relatie Tussen Empathie en ADHD-Symptomen bij Universiteitsstudenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Moruzzi, Monica (2023) Acute cocoa flavanol intake does not modulate interference or inhibitory control: a randomised, controlled trial. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Maaike (2023) Het Programma Roots of Empathy en Groepsdoorbrekend Werken in Nederland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mulders, Nazjiba (2023) Identiteitsontwikkeling voor mensen met autisme: hoe ‘Emotieregulatie training’ en ‘Zelf in beeld’ kunnen bijdragen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Murphy, Owen (2023) Exploring the role of Gratitude and Blame in Societal Discontent. Master thesis, Psychology.

Müller, Lena (2023) Revenge Bedtime Procrastination – a Compromise for Satisfying Frustrated Needs? Master thesis, Psychology.

Nauta, Jan (2023) Predictoren van terugval bij jeugdigen na een CGT-interventie voor angststoornissen: de rol van ernst, comorbiditeit en sociale angst. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nauta, W.M. (2023) Financieel Beoordelingsvermogen bij Mensen met een Psychotische Stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nelson Oliva, Diego Benedikt (2023) University Students with ADHD – The Impact of Executive Functions on Self-Regulated Learning Strategies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nicolai, Renée (2023) Environmental education and changing pro-environmental behaviour, personal and perceived biospheric values. Master thesis, Psychology.

Niemann, Fabian (2023) The Effects of Influence on Decision-Making and Environmentally Framed Communication on Public Acceptability: An Experimental Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijboer, Leonie (2023) Wat is de relatie tussen commitment en de psychologische basisbehoeften tijdens positieve/negatieve kantelpunten in een stageperiode? Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijentap, Maurice (2023) Perceptie van mensen van een andere gender. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijhof, Denise (2023) De Prevalenties van Jeugdtrauma’s bij Forensisch Psychiatrische Patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Osorio, Valeria (2023) Does Sexual Arousal Have Pain Relieving Properties in Women? Master thesis, Psychology.

Pacilly, P.F.P. (2023) Geslacht als Moderator in de Relatie tussen Hechtingsveiligheid en Probleemgedragingen onder Adolescenten blootgesteld aan Huiselijk Geweld. Master thesis, Psychology.

Paczulla, Sophia (2023) What makes people reject mechanical judgement methods? An investigation of the relationship between individual differences and algorithm use. Master thesis, Psychology.

Peters, Franciscus (2023) The Victim & Offender Magnitude Gap. Master thesis, Psychology.

Phan, Kevin Minh, KM (2023) Embodied Musicality in Guitar Playing: Body Movements and Flow Experience During Collaborative Musical Improvisation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Piepers, Lea (2023) Does secure base activation buffer against loneliness in times of social restrictions? Master thesis, Psychology.

Pillen, Samar (2023) Sociale cognitie in adolescenten met ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ploeg, Lisanne (2023) Het coderen van regulatie tijdens talent momenten binnen het hoger onderwijs; Een ontwerponderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.

Poede, Anne-Mayke (2023) Are Beck’s cognitive theory, the hopelessness theory, and the response style theory applicable to youth? A systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Poesse, Femke (2023) Moving Together to Feel as One. Master thesis, Psychology.

Posthumus Meyjes, Mika (2023) The Effect of Psilocybin-Assisted Neurofeedback (PANF) on Cognitive Control: A Feasibility Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Potasse, Kelly (2023) STEAM (Further) AHEAD: Assessing Levels of Creative Expression in Special Primary Education Students. Master thesis, Psychology.

Raad, Petra de (2023) Theoretische Recidivevermindering: Onderzoek naar Gezinsgerelateerde Factoren in het Project Gezinsbenadering. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rack, Nina (2023) The Effect of Upward Social Comparison on Student Athletes' Performance: The Role of Self-Approach Goals and Envy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Radosch, Lydia (2023) Confrontation as a Workplace Intervention: Exploring the Role of Hostility in Organizations Addressing Gender Bias. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reichwein, Florian Elez (2023) Improving Consent Forms Do Participants Endorse Heightened Interactivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Riensema Hulsebos, Engelien Anniek (2023) Creativiteit en Private Speech bij Kinderen in het Regulier- en Speciaal Basisonderwijs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rietman, L. L. (2023) Pilotstudie naar de effecten van een nieuwe leefstijlinterventie op de Positieve Gezondheid en psychische klachten van forensisch psychiatrische patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rijn, Femke van (2023) The price of values: Exploring the effects of biospheric, altruistic, egoistic and hedonic values on price premiums for local food products. Master thesis, Psychology.

Risiglione, Diantha (2023) Resolving the Dairy Paradox: Driving Change through Visual Communication. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rocour, E.L. (2023) Hartslagvariabiliteit als Voorspeller voor Analoge Posttraumatische Stresssymptomen: Intrusies, Vermijding en Spanning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rodriguez Figueroa, Joaquin Antonio (2023) Science and Professional Football: A Troubled Relationship Off the Pitch? Master thesis, Psychology.

Roebersen, Michelle (2023) Hoe hangen sociaal-culturele verschillen tussen kinderen samen met de rol van affordances in de cognitieve ontwikkeling. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rol, Myrthe (2023) Neuropsychologisch Onderzoek bij Mensen met Posterieure Corticale Atrofie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Roos, Lisette (2023) Neuropsychologische Karakteristieken van Somatisch Onvoldoende Verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten, een Exploratieve Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rose, Lena Sophie (2023) Examining the Effectiveness of a Meaning in Life Intervention on Women's Eating Disorder Symptoms, Life Satisfaction, and Meaning in Life: An Experimental Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ruesen, Willemijn (2023) De invloed van cognitieve dissonantie op de beoordeling van argumenten met betrekking tot de negatieve gevolgen van vleesconsumptie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ruhig, Ruth (2023) Mastocytosis: Determinant. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rupert, Lotte (2023) The Reported Safety of Antidepressants for Youths with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sahmanovic, Irma (2023) Identiteitsontwikkeling Tijdens De Stage: Kwalitatieve en Kwantitatieve Methoden Voor Het Onderzoek Naar Emotionele Beleving. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sandker, Kerine, K.M. (2023) Early clinical variables associated with recovery in elderly mild TBI patients. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schijvens, Donja (2023) Voorspellen van uitval in de selectieprocedure van het Korps Commandotroepen bij de Koninklijke Landmacht. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schippers, Ingrid, I (2023) Identiteitsontwikkeling in de studietijd: invloedrijke gebeurtenissen tijdens de stage. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schmees, Nina (2023) Adult Victimization of Female Offenders as a Pathway into Crime- an Examination of the Victim-Offender Overlap. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schmidt, Hannah (2023) The Effects of Focusing and the Felt Sense on a Meaning-in-Life Intervention. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schmitt, Lara Olivia (2023) The Effect of a Meaning in Life Intervention on Intrusions After an Aversive Film Clip. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schoonbeek, N.A.A. (2023) The Relationship between Meaning In Life, Emotional Dysregulation, and Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Mediation Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schuck, Jakob (2023) Moderating Descriptive Norms: The Role of Group Identification and Descriptive Norms. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schumacher, Alexandra (2023) Effects of Leader Age on Leader Conflict Management Strategies Towards Employees: The Mediating Role of Emotional Abilities. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schut, Doortje (2023) De gevolgen van traumatisering onder hulpverleners in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg: een scoping review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schut, Doortje, D.M. (2023) De gevolgen van traumatisering onder hulpverleners in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg: een scoping review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schwezoff, D. (2023) How Motives of Entrepreneurship Relate to Growth Intention: The Roles of Passion for Inventing and Proactivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Shanahan, Kailin (2023) The Role of Perceived Remedial Responsibility When Supporting Meat Curtailment Policies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Shkreli, Olivia (2023) The relationship between cannabis and psychosis in Greek and Dutch population. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sievers, Charlotte (2023) How Reliable is Performance-Based Assessment? Comparing Holistic, Analytic, and Comparative Judgment Approaches. Master thesis, Psychology.

Slootman, Milou (2023) Het Effect van Geslacht en Depressieve Symptomen op de Relatie Tussen Peritraumatische Dissociatie en Posttraumatische Stress. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sluis, Marijn N. van der (2023) De Kenmerken en Resultaten van Interventies Gericht op Negatieve Beelden bij Sociale Angst: een Systematische Review en Meta-analyse. Master thesis, Psychology.

Smit, Adriana Joselin (2023) The Impact of Earthquakes on the Mental Health of Children Living in Europe: a Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Snoek, Brendan (2023) De Effecten van een Mentale Interventie bij Jonge Getalenteerde Voetballers op Veerkracht. Master thesis, Psychology.

Soeliman, Lisa (2023) The Living Group Climate at CTP Veldzicht as Assessed by the Group Climate Instrument. Master thesis, Psychology.

Specht, S.A. (2023) The Impact of a Meaning-Centered Intervention on Meaning in Life, Eating Disorder Symptoms and Anxiety Symptoms. Master thesis, Psychology.

Steenstra, Amber (2023) Professionele hulpbehoefte van nabestaanden met verschillende rouwniveaus. Master thesis, Psychology.

Straatman, T.L. (2023) The Role of Aging in Patients with Acute Acquired Brain Injury: The Course of Executive Control and Information Processing Speed and their Association with Fatigue and Participation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Strube, Justine (2023) Is it Good, Bad, or Just Fuzzy? A Newspaper Qualitative Content Analysis to Explore the Public’s Perception of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and its Potential for Resource Generation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Szalavetz, Noémi (2023) The Influence of Sex-Related Experiences and Conservation Values on Self-Directed Disgust. Master thesis, Psychology.

Szekeres, Emma (2023) The discourse around burnout in France between 2017-2022. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tamsma, Harmien (2023) De Rol van Ervaren Slaapkwaliteit op het verband tussen Experiëntiële Vermijding en Residuele Depressieve Klachten bij Jongeren in Remissie van Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tauser, Ava (2023) Exploring the Interplay of Sexual Motives with Sexual Distress and Vulvar Pain. Master thesis, Psychology.

Therianou, Maria (2023) Exploring the relationship between Meaning in Life and Alcohol Use. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tjallema, Jonas Ruurd (2023) Sociale steun als buffer in de relatie tussen stress en residuele depressieve symptomen onder jongeren in remissie van depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Top, M.C. (2023) Trust in Uncertain Scientific COVID-19 Information: The role of the Source and Intolerance of Uncertainty. Master thesis, Psychology.

Trooster, Rozemarijn (2023) De Relatie tussen Stress en Slaap en de Modererende Rol van Sociale Steun bij Jongeren in Remissie van Angst en Depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tschritter, Julie (2023) Fighting Inequalities in Society – The role of Social Identity, Appraisals of Injustice, and Prosocial Emotions Help in Overcoming Ingroup Favoritism to Increase Outgroup Helping Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tuinstra, Marije, P.E.M. (2023) Subjectief financieel presteren en objectief financiële competentie bij mensen met psychotische stoornissen en gezonde volwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tuttle, Tanner (2023) Mo’ Money, Less Performance: A Juxtaposition of Environmental and Monetary Rewards. Master thesis, Psychology.

Valle, Beatrice (2023) "One for All": Explaining Radical Action Strategies in Disadvantaged Groups. Master thesis, Psychology.

Veen, Joëlle (2023) Fluctuaties in Emotie en Voedselinname Tijdens de Menstruatiecyclus. Master thesis, Psychology.

Veldhuis, Lisa (2023) De Invloed van Taakmoeilijkheid op Metageheugen-Overtuigingen: Het Verband Tussen Metageheugen-Overtuigingen en Valentie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vermist, Tom (2023) Analyzing Decision Making in The Selection Procedure of The Dutch Police Force. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visser, Margriet (2023) De Invloed van Vasten op de Respons Inhibitie bij Studenten en Lijners. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vissers, Sietse (2023) Game of Influences: Examining the separate and conjoint effects of experimentally induced normative and group identity-based influence on topic-specific attitudes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vlutters, Anne (2023) De Light Triad en Contraproductief Werkgedrag: Een Verkennend Onderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vogelaar, Anneke (2023) Onderzoek naar de Rol van Opvoeding in de Ontwikkeling van Optimisme bij Kinderen: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vogelaar, Anneke (2023) Onderzoek naar de Rol van Opvoeding in de Ontwikkeling van Optimisme bij Kinderen: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Volman, Miko (2023) Effects of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise on cognitive functioning in healthy young adults. Master thesis, Psychology.

Waaksma, Eline Maj (2023) Imaginaire rescripting in combinatie met exposure met responspreventie als behandeling voor OCS: een casestudie naar haalbaarheid. Master thesis, Psychology.

Waalkes, Chantal (2023) The role of sleep in people who perceive Low Frequency Noises and its effects on processing speed and cognitive inhibition. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wal, Denise van der (2023) Behandeluitkomsten in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg: De Visie van Cliënten op Belangrijke Veranderingen na Langdurige Therapie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wal, Ylse van der (2023) Helps nature to nurture? De invloed van groene schoolpleinen op de natuurwaarden van kinderen in het primair onderwijs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wal, Ylse van der (2023) Helps nature to nurture? De invloed van groene schoolpleinen op de natuurwaarden van kinderen in het primair onderwijs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Walkenhorst, Annika (2023) The impact of perceived moral motivation and perceived overarching identity on eco-villages’ potential to promote sustainability transformation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Walrave, Lyanne (2023) De invloed van een groene identiteit op de evaluatie van argumenten om minder vlees te eten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Walter, Jakob (2023) Predictive Validity of a Psychology Selection Test on Study-Success. Master thesis, Psychology.

Waltermann, Emily (2023) Framing Climate Change Messages on Instagram: The Effects of Goal Framing and Spatial Distance on Pro-Environmental Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weijs, Marit, de (2023) De interactie tussen ouder en kind wanneer ze praten over alledaagse fysieke pijn. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weinberg, Emily Olga Greta (2023) Motivating at-home composting through bottom-up initiatives: a case study in Kathmandu. Master thesis, Psychology.

Welberg, Kelly (2023) Verminderde Zingeving en Alcoholgebruik: de Mediërende Rol van Alcoholgebruik als Coping Mechanisme. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weperen, Jikkie van (2023) The Moderating Effect of Sensory Processing Sensitivity on the Relationship Between Problem-Solving Demands and Vitality. Master thesis, Psychology.

Werf, C.I. van der (2023) Voorspellers van dropout binnen verslavingszorg vanuit een schema-theoretisch kader. Master thesis, Psychology.

Werink, E. (2023) Ouderschap en ARFID: het verband tussen ouderlijk gedrag en de ernst van de ARFID-klachten bij kinderen met een ARFID-diagnose. Master thesis, Psychology.

Werne, Alex (2023) A Reflection on the Evidence-Based Techniques for Detecting Deception in a Police Interview: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wesselink, N.J. (2023) Zingeving en alcoholconsumptie: De rol van symptomen van depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Westerling, Eefje (2023) De invloed van eigen vleesconsumptie op de evaluatie van argumenten tegen het eten van vlees. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wierda, Puck (2023) Evaluating Cognitive Interventions: the Correlation between Objective, Subjective and Observer-rated Neuropsychological Outcomes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wildschut, Janiek (2023) Memory complaints, performance and fatigue in patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wilgen, Myrthe Van (2023) The Efficacy of the Crisis Monitor. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wilmink, J (2023) The effects of Virtual Reality with extrasensory stimuli on stress reduction, presence, and immersion: a pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wiltjer, Marlene (2023) Associations Between Physical Activity, Residual Anxiety Symptoms and Cognitive Coping Strategies in Remitted Young Adults. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wipperfeld, Carolin (2023) Does the Feldenkrais Method Influence Mobility? A Scientific Exploration of Moshe Feldenkrais’ “Awareness Through Movement”. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wolff, Joeri, van der (2023) Normative Influence of Citizen Participation: Increasing Positive Evaluation of Trash Cans. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wolters, Francis (2023) Compensatory Behaviours amongst Cultures: How to Respond to Perceived Threats? Master thesis, Psychology.

Wolters, Kaya (2023) De relatie tussen zingeving en depressie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wurf, J.J. van der (2023) Do values matter? Increasing the relevancy of persuasive information on saving energy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zaan, Joan (2023) The effects of manipulating flashforward imagery vividness and distress on speech anxiety and avoidance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zee, Emma de (2023) Metamemory Beliefs Following Memory Retrieval: Evaluating the Role of Fantasy Proneness. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zee, Helene van der (2023) Predicting Cognitive Complaints 1 Year After Aneurysmal and Angiographically Negative Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Longitudinal, Prospective, Single Centre, Cohort Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zeeuw, Stijn de (2023) What makes a team work? Psychometric properties of the Teamwork Checklist. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zencirkiran, Hüseyin (2023) Peritraumatische Reacties bij Hulpverleners in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg: Een Beschrijvend Literatuuronderzoek. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zimmermann, Jan (2023) Hyperloop Acceptability. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zuppa, J. (2023) Sophisticated Falsification in Psychology: The Case of Automatic Social Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zwet, Sanne, van der (2023) The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Interventions on Positive and Negative Emotions: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

de Velde Harsenhorst, J.J. (2023) De Mediërende rol van Sociale Steun op de relatie tussen Angstsymptomen en Welbevinden bij Jongeren in Remissie van een Angst- of Stemmingsstoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

ten Have, Pim (2023) The influence of virtual reality training on decision making of elite soccer players. Master thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 07:49:17 2025 CET.