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Number of items: 379.

Aa, Roanne van der (2022) Oversteken met Homonieme Hemianopsie: Het Verschil tussen VR en Real-life Kijkgedrag. Master thesis, Psychology.

Adler, Josefin (2022) Scanning mechanisms in people with homonymous hemianopia whilst reading from left to right: a systematic review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Albert, Johanna (2022) What makes Teleworkers satisfied? The Interactive Effect of Autonomy Need Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy on Telework Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Aleman, Alline (2022) Can Pictures Improve Adaptive Learning of Foreign Language Vocabulary? Master thesis, Psychology.

Altehoefer, Nik (2022) Investigating the effects of sexual arousalon increasing pain tolerance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ament, Sjirk (2022) Voorkomen van voortijdig schoolverlaten: Hoe begeleiders kunnen bijdragen aan het vergroten van het vertrouwen in een succesvol studiejaar. Master thesis, Psychology.

Anhalt, Luna (2022) Public Participation Goals and Citizens' Willingness to Participate in Decision-Making about Renewable Energy Policies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Apel, Beeke (2022) The Influence of an Emotion-Based Approach versus a Rational Approach on People‘s Willingness to Participate in Public Participation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Apel, Sophie (2022) Second-order beliefs and pro-environmental policy support: The mediating role of collective and participative efficacy beliefs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Arboleda Cardona, Juan Camilo (2022) Does Expertise Affect Motor Imagery Performance Among Athletes? Using Chronometric and Self-report measures to Compare Motor Imagery Performance Between Experts and Novices. Master thesis, Psychology.

Argast, Laura Maria (2022) Power and its Effect on Negotiation Outcomes; The Moderating Role of Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bakker, Zander (2022) An experimental study to explore the effect of movement on trauma-focused treatment: a study protocol and pilot for a randomized controlled trial in a non-clinical sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bamberg, Kim Lara (2022) Subjective Neuropsychological Impairments after COVID-19: The Influencing Factors Obesity, Hypertension and Diabetes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Barels, Cato (2022) The Impact of Mistrust on Job Satisfaction in The Work Situation during COVID-19 and The Moderating Role of Close Monitoring. Master thesis, Psychology.

Barels, Cato (2022) The Impact of Mistrust on Job Satisfaction in The Work Situation during COVID-19 and The Moderating Role of Close Monitoring. Master thesis, Psychology.

Barsanti, Matilde (2022) Pro-Environmental Education in Tajikistan: Peer-to-Peer Approach as Key to Unlock the Change. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bartelsman, Arco (2022) Sociale Vergelijking en OCB: de Rol van Afgunst en Leiderschapsstijl. Master thesis, Psychology.

Baz, Natalia (2022) Does stimulus location prime the retrieval of information from memory? A pupillometry study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Beck, Nadine (2022) The Effect of Disgust Memory Exposure on Self-disgust in Young Women with Negative Body Image. Master thesis, Psychology.

Belyaevsky, G (2022) Peer-to-Peer renting community: the effects of environmental social identity in-group interaction on the sense of belongingness. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bemelmans, Martijn (2022) Integrating organizational and individual factors to explain hiring of newcomers in the Netherlands. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bergink, Nienke (2022) De Rol van de Emotie Walging in het Overschatten van het Gevaar op Dik Worden bij Mensen met Anorexia Nervosa. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bergsma, Jan (2022) Wat is de perceptie van ouderen met een lage sociaal economische status over positief gezond ouder worden? Master thesis, Psychology.

Bergsma, T. (2022) Cyclists’ Acceptability of Connected Automated Vehicles. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bezemer, Sophie (2022) Economic Relative Deprivation and Collective Action: A Meta-Analysis Investigating Differences Between Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures. Master thesis, Psychology.

Biserni, Chiara (2022) A Closer Look at Post COVID-19 Subjective Fatigue and its relationship with Quality of Life in a Dutch and German Sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Blindow, Frederic (2022) Does Narcissism Affect the Innovative Process? Master thesis, Psychology.

Blindow, Frederic (2022) Does Narcissism Affect the Innovative Process? Master thesis, Psychology.

Blok, Vera (2022) Laterale verplaatsing van jongere en oudere fietsers tijdens het ingehaald worden. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bochmann, Anton (2022) The Antecedents of Power Loss: A Semi- Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bochmann, Anton (2022) The Antecedents of Power Loss: A Semi- Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boekema, Berber (2022) Subjectieve klachten tijdens het lezen en objectief verminderd leesvermogen bij hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Janine de (2022) Review Recidive, Therapeutische Alliantie en Behandeluitval Onder Zedendelinquenten met (Trekken van) Psychopathie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, M. de (2022) Predictors of Mental and Physical Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Marlies (2022) Relating College Students' Dissociative Experiences to Their Self-concepts Using the Twenty Statements Test. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bokkers, Jeroen (2022) The effect of Low Frequency noise (LFN) and sleep quality on task performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boom, G. van (2022) The Machiavellian Leader: Team Consequences in Martial Environments. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boomstra, Age (2022) Performance changes of operators. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boonstra, Fleur (2022) Anxiety Sensitivity and Mental Imagery in Fear of Vomiting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boorsma, Maaike (2022) De ontwikkeling van milieuwaarden bij adolescenten door verbondenheid met de natuur. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boorsma, Maaike, (2022) De ontwikkeling van milieuwaarden bij adolescenten door verbondenheid met de natuur. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bos, Meinris, van den (2022) Probing working memory through pupillometry. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bos, Rosa Brigitta (2022) Creatief Plezier: Interactie tussen Taakbeperkingen en Creatieve Zelftheorieën. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bosma, N E (2022) An Evaluation of a Kintsugi course in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital among Forensic Patients, Clinicians, and Kintsugi trainers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bosse, Robin (2022) Association Between Rate of Forgetting and Simon Effect. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bouzas Bermudez, Eugenia Maria (2022) The Effect of Value Dissimilarity on Intergroup Attitudes Towards Muslims in Europe and Mexican Immigrants in the United States. Master thesis, Psychology.

Boyce, Rachel (2022) The Fear of missing out (FOMO): Investigating the relationship between sexual FOMO, norm misperception and risky sexual behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Braam, Myrthe (2022) The processing of semantic contents of verbal working memory information during rehearsal. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brahmavira, Bhum (2022) Detachment from Work After Experiencing Negative Affective Work Events Among Partial Teleworkers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brands, Tim (2022) The Key Components of Successful Cognitive Remediation for Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bree, Ilse de (2022) De Relatie tussen Visuele Verbeelding, Tetris en Intrusies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Breedveld, Liselotte (2022) ‘We Did it in the Past, We Can Do it Again!’: Inducing Collective Transilience in the Face of Climate Change. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brenninkmeijer, Eva (2022) Low Frequency Noise (LFN): an environmental stressor causing impairments in cognitive functioning, coping strategies and stress. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brinkhuis, Caroline (2022) De Relatie tussen Alcoholgebruik en Empathie in een Niet-klinische Steekproef. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brinkman, R. (2022) The Effect of Scanning-focused Training Exercises on Scanning Activity in Elite Youth Football Players. Master thesis, Psychology.

Broek, Joost Cornelis Maria (2022) De Invloed van Affect op Stress en de Kwaliteit van Leven. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brouwer, Claudia (2022) Neerwaarts Tegenfeitelijk Denken en Symptomen van Gecompliceerde Rouw en Depressie: een Longitudinale Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brouwer, Liam (2022) Feasibility of intensive longitudinal data collection using electronic daily diaries, for individuals in psychiatric care. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bruins, S (2022) Motivatie en obstakels bij het stoppen met cannabis bij mensen met een ernstige psychische aandoening. Master thesis, Psychology.

Brul, Sophie van den (2022) The Nothing-to-Lose explanation of radicalization – what happens when #MeToo changes little for women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buchwald, Lasse (2022) Many Paths, Many Outcomes – Dutch Youth Football players on their way to the senior level. Master thesis, Psychology.

Budzynski, Isabell (2022) Autonomy-Enhanced-Judgement is a Promising Decision-Tool to Improve Hiring Decisions. Examining Believed Stakeholder Perceptions, Predictive Validity and Threat of Technological Unemployment. Master thesis, Psychology.

Buiter, Leon David (2022) Lonely When Working From Home: The Risks and Opportunities of Task Interdependence. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bulai, Elena (2022) Dealing with “Disorder”: Examining Interventions Aimed at Reducing Self- Stigma and Improving Well-Being in Gender-Diverse and Gender-Typical People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Master thesis, Psychology.

Bultena, Li-anne (2022) The influence of different arguments on defensiveness regarding meat consumption. Master thesis, Psychology.

Carton, Astrid (2022) De rol van walgingssensitiviteit en interne locus of control bij angst voor overgeven. Master thesis, Psychology.

Chatelier, A.M.N. (2022) The Dark Triad, Perceived Likability and the Similarity Effect. Master thesis, Psychology.

Chatzopoulos, George (2022) The Self-concept of Brain Injured Patients and the effects of Musical Interventions: A Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Chaudhry, Tavish (2022) Leveraging self-conscious emotions of pride and guilt to mobilise pro-environmental behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Cluyssen, Daniella (2022) Factors Influencing the Recent Increase of Clinically Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in Girls and Women. Master thesis, Psychology.

Coelho, Sofia (2022) Hyperfocus: Questionnaire Development and Associations with ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Coslar, Sarah Dorothea (2022) Sexual Frustration, Binary Gender, And Coercion: A Mixed-Method Experimental Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Costa, Alcinda (2022) Interventies gericht op negatieve mentale beelden bij sociale angst: een systematische review van de kenmerken en uitkomsten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Daams, Esther (2022) Do Sustainable Cues Lead to Sustainable Purchasing and Sustainable Delivery Choices? Testing Goal-framing Theory in a Webshop Setting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Datta, Rupsha (2022) The Transition from School to Work and its Relationship with Psychological Well-being: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

De Regt, Stijn M. (2022) De betekenis van positief gezond ouder worden voor ouderen met een lage SES. Master thesis, Psychology.

Deegan, C J (2022) The Effects of Alexithymia, Overtime Hours and Peritraumatic Dissociation on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Nurses. Master thesis, Psychology.

Delb, Jonas David (2022) Does Gratitude Toward Gratitude an Outgroup Motivate Outgroup Helping? The Mediating Role of Empathy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dellemijn, Esmee (2022) De invloed van Taal als Tool op open vragen en creativiteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dieren, Bert, van (2022) Risicovol Alcoholgebruik en Covid-gerelateerde Angst. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dietzsch, Isabel (2022) Psychological Factors Influencing the Effects of Gamification on Training Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, E.M. van (2022) Verband tussen imagery kenmerken en obsessieve- compulsieve symptomen: Exploratieve studie bij studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, Noa van (2022) Het Verkennen van Associaties met Visuele Klachten in Mensen met Multiple Sclerosis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, Romy van (2022) Verhalen van Onrecht: Representaties van Slachtofferverklaringen in Rechterlijke Uitspraken over Moord en Doodslag in Nederland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Anne (2022) Behoeften, Obstakels en Helpende Factoren om te gaan Sporten bij Jongeren met een Eerste Psychose. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Anneke (2022) Prestatiedoelen in het wielrennen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dittrich, Lea (2022) Exploring the Role of Collective Efficacy, Self-Efficacy, and Group Identification in Motivating Climate Change Adaptation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Dittrich, Lea Sophie (2022) Exploring the Role of Collective Efficacy, Self-Efficacy, and Group Identification in Motivating Climate Change Adaptation. Master thesis, Psychology.


Douglas, Aiden (2022) Ecological momentary interventions and their effectiveness in treating various mental health issues: a literature review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Driest, Jetty Maria (2022) Impliciete Vermijding van de Realiteit van het Verlies en Langdurige Rouwsymptomen: een Pilotstudie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Duijst, Tess N. (2022) Beleid Rondom Smartphonegebruik door Zedendelinquenten in de Forensische Psychiatrische Zorg in Nederland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Duim, Elisa van der (2022) Emotionele reacties op een traumafilm en hun samenhang met ervaren intrusies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Durkin, Conor (2022) The Pupillary Light Response Reveals the Content of the Attended Item in Verbal Working Memory. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eckhardt, Simon (2022) The Influence of Subsidies on Social Norms in the Case of Electric Vehicles. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ehigiator, Eunice (2022) Vergeten Vaders: een systematische literatuurstudie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eising, Ilona (2022) Het inzicht in cognitieve beperkingen en de gevolgen voor het dagelijks leven van mensen met een ernstige psychische aandoening. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eleveld, Marrit (2022) Sensorische gevoeligheid en Rigiditeit bij kinderen met ARFID. Master thesis, Psychology.

Elzinga, Ben (2022) Comprehension of One’s Life as a Possible Target for Reducing PTSD Symptoms. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ermert, Franziska (2022) Residual Effects after feigning adult ADHD symptoms based on external incentives and the impact of confrontational feedback styles. Master thesis, Psychology.

Eshuis, Ilse (2022) Een Exploratieve Studie naar de rol van Domein-specifieke Identiteitscommitments in de Bevrediging van de Psychologische Basisbehoeften Autonomie, Verbondenheid en Competentie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Esveld, Anniek van (2022) The Impact of Gratitude and Anger Expression by Refugees on American’s Support for Political Policies Regarding Refugees. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fazlik, Leon (2022) Radicalization of Environmental Protest - The Effect of Dehumanization on the Support of Protesting Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Febriana, Sarah Gina (2022) The Relation Between Empathy and Intention of Indonesians to Apologize to Papuans via Group-Based Guilt. Master thesis, Psychology.

Feilhauer, Lena (2022) Sexual Creativity: A Blessing for Sexual- and Relationship Satisfaction? Examining the Effect of Creative Sexual Tasks on Monogamous Long-term Relationships. Master thesis, Psychology.

Finsterbusch, Carla Stella (2022) Anti-Female Gender Stereotypes and Gender Bias in the Assessment of Music. Master thesis, Psychology.

Fischer, Melanie (2022) Residual Effects in Feigning Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Detection Rate of the CII. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gangadhar, Aiswarya (2022) Young women’s aspirations in the times of Covid-19: economic impact and aspirations in India. Master thesis, Psychology.

Garritsen, Lieke Antonia Maria (2022) De Rol van Domeinkennis bij het Evalueren van Ideeën op Creativiteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Geerdink, Jessica (2022) Identificeren van Neglect in Mensen met Homonieme Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gelens, Femke (2022) The Relationship between Mental Fatigue, Information Processing Speed and Complex Attention in Patients with Low Grade Glioma. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gellmers, Joschka (2022) Digital Leisure Engagement and Positive Outcomes in the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gerritsen, Jet (2022) Intraindividual Variability as a Measure of Neurological Integrity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gierveld, Nena (2022) Haalbaarheid, aanvaardbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van het Cognitive Assessment Interview (CAI) in de zorg voor mensen met een Ernstige Psychische Aandoening (EPA). Master thesis, Psychology.

Glisovic, Lynn (2022) Continuity During Retirement: Leisure Activities and Social Relationships as a Buffer for Well-Being. Master thesis, Psychology.

Goltermann, A. (2022) Validation of the Hemianopia Reading Questionnaire. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gomez Aguilera, Clara, C (2022) Re-Emergence of Local Culture and Identity Dynamics among Contemporary Spanish Youth. Master thesis, Psychology.

Goorhuis, LJ (2022) Het effect van het roken van sigaretten op het cognitief functioneren bij mensen tussen de 16 en 35 jaar. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gorter, Wytse (2022) From Toilet to Table: The effects of emotions and emotional framing on the acceptability of and willingness to use sewage-based drinking cups. Master thesis, Psychology.

Graaf, Mirte de (2022) Lief dagboek. Master thesis, Psychology.

Graf, Anna Katharina (2022) The Effect of Mindfulness on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms mediated by Intolerance of Uncertainty. Master thesis, Psychology.

Grampes, Christian Hans-Werner (2022) Gender and comorbid depression as predictors of relapse following successful CBT in children and young people: an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis (IPDMA). Master thesis, Psychology.

Greif, Luisa (2022) The Influence of a Collective Action Frame and Identification With Diet on the Willingness for Non-normative and Normative Action Against Factory Farming. Master thesis, Psychology.

Groenhagen, Kirsten (2022) De effecten van een humoristische en een informatieve protestoproep op collectieve actie intenties. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gunst, Lucinda van (2022) De Relatie tussen het Socialemediagebruik van Leerlingen op het Voortgezet Onderwijs en het Ervaren van Angst en Depressiviteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gupta, Sushane (2022) Between the Lines - Reading Difficulties in Homonymous Hemianopia: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gurchom, Quinty, van (2022) Het CAR-FA-X Model van het Overalgemeen Geheugen bij Nabestaanden met Gecompliceerde Rouw: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Gyulvardar, Begyum (2022) Leisure at Work, Recovery, and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Playfulness Trait. Master thesis, Psychology.

Günzel, Alexandra, M (2022) Curiously Creative: The Relationship Between Teacher Verbal Autonomy Support and Convergent Musical Creativity in Primary School Aged Children. Master thesis, Psychology.

Haasper, Laura (2022) Personality traits in the Dutch Special Forces: Zooming in on how recruits fill in questionnaires to detect discipline and dedication. Master thesis, Psychology.

Haen, Rowan (2022) Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccines: Justifications, FLICC Strategies and (Dis)Trust. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hakkers, Romy (2022) Identity Commitments: The Relationship Between Aspects of Commitments and Internalizing Disorders. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hanemaaijer, Tom (2022) Thematische analyse van twee programma’s voor de identiteitsontwikkeling van mensen met autisme. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hausmann, Nele (2022) Rejection-Identification-Model: The Protective Role of Lesbian Multiple Identities. Master thesis, Psychology.

Heins, A.M. (2022) Masuk Angin als een Vorm van Onwelbevinden in Indonesië: een Exploratieve Studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Heitz, Frederick P.A. (2022) Tackling Depression by Finding Purpose in Life. Master thesis, Psychology.

Helliesen, Tord (2022) Tracking Attention Through Time. Master thesis, Psychology.

Helmholt, Fien (2022) De Rol van Affordances in Kinderen hun Cognitieve Ontwikkeling: een Scoping Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Henke, Hannah-Aurelia (2022) Does What I Do Define Who I Am? Exploring the Potential of Clothes Sharing for Pro-Environmental Behavioural Spillover. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hennekam, Rachel (2022) The Dark Triad and its Effects on Counterproductive Work Behavior and Career Success. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hermes, Vera (2022) Allemaal volwassen mensen behalve jij: Een studie naar de overheidscommunicatie van gedragsinstructies gedurende corona. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hidding, Marit (2022) Using Perspective-Change in Virtual Reality to Increase Self-Compassion and Decrease Self-Criticism in Young People. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hillermann, Liza (2022) When an Amoral’s Power is Threatened: Psychopaths and their Engagement in Abusive Supervision. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hillmer, D A (2022) Analyzing the spatiotemporal dynamics of SSVEP- related power modulations to track attention over time. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Marianne (2022) Toenadering, Vermijding en Langdurige Rouwklachten: een Pilotstudie met een Reactietijdentaak. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hondelink, Hessel F.R. (2022) Gamification in the HR Training Context - A Systematic Literature Review of the Game Elements Used. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoorn, Joëlle van (2022) Leading in Unprecedented Times: A Study on Leader Wellbeing whilst Involuntarily Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hopmans, Aukje (2022) Advantaged group's reactions to protests: Support of the advantaged group to religiously or racially framed minority group's (non)normative protests. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hoppe, van (2022) Cognitive Underperformance in Children and Adolescents: An Intercultural Perspective. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hosseini, Sahar S. (2022) De Rol van Ouderlijke Warmte, Betrokkenheid en Hechting op de Kwaliteit van Leven van Kinderen die blootgesteld zijn aan Kindermishandeling. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hulshof, Ruth (2022) De samenhang tussen taalontwikkeling en gedragsverandering bij kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Hölzle, Lena Marie (2022) Drivers for Participation in Car-Sharing Communities. Master thesis, Psychology.

Iancu, Stefania Denisa (2022) Towards reducing mathematical anxiety through adaptive learning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ikram, Maria (2022) Emotion and Pro-Environmental Behaviour: Examining the Emotive Effects of Climate Change Documentaries on PEBs. Master thesis, Psychology.

In 't Veld, Maaike (2022) Camouflage door mensen met autisme: de rol van context. Master thesis, Psychology.

Isa, Verena (2022) Differences Between Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and Typically Developing Children in Dual-Task Performance: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jager, Carien de (2022) Een onderzoek naar de rol van de ingrediëntenlijst bij het maken van een keuze tussen verschillende varianten van een voedingsmiddel. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jalink, Tom (2022) Een voorspellend model voor uitval in de vooropleiding en de elementaire commando opleiding. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jans, Susan (2022) The Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Victimisation in Adulthood: The Role of Assertiveness and Motivations for Risky Behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Janssen, Isabelle (2022) Interventies als hulpmiddel tijdens en voorafgaand aan de identiteitsontwikkeling van mensen met autisme: De PEERS-training en imaginaire exposure. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jaspers, Anne (2022) De Verschillen in Verbetering van de Zelfmanagementvaardigheden en Eenzaamheid tussen de Huidige Versie en de Vorige Versie van Community Wise, met een Focus op de Verschillen in Ervaring tussen Mannen en Vrouwen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Beli de (2022) Seksualiteit bij mensen met dementie in relatie tot depressieve gevoelens. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jonkman, Alex (2022) In hoeverre zijn Symptomen van ADHD en ASS gerelateerd aan Sensorische Prikkelverwerking bij Volwassenen? Master thesis, Psychology.

Jungerius, Damijan (2022) What Makes an Idea Creative - How Gender and Domain Can Influence Creativity Perception. Master thesis, Psychology.

Jäger, Johanna Sophie (2022) Residual Effects of Feigning ADHD and the Influence of Corrective Feedback. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kalinko, Nicola (2022) Do subjective item difficulty estimates correlate with the objective item estimates of an adaptive learning algorithm ? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kalk, Lotte (2022) ADHD en Executieve Functies: De Invloed van Inhiberende Controle onder Studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kamping, E.M. (2022) Non-Social Reward Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kapatou, Georgia (2022) Does A Bilingual Experience Enhance Cognitive Flexibility in Older Adults? Behavioural and Neurophysiological Indications. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kastens, Annabelle (2022) Combining Game Play and Movement - Tetris and Physical Activity in Relation to Intrusions of Trauma. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kebernik, Miriam (2022) Interventions in Public Transport: Researching the Use and Effects of a Crowdedness Indicator of Trams and Busses. Master thesis, Psychology.

Keizer, Floris (2022) Creative enablers: a literature study on the role of record producers and integrative creative leaders. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kellenaers, Fleur A.M. (2022) The role of partner perceptions and perceived support in treatment of PTSD symptoms in Dutch veterans. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kijf, Leonie (2022) Visuele problemen bij mensen met de ziekte van Parkinson. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kilit, Derya (2022) De invloed van angst- en depressieve klachten op de kwaliteit van leven en participatie van aSAB- en naSAB-patiënten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kingma, Renske (2022) Social-Spatial Perception from an Observer’s Perspective. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kirklies, Viviane Marie (2022) Towards a Better Understanding of Performance Under Pressure: A Longitudinal Field Experiment Among Ballet Dancers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kittel, Julynn (2022) Alternative Methods to Evaluate Divergent Thinking Tasks – Effect of Dimension and Procedure on Face Validity and Workload. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klaassen, Laura (2022) The Influence of Exclusion and Meta-stereotypes on Help-Seeking Behavior and Mental Well-Being among the Turkish-Dutch. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kleinelsen, Sarah (2022) The Influence of Educational Group Activities on Perceived Biospheric Group Values and Pro-Environmental Intentions. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klena, Merle Marie (2022) Gender-Specific Socialization Influences on Men’s Experience of Art. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kloezen, Nienke (2022) Sexual Trauma, Development, and Gender Differences. Master thesis, Psychology.

Klundert, Emma, van de (2022) Self-reported visual complaints in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Knegt, Keylie (2022) De rol van gepercipieerde stress bij het aangaan van milieuvriendelijk gedrag. Master thesis, Psychology.

Knevel, Maleah (2022) Teacher Self-Efficacy when Teaching Gifted Children in Primary and Secondary Education. Master thesis, Psychology.

Knief, Amira Nele (2022) Towards a Better Understanding of Performance Under Pressure: A Longitudinal Field Experiment Among Ballet Dancers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koch, M.T. Koch (2022) The Potential of Diagnosing ADHD and Depressed Patients on Basis of Actigraphy Data Using Extreme Gradient Boosting. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koelmans, Iris (2022) Status Loss in Relation to Immigrants’ Integration and Adaptation in India. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koerhuis, Sanne (2022) Bias in Onderzoek naar de Veiligheid van Antidepressiva voor Depressie bij Jongeren. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koiter, Bram (2022) The Relationship Between Brand Memory, Image Memorability, and Fixation Durations While Viewing Picture Advertisements. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kok, Emma (2022) Scaffolding as a Teaching Skill when Teaching Music and Boosting Musical Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koning, Jamilla de (2022) A Motor Imagery-based Brain Computer Interface. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koning, Jennifer (2022) Intergenerational masculinity threat: consequences for the male identity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kooistra, Hinke (2022) The Relationship Between Perceived Exclusion, Identification and Remigration Intentions of Turkish-Dutch people. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koopman, Jochem (2022) A Comparison of the Satisfaction of Motives Among Different Sports Disciplines. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Julian (2022) Het Gebruik van Virtual Reality bij de Revalidatie van Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Julian (2022) Het Gebruik van Virtual Reality bij de Revalidatie van Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Koot, Britt (2022) What is Forgotten in Attribute Amnesia. Master thesis, Psychology.

Korogiannou, Demetra (2022) Adherence of treatment fidelity for cognitive rehabilitation program. Is treatment fidelity related to treatment outcome? Master thesis, Psychology.

Korvemaker, Jantje Gesiena (2022) Kun je cognitieve vaardigheden naar het volgende level brengen door het spelen van videospellen? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kowal, Alexandra Jolanta (2022) Exposure intervention of body-related memories – Will a repeated exposure intervention focusing on negative body- and appearance- related memories be helpful in improving a negative body image? Master thesis, Psychology.

Kreuk, Lorna (2022) Van realistische zelfkennis naar zelfacceptatie, zelfrealisatie en welbevinden. Master thesis, Psychology.

Krijgsman, Josie (2022) Why do all these models in magazines look nothing like me? Master thesis, Psychology.

Krznarić, Lea Maria (2022) Moved by Art - What Makes Us Move in Aesthetic Experience. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kuehme, Niklas (2022) Prosocial Orientation as a Predictor of Leader Knowledge Hiding: The Moderating Role of Fear of Power Loss. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kuipers, Titus (Jan) (2022) Identiteitsontwikkeling gedurende de stageperiode: turning points. Master thesis, Psychology.

Kısacık, Büşra (2022) Omgaan met (het eigen) autisme: aandacht voor de identiteitsontwikkeling binnen SDARI en ReAttach voor personen met een autismespectrumstoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lange, Daphne Hilma de (2022) Identiteitsontwikkeling Tijdens De Stage: Kwalitatieve en Kwantitatieve Methoden Voor Het Onderzoek Naar Competentiebeleving. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lange, I. de (2022) Identiteitsontwikkeling: Belangrijke ervaringen tijdens de stage. Master thesis, Psychology.

Laporte, Roman, de (2022) Let’s Talk Absolut: The Effect of Group Interactions on Attitude Moralization via Perceived Dyadic Harm. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lehnhoff, Maren (2022) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour - The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Mastery Approach Goal Orientation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Leijzer, Miriam (2022) Subjective complaints in patients with lower-grade glioma: Relationships with tumor characteristics and life satisfaction. Master thesis, Psychology.

Leimane, Lote (2022) The Effects of Neuroticism and Perceived Failure on Emotion Regulation Strategy Choice. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lentz, M.B.S. (2022) Environmental Taboo Tradeoffs in the Relational Models Perspective. Master thesis, Psychology.

Leon Espinosa, Maria (2022) Investigation of the Assessment of Music Examinations. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lietmeijer, Valentijn (2022) Exploration of Changes in Cognitive Processes After a One-Session Treatment for Specific Phobias, a Case-Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Linnenkemper, Leonie Chiara (2022) Identity-based interventions in people with a severe mental illness: A scoping review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lipinsky, Charly (2022) Systematic Review on Treating Neglect with Prism Adaptation – The Relative Impact of Realignment and Recalibration. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lopez Catheline, Carol (2022) The 1950s and the 1960s: Two Decades in the History of Psychology in the Dominican Republic. Master thesis, Psychology.

Luchies, Lisa L.M. (2022) De rol van walging en locus of control in overgeefrelevante scenario’s. Master thesis, Psychology.

Luit, Niels van der (2022) Humour in Marketing: Employees’ Perception of the Effects of Humour on Consumer Behaviour. Master thesis, Psychology.

Luscuere, Marlou (2022) Coalition Formation and Polarisation in Group Discussions About Climate Change. Master thesis, Psychology.

Lustgraaf, Karlan, van de (2022) De Specificiteit van het Autobiografisch Geheugen bij Gecompliceerde Rouw: Een Systematische Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Löhden, Anjana (2022) Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Closer Look at the Antecedent Job Autonomy and Possible Mediators of the Relationship. Master thesis, Psychology.

Magnusson, Anne M. (2022) The Intergroup Nature of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal: A Qualitative Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mai, X (2022) Psychological Determinants of Long-Term Vaccination Intention Against COVID-19: the Role of Conspiracy Beliefs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Marshall, Shona (2022) The Effect of Sexual Frustration on Sexual Aggression and the Gender Differences in the Relationship. Master thesis, Psychology.

Marshall, Shona (2022) The Effect of Sexual Frustration on Sexual Aggression and the Gender Differences in the Relationship. Master thesis, Psychology.

Marskamp, Irmani (2022) Sociale Camouflage door Mannen en Vrouwen met een Autisme Spectrum Stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Martulkova, Jana (2022) Testing Different Answer Modalities in an Adaptive Learning System. Master thesis, Psychology.

Matahelumual, Moisha (2022) De Temporele Afstemming tussen Handgebaren en Spreken in een Tweede Taal. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mavropoulou, Eleni (2022) A mixed-methods study on decision-makers' use of a decision-rule. Master thesis, Psychology.

McCreary, Alice (2022) ADHD Characteristics, Gender, and Their Relation to Sensory Profiles: A Dimensional Approach. Master thesis, Psychology.

Melanie, Priscella (2022) ADHD and Executive Functions: The Relation Between Strategic Planning and ADHD Symptoms in University Students. Master thesis, Psychology.

Metz, T.D. (2022) Aanvaardbaarheid van dagelijkse metingen in de ggz en de invloed van het opleidingsniveau van patiënten hierop: een op ervaringen gebaseerde studie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Meyer, Linus (2022) The Impact of Sexual Arousal and Disgust on Pain Tolerance and Pain Intensity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Meyer, Roman Maria Rudolf (2022) Close Monitoring of Employees Working From Home – a Double Edged Sword? Master thesis, Psychology.

Micale, Alice (2022) Do individual's differences in need strength influence the relation between coach’s need support and athlete’s performance self-evaluation? Master thesis, Psychology.

Mik, Danielle (2022) The impact of coping on fatigue, cognitive and psychological complaints in patients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Master thesis, Psychology.

Moeller, Caspar (2022) Mindfulness Intervention for esport athletes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Moser, Eric (2022) Effects of Benevolent Sexism on Women’s Psychological Needs and Work Motivation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Sophie (2022) De relatie tussen steun vanuit klasgenoten en depressiviteit bij middelbare scholieren, en de rol van geslacht en leeftijd. Master thesis, Psychology.

Mähliß, Kaya (2022) Predictive Effects of Motivation and Grit on Performance in Youth Male Football Players. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nauta, Esmee (2022) Early diversification in team sports, pathway to success? Master thesis, Psychology.

Nepperus, Melanie (2022) Verklaart Alcoholconsumptie de Relatie tussen Ervaren Jeugdtrauma’s en het Plegen van Partnergeweld? Een Mediatieanalyse. Master thesis, Psychology.

Niestijl, Eva (2022) The Role of Alcohol Abuse in the Intergenerational Transmission of Domestic Violence. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijborg, Lieke (2022) The Scope of MH17 Victim Impact Statements. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijhuis, Annerieke J.H. (2022) Identiteitsontwikkeling bij eerstejaars psychologiestudenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijp, Laurens (2022) The Effect of Conscientiousness on the Performance of IT-workers While Working from Home: Investigating the Moderating Role of Autonomy and Job Complexity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nijp, Mylène (2022) De onbewuste weg naar het verminderen van een negatief lichaamsbeeld. Master thesis, Psychology.

Noordkamp, Marloes (2022) An Athletes’ Approach to their Goals: The 3 x 2 Achievement Goal Framework and its Association with Mindsets and Perceived Competence. Master thesis, Psychology.

Nowak, Rieke (2022) Effects of childhood maltreatment on revictimization: The role of state dissociation and sexual assertiveness. Master thesis, Psychology.

O Shea, Ian (2022) Moving the Dial on Agency: Developing a Continuous Real-Time Measure of Agency in Martial Arts. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ogrel, Anna (2022) De relatie tussen het psychologisch trauma, de copingstijl en de kwaliteit van leven zes en twaalf maanden na een subarachnoïdale bloeding. Master thesis, Psychology.

Oliemans, Nathalia (2022) De rol van externe motivatie bij de identiteitsvorming van adolescenten en jongvolwassenen. Master thesis, Psychology.

Olthof, Rowan (2022) Mindset en uitdaging: een interventie bij jonge talentvolle voetballers. Master thesis, Psychology.

Oostdam, Merel Adriana (2022) Identiteitspatronen van Commitmentsterkte in Levensdomeinen in relatie tot Welzijn. Master thesis, Psychology.

Oosterzee, Katja van (2022) Insomnia and Major Depressive Disorder: An Individualized Risk Prediction Model for Treatment Outcomes in Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy, and Combined Therapy. Master thesis, Psychology.

Os, Karin van (2022) Getting Close: Exploring the Moderating Role of Point of Reference Framing on Loss- Versus Gain Framing in the Promotion of Intended Pro-environmental Behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ottens, Mariëlle E. (2022) Finding Indicators of Resilience Losses in Time Series of Psychological Parameters in Youth Soccer Players. Master thesis, Psychology.

Page, Sarah Ms. (2022) When Many Waste Little: Using Descriptive Norms to Reduce Household Food Waste. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pahlevan, Miran (2022) Does Attentional Breadth Influence Pupil Size? Master thesis, Psychology.

Palthe, Anna (2022) Interventies als hulpmiddel tijdens en voorafgaand aan de identiteitsontwikkeling van mensen met autisme: De Yucelmethode en EMDR. Master thesis, Psychology.

Paschertz, Benedikt (2022) Speed of Older Cyclists in Difficult Traffic Situations. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pasoglou, Jannis Malte (2022) Gamification in the Job Training Context: A Review of Underlying Theories and a Classification of Outcomes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pastoor, Maaike (2022) The Effect of the Feldenkrais Method on Body Awareness. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pauels, Stefan (2022) When Does Working Alliance Matter? The Effects of Motivation and Working Alliance on Coaching Effectiveness. A Longitudinal Study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Peetz, Lilian, L. (2022) Suppression induced forgetting: a correlational study on performance on the Think/ No-Think task with individual scores for repressive coping and dissociation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Petstra, Carmen (2022) Impulsivity in Dissociative Identity Disorder Patients and Borderline Personality Disorder Patients. Master thesis, Psychology.

Plagemann, Victor (2022) Self Cat (or Dog) and Social Influence: Interspecies Influence and the Role of Theory of Mind. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ploegman, Vera (2022) The indecisive nature of bully-victims: An interpersonal trait approach to explaining differences between bully-victims, bullies, and victims. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pohuja, Dhanishka (2022) Digital Administration of the TMT: An Analysis of Intraindividual Variability in Computerized Testing. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pongener, Imsumenla (2022) The Effects of Social Status and Cultural Difference on Integration and Psychological Adaptation through Meta-Stereotyping. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pool, Machteld, E. M. (2022) Uncovering the Impact of Interculturalism versus Multiculturalism Ideologies in Diversity Policy on Students’ Experience of Inclusion, Intergroup Relations and Diversity Attitudes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Porter, Carys (2022) Primary Prevention of Trauma-Related Disorders in High-Risk Professionals: A Systematic Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Prinsen, Emma (2022) A Neuropsychological Evaluation of Driving Performance of Older Adults. Master thesis, Psychology.

Promok, Lena (2022) The Concept of Effort-Allocation in Students with Self-Reported ADHD Symptomatology. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pruin, Annika (2022) Reading training in Hemianopia: a feasibility study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Pál, Janka (2022) The Intention of Dropout based on Team Cohesion and Autonomous Motivation in the Freshmen Rowing Team. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rabe, Leon (2022) Effects of Power on Negotiation Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rajalahti, Noora (2022) Reference and Citation Patterns in the History of Psychology – a Preliminary Assessment Through Gender. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rehfeldt, Sophie (2022) Investigating Auditory Perception in a Signal Detection Task during Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reijnen, Milou (2022) Neuropsychological assessment of reading ability, cognitive performance and questionnaire-domains in people with Homonymous Hemianopia: a Feasibility study. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rein, Eva van (2022) ADHD en de Executieve Functies Organisatie en Strategische Planning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reiners, Marten Luca (2022) Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: An Investigation of Efficacy and Identification as Predictors of Moderate and Radical Collective Action. Master thesis, Psychology.

Reterink, J.M. (2022) Het Effect van Ouders op de Mate van ARFID. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rheenen, Adam van (2022) Glutamaat-glutamine in rusttoestand in het frontopariëtale netwerk en werkgeheugenprestatie voor patiënten met een milde cognitieve stoornis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Riemersma, Baukje (2022) Gebruikservaring van Virtual Reality en Eye Tracking bij een Gestandaardiseerd Protocol en bij Kijktraining voor Oversteken met Hemianopsie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Rijkse, Fréderique (2022) Sekseverschillen in cognitieve functies. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ring, Aidan (2022) Upstream solutions: Factors moderating the relationship between place attachment and place-protective in the valley of the River Boyne in Ireland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ring, Aidan (2022) Upstream solutions: Factors moderating the relationship between place attachment and place-protective in the valley of the River Boyne in Ireland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Roggenkamp, Luca (2022) The Influence of Traffic Speed on Residents’ Wellbeing. Master thesis, Psychology.

Roos, Casper (2022) Friend or Foe: Effects of Perceived Structural Polarization in Agreeing or Disagreeing Dyads. Master thesis, Psychology.

Roos, Daphne (2022) PTSS-gerelateerde Klachten bij Personen die Verdacht Worden van een Delict in Relatie tot Politieverhoor. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sabatier, Lara (2022) The Orthogonal Move: Thomas Kuhn and Jean Piaget as Exemplars of a Neo-Kantian Science. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sabulyte, Akvile (2022) How Do Leaders React to Fear of Power Loss: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Salzwedel, Maren Helene (2022) Improving Daily Functioning with Cognitive Training in Stroke Patients and the Role of the Therapist: A Systematic Literature Review. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sanders, Mara (2022) The Relationship between Self-Esteem, Emotion Regulation, and Feedback Processing in People with Bipolar Disorder Compared to Healthy Control Subjects. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sauer, Felix (2022) The Effect of Social Identity Threat on Subjective Ambivalence in a Societal Debate. Master thesis, Psychology.

Saygili, Nazli (2022) Rol van slaapcognities in de relatie tussen BMI en slaapkwaliteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

Scheuer, Alisha (2022) Women’s Empowerment During the Pandemic in Bolivia: The Effect of Gendered Power on Intimate Partner Violence and its Consequences for Mental Health. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schneider, Katja (2022) Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cognitive Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schouten, Isabel (2022) A Glimpse into Personality Traits of Bullies, Victims and, Bully-victims. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schubert, Lennart (2022) Fostering Creativity in Music Lessons through the Implementation of Body Movement. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schwerter, Eva, ev (2022) A Meta-Analysis on the Connection Between Threat Origin and Need Dissatisfaction. Master thesis, Psychology.

Schönborn, Lara J. (2022) The relationship between suppression-induced forgetting, repressive coping, and self-reported well-being. Master thesis, Psychology.

Selvendran, S.V. (2022) Bridge Employment: A Systematic Literature Review on the Association Between Bridge Employment and Working Retirees’ Well-Being and Mental Health. Master thesis, Psychology.

Serre, Inori (2022) Self-regulated Learning Differences Between Endurance and Non-endurance Sports Among Elite and Sub-elite Youth Athletes. Master thesis, Psychology.

Seubers, Hendrika Nikita (2022) EMDR Flashforward Interventie bij Kinderen met Sociale-Angst: Casestudies naar het Verzwakken van Negatieve Flashforward Beelden. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sichert, Malte (2022) Facing the Unpleasant: Does Mindfulness decrease Anxiety by decreasing Avoidance? Master thesis, Psychology.

Siebring, Eva (2022) Stoppen bij cannabis met ernstige psychische aandoeningen Welke factoren bevorderen en belemmeren mensen met een EPA in hun stopproces. Master thesis, Psychology.

Siebring, Myron (2022) Professional skills growth mindset, career adaptability and the moderating role of supervisor support. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sievert Lindeskog, Filip Maximilian (2022) Implicit and Explicit Assessment in Music Performance: Contemporary Attitudes and Concerns. Master thesis, Psychology.

Simsek, Irem (2022) Relationship Between Sleep Disturbance, Activation and Depressive Symptoms in Remitted Adolescents and Young Adults. Master thesis, Psychology.

Smidt, Lea (2022) To Fly or Not to Fly: Social Pressure and Informational Influence as Strategies to Reduce Ambivalence. Master thesis, Psychology.

Smith, Timothy (2022) Increasing Acceptability of Renewable Energy Projects: Fostering Perceived Procedural Fairness through Inclusivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sokolowska, Weronika (2022) Creativity Works Wonders, But Who Will Truly Benefit? Master thesis, Psychology.

Sousa, Nathalie (2022) ‘The medium is the confession’. Master thesis, Psychology.

Speelman, Fenna (2022) Angst voor overgeven: De rol van gender en piekeren bij vermijding. Master thesis, Psychology.

Späth, T. (2022) The influence of meaning in life on anxiety in first-year students. Master thesis, Psychology.

Staring, Caroline (2022) Sensorische Gevoeligheid bij Vrouwen met een Lage versus een Hoge Mate van ADHD-kenmerken. Master thesis, Psychology.

Steggemann, Christin (2022) Towards a new measure of work performance in psychiatric evaluation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adulthood. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sterenborg, Corine, C. (2022) De Samenhang Tussen de Executieve Functies en Motorische Vaardigheden in Typisch Ontwikkelende Kinderen van Drie en Vier jaar oud: De Mogelijke Invloed van Fysieke Fitheid en Sociaaleconomische Status. Master thesis, Psychology.

Stille, Benjamin (2022) What are the Key Factors that Influence Individual’s Willingness to Adopt Demand Response Products and Services? Master thesis, Psychology.

Stoliarov, Andrea (2022) ADHD Symptoms and Executive Functions in Daily Life: the Moderating Role of Perceived Mental Effort-Reward Imbalance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Stuurwold van Walsum, Sindre Adriaan (2022) Facilitating positive blended working arrangements for people with different psychological needs: The role of leadership. Master thesis, Psychology.

Swart, Anouck (2022) Over de Paradox van Beperkingen: De Relatie Tussen Beperkingen en het Plezier bij Sinterklaas. Master thesis, Psychology.

Sypes, Chloe (2022) The Effects of Personality of a Leader on Power Construal at Work. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tacke, Jonas (2022) Recovery and work engagement: The mediating role of action-orientation during work performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tekam, Elise (2022) How do Leaders Manage Conflict with Employees? The Role of Age and Gender of a Leader. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tetzlaff, Melina (2022) Electrophysiological Measures and Callous-Unemotional Traits as Predictors of Cognitive Impairments. Master thesis, Psychology.

Theelen, K (2022) Hygienic Behavior and (Non)Compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tietjen, Pia (2022) Social identification and depression: Why different aspects of social identification can simultaneously harm and help well-being in people with depression. Master thesis, Psychology.

Timmer, Rosanne (2022) Slaapproblemen, stress en depressieve klachten bij adolescenten en jongvolwassenen in remissie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Timmerman, L.A. (2022) De Relatie tussen Empathie en Angst tijdens de Coronapandemie. Master thesis, Psychology.

Todorovic, M.J. (2022) Differences Between Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Typically Developing Children in Dual-Task Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tol, Joey (2022) The Effectiveness of Dopamine Stimulating Agents in Late-Life Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Master thesis, Psychology.

Tuynman, Willemijn (2022) Attachment as mediator of child maltreatment on the experienced quality of life of children. Master thesis, Psychology.

Ulpts, Sven (2022) Mapping the Crises Literature in psychology: What is the crisis in psychological science? Master thesis, Psychology.

Ulrich, Joost (2022) The subjective effects of COVID-19 on general cognitive functioning and memory based on an international sample. Master thesis, Psychology.

Urban, Leon Mac (2022) Dealing with Work Interruptions: The Moderating Role of Coping on Task Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Veensma, Mark (2022) Cleaning Out the Sand from the Engine: The Effect of Humble Leadership on the Relation Between Organizational Cynicism and Team Performance. Master thesis, Psychology.

Veenstra, Danique (2022) De Steun van een Docent en Ouders als Bescherming tegen de Ontwikkeling van Depressie bij Middelbare Scholieren. Master thesis, Psychology.

Velthuijsen, Isabel (2022) The IFTE as an alternative for the clinical items in the HKT-R. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vijver, R.R. van der (2022) Hoe kunnen de ervaringen en behoeftes van wachtenden voor gespecialiseerde GGZ-behandeling worden begrepen? Master thesis, Psychology.

Vink, Isabelle (2022) Confronted with the Prejudice Paradox: Its Effects on Prejudice via a Cognitive Dissonance and Compassion Route. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visscher, Madelief (2022) Facial Emotion Recognition and Visual Functioning in the Early Stage of Parkinson's Disease. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visscher, Nena (2022) Een Systematische Review naar de Effectiviteit van Fluoxetine, Escitalopram en Citalopram voor Depressie in Kinderen en Adolescenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visser, Lianne (2022) The role of disgust in anorexia nervosa: testing a theoretical model including disgust propensity, self-disgust, and disgust sensitivity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Visser, Rik (2022) Music Education: Stimulating Musical Creativity in Primary School Children through Non-Verbal Autonomy Support. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vledderman, Chana (2022) Acceptatie van LGBTQ+-gerelateerde advertenties en de rol van het Christendom en norm-salience. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vos, Collin (2022) Ageing Like Fine Wine: The Effect of Leader Age and Ideas About Power on Conflict Management. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vries, Aniek de (2022) ADHD en Executieve Functies: Voorspellende waarde van Organisatie voor ADHD. Master thesis, Psychology.

Vuijst, Daan de (2022) The Mental and Physical Resilience Process of Elite Rowers, and the Role of Mindset and Goal Orientation. Master thesis, Psychology.

Waalewijn, Xander (2022) On the professionalization of criminal psychiatry: a strategy without a subject. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weber, Niels Griffin (2022) Semi-Systematic Literature Review: Does Random Stimulation Facilitate Creativity. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weerd, Bram, B. de (2022) The Influence of Accountability on Individual Mobility: The Permeability Paradox Examined. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weerd, Rachelle de (2022) ADHD in studenten en de Executieve Functie Impulscontrole. Master thesis, Psychology.

Weiss, Lennart Carsten (2022) Do Mindfulness based Interventions decrease Anxiety Sensitivity by promoting an adaptive Coping Style? Master thesis, Psychology.

Weissenbacher, Vera Isabella (2022) Economy versus Climate - The construction of polar opposites? A qualitative investigation of extreme viewpoints. Master thesis, Psychology.

Werning, HC (2022) The Cognitive Effects of Classic Psychedelic Drugs. Master thesis, Psychology.

Westra, Amber M. (2022) Verhalen van Onrecht. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wetering, Willem van de (2022) Moral Convictions in Religious Groups: How Moral Convictions and Social Embeddedness Relate to In group and Outgroup. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wetwitschka, Urte (2022) Memory Exposure Intervention Targeting Disgust Memories about the Own Body. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wichers Schreur, Kars (2022) The relation between experiencing Low-Frequency Noise and Memory Functioning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wichers Schreur, Kars (2022) The relation between experiencing Low-Frequency Noise and Memory Functioning. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wielinga, Heleen (2022) Beïnvloedt onze Denkstijl de Manier waarop we Ideeën beoordelen? Het effect van een Holistische vs. Analytische Denkstijl op de Beoordeling van Creatieve Ideeën. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wieren, Karien van (2022) De mogelijkheden van gemaskeerd evaluatief conditioneren om de valentie van een negatief beoordeelde stimulus positiever te maken. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wieringa, Jasmijn (2022) ADHD, Executieve Functies en Motivatie bij Studenten. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wogram, Zoë (2022) Examining the Effect of Repeated Exposure to Disgust-Eliciting Body-Related Memories on Young Women’s Body Image. Master thesis, Psychology.

Wolters, Lot (2022) Can’t Get You Out of My Head: A Scoping Review on Intrinsic Motivation Techniques and Their Use in Memory-Based Listening Games. Master thesis, Psychology.

Yoo, Donghyun (2022) Self-efficacy and Telework Satisfaction: The Moderator Role of Perceived Organizational Support. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zinkevičiūtė, Gintarė (2022) Willingness to participate in the decision-making about renewable energy projects: the role of a temporal distance of impacts, perceived losses/gains and values. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zondag, Hedy (2022) Emotioneel redeneren op basis van walging bij anorexia nervosa. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zorn, Tabea Marie (2022) Does sexual creativity enhance sexual and relationship satisfaction? Examining the effect of weekly creative sexual tasks in monogamous long-term relationships. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zutphen, Esther van (2022) The effects of stress, self-control and self-efficacy on pro-environmental behavior. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zuurman, Laura Stephanie (2022) The Effect of Norm Activation, Goal Frames and Food Neophobia on the Intention to Engage in Diet-related Pro-Environmental Behaviours. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zvine, Madara (2022) Community Mental Health Care development since 1948: The example of Ireland. Master thesis, Psychology.

Zwiers, Aranka E. (2022) De rol van de docent bij creativiteit. Master thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 07:49:08 2025 CET.