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Number of items: 537.


Adden, Emma (2023) The Influence of Weight Loss Discourses on Fat People’s Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ahlers, Daniel (2023) The Relationship between Positive Interdependence and Satisfaction with the Learning Experience: The Moderating role of Group Agreement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Akkermans, Josine (2023) Handling work-related setbacks: a professional skills and abilities mindset analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Al Homsi, Kinda (2023) What Are The Underlying Cognitive and Academic Motivators Influencing the Frequency of Hyperfocus State During Studies? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

AlHabash, Jana (2023) Interpersonal Work Conflict: Exploring the Dark Side of Zero-sum Mindset and Approach Job Crafting. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Albarda, Astrid (2023) De Invloed van Context op Binding tussen Objectidentiteit en Locatie in een Veranderingsblindheidtaak. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Albers, Paulien (2023) Groepsovereenkomst en Samenwerken: De rol van Groepscohesie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Alberts, S.I.L. (2023) De Digitale Vitaliteitscheck voor Oudere Volwassenen: een Pilotstudie naar de Gebruiksvriendelijkheid en Invloed op Bewustzijn en Intentie tot Gedragsverandering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Alkema, Melissa (2023) De Kracht van de Natuur: Buitenonderwijs voor een Zelfverzekerde Generatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ambergen, Fleur (2023) A Qualitative Analysis of Social Congruence and Student Engagement in Peer Mentoring and Faculty Mentoring: The Perspective of Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Andela, Lily (2023) Het Verband tussen de Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Autonomie en Relatietevredenheid en Commitment: de Modererende Rol van de Angstige Hechtingsstijl. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Andresen, Jessica (2023) Understanding Well-being in the University Context: Perspectives of Students and Teachers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

André, Mieke (2023) The Influences of Gender and Humour Types on Intention to Join Collective Climate Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Anton, Andrei Alexandru (2023) The Mediation of Learning by Digital Technologies: An Embodied Cognition Perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Anton, Delia Andreea (2023) Being Seen in a Good Light? Doing the Same, Yet Being Judged Differently. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Argeseanu, Gabriela (2023) Mindfulness as a Buffer for the Negative Impact of Work Interruptions on Employees’ Levels of Job Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Arifaj, Fiola (2023) Het “Ideale Co-Slachtoffer” van een Geweldsmisdrijf: het verschil in mate van Erkenning tussen Vaders en Moeders van een vermoord Kind. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Arslan, Açelya (2023) De Mediërende Rol van Positieve Interdependentie Tussen de Relatie van Samenwerken en het Gevoel van Erbij Horen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Aslan, Melike (2023) The role of Meaning in Life as a Mediator in the relationship between Anxiety and Eating Disorders. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Atanasova, Zara, Ms. (2023) Approach Job Crafting and Relationship Conflict: The Moderating Effect of Zero-Sum Mindset. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Aue, Emma (2023) The Effect of Writing a Group Agreement on Cooperation and the Influence of Social Cohesion on this Relationship. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Baaijens, Claire, C.N.A. (2023) Terug Naar Buiten: Het Belang van Buitenonderwijs voor het Welzijn van Basisschoolleerlingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bacsin, Daria (2023) ADHD Symptomatology in Students and Executive Functions, an Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bakker, N (2023) Confronting Sexism as a Bystander: Comparing Male and Female Confronters to Unveil Sexism’s Veiled Power Dynamics. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bebendorf, Kimberley (2023) Justice-Powered Energy Futures: Public Acceptability, Climate Justice and Responsibility. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beek, Femke van (2023) Achter een Bureau of in de Buitenlucht: de Invloed van Binnen- en Buitenonderwijs op de Percepties van Intrinsieke Motivatie van Basisschoolleerlingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beek, Isabelle van (2023) Het moderatie effect van nationaliteit op een contractuele samenwerking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bekkering, Willem (2023) Education-based discrimination in de sollicitatie context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bemd, Luna van den (2023) Blame Attribution as a Function of Gender. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bemmel, Anna, van (2023) Het verband tussen Perfectionisme en Waargenomen Team Commitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Benninger, Hannah (2023) Effects of Leader´s Fear of Power Loss on Conflict Management Strategies Towards Employees: The Moderating Role of Competitive Climate. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beveren, Marije van (2023) De relatie tussen omgevingsgevoeligheid en mentale gezondheid onder studenten: de mediërende rol van eenzaamheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bezemer, Lide (2023) De relatie tussen hoogsensitiviteit, sociale steun en mentale gezondheid onder Nederlandse studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bigeng, Alicia (2023) Drawing on Self-Determination Theory: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Core Quality Coaching and Primary School Students’ Perceived Basic Psychological Needs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Blank, Laura (2023) Level of Group Cohesion and the Implementation of a Group Agreement: The Moderating Role of Attitude Towards Collaboration. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Blank, Luca Katharina (2023) Fat stigma, Fat Discourses, Discrimination, and the Effect of Those on Fat People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bletterman, Alisha (2023) Beloningsgevoeligheid en beloningsleren bij kinderen van 6-7 jaar. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Blom, Nynke (2023) The effects of studying and part-time employment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boelens, Hedwich (2023) Parental Involvement and Residual Symptoms as Predictors of Relapse after Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety in Youth: an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Anniek de (2023) University Students’ Experiences of Various Note-Taking Habits. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Gaia Catharina Elisabeth de (2023) Een Brug te Ver: De Relatie Tussen EBMH-Gebruik, Houding ten Opzichte van Wetenschappelijk Bewijs en Beschikbaarheid van Middelen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Ian de (2023) Animal Influence: How Our Cats and Dogs Shape Our Views Of Others. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Tamara de (2023) A Qualitative Analysis of Cognitive Congruence and Student Engagement in Peer and Faculty Mentoring: The Perspective of the Student. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boerema, Nicole (2023) Waargenomen Competentie en Achievement Goals in Mannelijke en Vrouwelijke Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boerma, Jasper (2023) Victim blaming als mediator van de samenhang tussen empathie en erkenning bij slachtoffers van aanranding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bontekoning, Muriël, M.A. (2023) Drijfveren achter de Autonome Motivatie van Amateur Tennissers en Volleyballers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boonstoppel, Merleyn D. (2023) Gender Differences in Physical Fitness Relevant for the Community Wise Intervention. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boonstra, Lisette (2023) In welke mate hangt een optimistische denkstijl samen met impulsiviteit bij 6-7 jarige kinderen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bootsma, Sabien (2023) Energy Visions Explored: the Acceptability of Future Energy Scenarios in Association with Trust in Policymakers via Perceived Costs and Benefits. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bootsveld, Megan (2023) De Relatie Tussen Agressiviteit bij Ouders en Negatieve Emoties bij hun Kinderen van 2.5 Jaar oud. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Borstelmann, Clara (2023) An Examination of Perceptions of Fairness, Organizational attractiveness and Agreeableness in Game-Based Assessments. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bos, Jesse (2023) Hemianopia and Visual Scanning Behavior during Cycling. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bos, Lieke (2023) Scanning Behaviour in People with Hemianopia. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bosch, Charlotte, V. (2023) Using Pupillometry in a RSVP Task Can Detect Concealed-Information. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boteva, Tsveta (2023) Effects of part-time employment during higher education and socioeconomic background influence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bouwer, M.E.G. (2023) Het effect van Sociaaleconomische Status en Meta-Percepties op Maatschappelijk Ongenoegen en Politieke Polarisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bouwsema, Lise Johanne (2023) Inzicht in de Relatie tussen Omgevingsgevoeligheid en Mentale Gezondheid bij Studenten: De Modererende rol van Extraversie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boven, R.A. van (2023) Het beste van beide werelden op de werkvloer: Kan ondersteunend leiderschap de positieve relatie tussen innovatief werkgedrag en conflicten met collega’s beïnvloeden? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bovenberg, Charlotte (2023) The Effect of Memorability on Eyewitnesses’ Recognition of Crime Scene Elements. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brandes, Tammo Nils Helmut Rudolf (2023) "Judging a Book By its Cover?": The Impact of Superficial Contextual Information on Digital Flashcard Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Breden, Eline Yvonne van (2023) The Effect of Automation Feedback on Eco-driving Depending on Experience: a Driving Simulator Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Briny, Oliver (2023) Unraveling the Threads of Academic Engagement: The Impact of Curiosity and Need for Cognition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Broenink, Esther (2023) Drijfveren achter de autonome motivatie van competitieve en recreatieve wielrenners. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brosig, Juri (2023) Figuring out Freeze: A Review of Physiological Measures of a Fragmented Concept. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brough, Awika (2023) To Whom Is Blended Work Attractive? A Perspective on the Reflector Learning Style. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brouwers, Neve Zoë (2023) De Rol van de Temporele Context Bij Binding in een Change-Blindness-Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bruin, Leanne (2023) After My Own (he)Art: Self-Referential Linguistic Patterns and Well-Being in Art Experience. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bruinsma, Barend (2023) The Effect of Emotional Valence on Information Processes of Aesthetic Judgements. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bruns, Keano (2023) The Within-Person Effects of Shifting from a Field to Observer Vantage Point on the Content of Aversive Memories and their Characteristics. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Buijs, Anne Floor (2023) Warmte en Competentie in Relatie tot Erkenning voor Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag: De Mediërende rol van Sympathie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Buschman, I. R. and Elskamp, D. and Lortz, S. and Lange, N. and Stroemer, E. (2023) Disentangling the relationship between neuroticism, upward social comparison frequency, body-shame and weight-loss dieting in college women: A moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Busschers, Koen (2023) The State Regulation Theory in Students with ADHD: an Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Böker, Caroline Madeleine (2023) Why do Leaders Manage Conflicts With Followers Destructively Rather Than Constructively? The Mediating Role of Fearing Power Loss. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Can, Aylin (2023) Educatiosnm bij Rekrutering van Sollicitanten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Candolle, Aliénor B.H. de (2023) Moral Convictions and Helping Behavior: The Role of Perspective-Taking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Caon, Giorgia, Ms (2023) The Effects of Masculinity Threat: A Comparison Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Carneiro Alves, Caram Luis (2023) Connecting Swift Blame with the Dual Processing Theory through the Cognitive Reflection Test. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cernakova, Sofia (2023) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van moederschap. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Chiluvane, Thabo (2023) Investigating the Role of Conservatism and Collective Narcissism in Anti-Scientific Attitudes. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Christmann, Alexandra (2023) The Influence of Nostalgia and Anemoia on Mood and the Moderating Role of Loneliness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Claus, Aili (2023) Heart Rate Variability and Perceived Stress in Public Speaking with regard to Supportive and Non-supportive Feedback. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cleary, Una (2023) The Contribution of Cognitive Motivators to Academic Engagement in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Closier, Manon (2023) Optimisme en sociaal functioneren bij kinderen van 6 en 7 jaar oud. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cole, Dorothy (2023) Moral Convictions and Helping Behavior:The Moderating Role of Sentimentality. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cordes, Jeffrey (2023) Effects of Attitude Towards Technology on Driving Behaviour using Different Levels of Automated Feedback: An Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cotiga, Teodora (2023) "Not extroverted, but not introverted as well" - A qualitative analysis of personality traits in the construction of identity among emerging adults. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cregan, Sadhbh (2023) ‘’Although, I'll never really be the best at anything’’: A Comparative Analysis of Negative Self-descriptions and Gender During Emerging Adulthood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cregan, Sadhbh, S (2023) Identity Content in the Context of Self-descriptions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cremer, Lorenz Reinold (2023) The Moderating Effect of Neuroticism on the Relationship between Negative Work Events and Employee Fatigue. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cuijten, Anne (2023) Effectiviteit en veiligheid van tweede generatie antidepressiva bij kinderen en adolescenten met angststoornissen: een umbrella review van het huidige bewijsmateriaal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Curtin McGrane, Adam (2023) Exploring the Role of Coping Styles and Thought Suppression in the Relationship Between Adverse Life Experiences and Dissociation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Dalen, Jan-Willem van (2023) Dynamics of Leader-Employee Dyads in Dutch Organizations: Exploring the Impact of Shared Leadership on Employee Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dam, Marline van (2023) Criterion Validity of Prolonged Grief Disorder and Quality of Life: A Longitudinal Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Datema, Bregje (2023) De invloed van geslacht van het slachtoffer, geslacht van de waarnemer en ‘geloof in een rechtvaardige wereld’ op mate van erkenning voor slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Davelaar, N.Q.B. (2023) The Effects of Mental Disorders on the Idenity Configurations of Young Adults with regards to the Social and Personal Aspects of Identity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Degner, Johannes (2023) The Moderating Effect of Psychological Safety on the Relationship Between Shared Leadership and Job Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dernison, Jelle Thijs (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies: The Effect of Vegan Labeling on Willingness to Pay. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Destree, Merel G. (2023) Examining the Role Plausible Deniability as a Shield for Confrontation of Sexism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Diaz, Gabriela F. M. (2023) The Moderation Effect of Conscientiousness on the Relationship Between Blended Working Arrangements and Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, Lisa van (2023) De Rol van Leeftijd van een Leidinggevende in het Mentale Welzijn van een Medewerker door Vermijden als Conflicthantering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijk, Lotte van (2023) Een Pilotstudie naar een digitale Vitaliteitscheck gericht op de Positieve gezondheid en Welbevinden onder Oudere Volwassen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkema, Fleur (2023) The Effect of Feedback on Crash Risk and the Role of Self-Awareness and Openness to Feedback. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Bernau (2023) Leeftijd, Forceren en Verantwoordelijkheidsperceptie van Leiders. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Laura (2023) De digitale Vitaliteitscheck voor oudere volwassenen: Een pilotstudie voor de webapp. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Olena (2023) The Role of Instrumental, Symbolic, and Environmental Attributes and Perceived Behavioral Control in the Intention to Stop Driving to Work. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dinh, Phuong, Ms (2023) The moderating role of perceived self-efficacy on the relationship between empowering leadership style and employee job satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dirks, Merlin (2023) Handling Work-Related Setbacks: A Professional Skills and Abilities Mindset Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dissel, Lisette (2023) To What Extent Do Need For Cognition and Curiosity Influence Academic Engagement in University Students? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doedens, Fleur (2023) Depressieve Symptomen van Ouders en Negatieve Emoties bij het Kind. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dohr, Katharina (2023) How Social is Social Psychology, Really? Assessing Social Psychological Research on Dance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dohrn, Lilly (2023) The Effect of Leaders' Relative Power on Conflict Management Strategies and the Moderating Role of Contextual Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Done-Zikeli, Alexandra (2023) The Role of Gender System Justification and Feminism in Anti-Scientific Attitudes. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doorn, Yara Christina Alida van (2023) Innovative Work Behavior vs. Conflict With Coworkers: Examining the Influence of Team Climate for Innovation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doornbusch, Jacqueline (2023) Sekseverschillen in Depressieve gevoelens tijdens de Community Wise interventie, richtend op Zelf-effectiviteit, Toekomstbeeld, Eenzaamheid, Mentaal Welbevinden en Gedragsbevestiging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dorenbos, Maaike, MJ (2023) Vervulling van Psychologische Basisbehoeftes en Relatietevredenheid: de Rol van Seksuele Motivatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Douma, Michelle (2023) Does secure base activation buffer against loneliness? Exploring the moderating role of avoidant coping. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Douma, N.P. (2023) De invloed van geslacht op de evaluatie van argumenten over de negatieve gevolgen van vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drago, Ludovico (2023) An Investigation of Motivation Role for a Peer Pairing Program. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dreijer, Fabiën P. (2023) The Association Between Symptoms of ADHD and Executive Functions in Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drenthen, Marjolijn (2023) Effecten van de Aanwezigheid en Memorabiliteit van Afbeeldingen op het Leren van Vocabulaire van een Tweede Taal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drev, Mateja (2023) Moral Convictions, Collective Action, and Concern for Future Generations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drevijn, Bart (2023) Wanneer Buitenspelen en Leren Samengaan: Positief Affect Tijdens Buitenonderwijs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Duarte Galésio, Maria Ana (2023) The relationship between Curiosity, Academic Intrinsic Motivation and Need for Cognition predict the flow experience in university students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Duivenboden, Merel van (2023) The Effect of Images and their Memorability on Foreign Vocabulary Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dungen, Tess van den (2023) Erkenning voor Vrouwelijke Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag en het Effect van de Kleur van Haar Kleding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Eck, Erick van (2023) De invloed van parttime werk op academische prestaties en welzijn. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eddes, Nicci (2023) Het effect van context op een veranderingsblindheidstaak. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ehlers, Paul-Sebastian (2023) The Effect of Perceived Parenting Style on Emotion Dynamics: How Parents can Determine Inertia. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eijklaar, Ramon (2023) Hoe schatten ouders de pijn in van hun kind en zijn er verschillen tussen vaders en moeders? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eiling, Ward (2023) Identifying Model Misspecification in VAR(1) Models: A Predictive Accuracy Analysis Approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ekkel, Rozemarijn (2023) An Initiative Stimulating Pro-Environmental Behaviour: The Effects of Social Identity and Values. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

El-Hawari, Hannah (2023) Understanding Student Motivation: Exploring the Effect of Immediacy Behaviors from Peer and Faculty Mentors. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ellerbeck, Meret Onna (2023) The Impact of Negative Work Events on Daily Self-Esteem of Employees: Examining the Role of Openness to Experience as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Elskamp, Dessa (2023) Disentangling the Relationships between Upward Social Comparison Frequency, Body Shame, Attachment Anxiety and Weight-loss Dieting in College Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ernst, Renz Bryan (2023) The Influence of Potency on the Relationship Between Shared Leadership and Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Evers, Anne (2023) Het Verband tussen Omgevingsgevoeligheid en Mentale Gezondheid onder Studenten: de Rol van Sociale-mediagebruik. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Evers, Britt (2023) Met de Jaren Komt Wijsheid? De Invloed van Leeftijd op Integratieve Conflicthantering van Leidinggevenden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eșanu, Maria (2023) The Moderating Effect of Negative Symptoms on the Relationship Between Social Connectedness and Quality of Life in Patients with Psychosis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Faassen, K.A.S. van (2023) Het verschil tussen jongere en oudere volwassenen op het gebied van subjectief financieel presteren, leningen/schulden en financiële stress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fehrmann, Joran (2023) De relatie tussen sociaaleconomische status en financieel presteren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Feijer, Isa (2023) The Contribution of Academic Intrinsic Motivation, Need for Cognition, and Epistemic Curiosity on Hyperfocus in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fellows, Sophie Anne (2023) The Moderating Role of Perceived Threat in the Relationship Between Moral Convictions and Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fikse, Gerrit (2023) Change blindness met een temporeel aspect. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Filkin, Cameron Laszlo (2023) Arousing images may change how time subjectively passes depending on image memorability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fitzpatrick, Darrafg (2023) Project Q: The Use of Incidental Cues in Digital Flashcard Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Focken, Viktoria Maria (2023) Gender Differences in Severity Evaluation and Punitive Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fornillo, Desire (2023) The influence of evaluation of Instrumental, Symbolic, and Environmental attributes and perceptions regarding gains and losses, on intention to not using a car. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Freytag, Pauline (2023) The Impact of Anticipating Aversive Stimuli on the Sexual Response in Heterosexual Women: A Differential Conditioning Paradigm. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fricke, Jil Luisa (2023) Understanding Well-Being in Academia: Exploring the Interaction of Students’ and Teachers’ Well-Being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Friman, Patricia, Ms. (2023) The moderating effects of legitimacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Gaasbeek, Mieke (2023) ADHD en Executieve Functies, een Experimenteel Onderzoek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gaijkema, Floor (2023) Perfectionisme en Sociale Cohesie in de Teamsport. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gajdošová, Hana (2023) Growth Mindset Ineffective in Lowering Negative Affect Over Workplace Failure: Importance of Self-Compassion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Galiën, Jelle van der (2023) Digital assessment, exam preparation & student experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gallego Balson, Ainhoa (2023) Empathy at the Crossroads: Unravelling the Power of Empathy in Assessing Blame. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gandhi, Dharmil (2023) Hyperfocus and cognitive motivators in an academic setting. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gang, Shu Yun (2023) Judgments of Allegations of Harm: The Effect of Neuroticism in Third-Party Observers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gedik, Zeynep R., Ms. (2023) Shared Leadership and Employee Performance: The Mediating role of Psychological Safety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gietema, Karlijn (2023) Het Effect van Kindermishandeling op NEET-status in Jongvolwassenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gjaltema, Jorinde (2023) De Korte en Lange Termijn Effecten van de Nieuwe Generatie Antidepressiva bij Kinderen en Adolescenten met een Klinische Depressie: een Systematische Umbrella Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gogh, Alissa van (2023) Suïcidaliteit als Adverse Event bij het Gebruik van Antidepressiva onder Kinderen en Adolescenten met een Gediagnostiseerde Depressie- of Angststoornis: een Umbrella Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Graaf, A.J. de (2023) De Associatie Tussen Angstsymptomen van Ouders en Negatieve Emoties van Kinderen van 2,5 Jaar Oud Tijdens Interacties met hun Ouders. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Graaf, Anke, (2023) De Associatie Tussen Angstsymptomen van Ouders en Negatieve Emoties van Kinderen van 2,5 Jaar Oud Tijdens Interacties met hun Ouders. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Greidanus, Janet (2023) De associatie tussen financieel presteren en executief functioneren in de niet-klinische populatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grimmius, Joëlle (2023) Understanding and Misinterpretation of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing: The Impact of Statistics Education and Contextualization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grolleman, Chiron (2023) Navigeren tussen innovatief werkgedrag en conflicten op het werk: beïnvloedt narcisme dit proces? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Groot, Annick de (2023) The ambiguous value of cognitive behavioral therapy to antidepressants in children and adolescents suffering from Major Depressive Disorder an umbrella-review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Groot, Iris (2023) The Effect of Shame and Guilt on Air Travellers’ Willingness to Pay for Carbon Offsets. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Groot, Noortje, de (2023) De Invloed van Perfectionisme op de Waargenomen Veerkracht van een Sportteam. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grothkopp, Simon (2023) The Relation of Moral Conviction and Moral Obligation to Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gullatz, Alina Sarah (2023) The effect of nostalgia and anemoia on mood and the moderator role of creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Hackett, James (2023) To What Extent Can Need for Cognition and Curiosity Predict Academic Engagement? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haferkamp, Leon Heinrich Winfried (2023) What is the freeze response? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haller, Vincent M. (2023) Let’s talk about (cheap) food: The influence of communication frequency within peer groups and perceived costs on a sustainable diet. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hamam, Jasmina (2023) The Moderating Role of Social Connectedness in the Association Between Moral Conviction and Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hamidizadeh, Arian and Cleary, Una and Dissel, Lisette and Hackett, James and Briny, Oliver (2023) The Effect of Epistemic Curiosity, Stress Tolerance and Need for Cognition on Academic Engagement in Undergraduate University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hammerschmitt, Josephine, Ms. (2023) The Trade-Off Between Mental Workload and Situation Awareness in Semi-Automated Cars. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Han, Chaeri (2023) Complex emotions and mood improvement in anxiety-prone adults during art reception. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hannay, Jade (2023) Studying with a part-time job: A double workload? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Harder, Amelie (2023) Definition of Sex and its Relation to Focuses of Pleasure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Harmsen, Eva (2023) The Effect of Mindfulness on Attention Residue and Goal Progress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Harting, Katharina (2023) Current Statistics on Violence against Women – a Review of the Global Incidences and the Methods of Measurement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hartman, Philip (2023) Effect of Coaching on Self-efficacy in Teachers: The Moderating Role of Mindset. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hartmann, Femke (2023) Effects of Core Quality Coaching in Primary Education on Students’ Happiness and Self-Concept. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hartmannová, Hana (2023) The Effect of Immediacy in Peer Mentors on Perceived Knowledge Gain of First-Year Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heek, Collin van (2023) Identity configuration and identity content: patterns in domains of life represented in emerging adults’ identity configurations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heek, Collin van (2023) Identity configuration and identity content: patterns in domains of life represented in emerging adults’ identity configurations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heidstra, Hendrika (2023) Het Verband tussen Christelijke Overtuiging en Erkenning voor Slachtoffers van Seksuele Misdrijven. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heijnen, Jiska (2023) Executieve Functies en ADHD Symptomen bij Studenten: Een Experimentele Studie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heiland, Jessica (2023) Blended Working and Personal Initiative: Exploring Proactive Personality as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heimann, Malin (2023) Student Transition and Out-of-Class Communication With Mentors: Exploring the Effect of Immediacy, Trust, and Identification. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heitkemper, M (2023) Openness, Emotions, and Esthetics in Children and Adolescents: An Explorative Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Held, Markus (2023) Het effect van een Groepscontract op De Mate van Samenwerking bij Bachelorthese studenten, met de mediërende rol van Groepscohesie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hendrix, Dana (2023) De Invloed van Ouderlijke Angst op de Pijn van Baby’s Tijdens Vaccinaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hennings, Julene Katrin (2023) The Effect of Leaders’ Relative Power on the use of Malevolent Creativity when in Conflict with Employees; The Moderating Role of a Competitive Climate. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Herholz, Hendrik (2023) Social Media, Connectedness, and Students’ Learning Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hesse, Jan (2023) The Influence of Perceived Attributes and Political Identity on the Intention to Adopt a Car-Free Lifestyle. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hettema, David (2023) Do your eyes tell the truth? Detecting concealed information using RSVP and pupillometry. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hiemstra, Rosanne (2023) De Invloed van een Persoonlijke Relatie Tussen Dader en Slachtoffer op Erkenning Voor een Nederlands Slachtoffer van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hieronymi, Bennet, B.F (2023) Effects of Scene Memorability on Eyewitness Memory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hiller, Katharina (2023) Investigating if the Need for Relatedness Moderates the Relationship Between Blended Working and Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hjortfors Lozanovic, Ivar Niko (2023) How the Politics of a Dutch University Influences the Well-being of Students and Staff: Through the Satisfaction/Thwarting of Basic Psychological Needs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoek, Lyouck van der (2023) De Invloed van Gender op de Associatie tussen Kindermishandeling en NEET. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoek, Naomi G. van den (2023) Cognitieve leerstrategieën van Studenten met ADHD Symptomen en de Rol van Executieve Functies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Demi (2023) Neuroticisme van Ouders en Temperament van hun Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Robin (2023) De Onderzoek-Praktijk Kloof: De Samenhangende Rol van Therapeutvariabelen met Het Gebruik van EBP. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hof, Cécilia Everdina (2023) Associatie Tussen ADHD en Executieve Functies bij Universiteitsstudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hofsteenge, Suzanne (2023) The Difference Between The Effects of Disparaging and Affiliative Humor: Politicized Identity, Humor and Climate Change Mitigating Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Holweg, Suzan (2023) Seksueel geweld: Secundaire victimisatie bij sekswerkers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Holz, Emma-Carlotta (2023) Relationship between Insecure Attachment and Emotion Regulation: The Moderation Effect of Gender. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Holzmann, Mira (2023) Longing for What One Has Never Known: Examining the Influence of Anemoia, Nostalgia, and Optimism on Mood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoogendoorn, Anne (2023) The Moderating Role of Existential Isolation in the Relationship between Secure Base Activation and Loneliness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoppe, Mara (2023) Exploring Gender Differences in Negative Affect and Emotion Regulation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hornbogen, Lee (2023) Psychotherapists Theoretical Orientations and Attitudes Towards Evidence Based Mental Health. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Huang, Faye (2023) Blended Working and Organizational Attractiveness: What Is the Role of Openness to Experience? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Huisma, Roeli (2023) Fairness in Climate Cost Allocation: Exploring Public Support and Implications for Policy Design. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hummel, Laura (2023) Digitaal Vitaal: De Gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de digitale Vitaliteitscheck voor Oudere Volwassenen en het Effect van Gebruik op Bewustzijn en Intentie tot Gedragsverandering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hävecker, Lina (2023) Obstacles in Evidence-Based Mental Health: On The Relation Between Duration of Psychotherapy, Theoretical School Orientation, and Practitioners’ Attitude Towards Evidence-Based Mental Health. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Ibrahimi, Blinera (2023) Investigating the Role of Well-Being in Academia: Student-Teacher Interactions and the Impact of Academic Performance on Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Idris, Dogac Toprak (2023) Addressing Social Within Gender Conformity Literature. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Jansen, Annika (2023) De relatie tussen beloningsgevoeligheid en internaliserende problemen bij kinderen van 6 en 7 jaar oud. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jansen, Lena (2023) Professional Skills and Abilities Mindsets as a Predictor of Self-Regulation Following Work-Related Failure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jansson, Noora (2023) The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Relationship between Insecure Attachment and Dissociation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jipping, Fleur (2023) Balans tussen studie en werk: Een onderzoek naar de academische prestaties en het welzijn van studenten met een bijbaan en studenten zonder een bijbaan. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jones, isabelle (2023) De Invloed van Angst als Eigenschap op het Troostgedrag van de Ouder en het Pijngedrag van het Kind. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, A.Z. de (2023) The Perceived Effect of Sexual Activity on Sleep in Men and Women. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Annemarij de (2023) The Role of Executive Functions in ADHD Symptoms in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Annemarij, H.G. de (2023) De rol van Executieve functies in ADHD-symptomen in universiteitsstudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Arjen Pieter de (2023) The “Social” in Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Lotte, LJ de (2023) Changes in daily self-esteem in response to negative task-related events: Neuroticism as a moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jonge, (2023) De Invloed van de Locatie van een Misdrijf, het Geloof in Verkrachtingsmythes en het Geloof in een Rechtvaardige Wereld op de Hoeveelheid Erkenning aan Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jonkers, Dionne (2023) Leeftijd Verklaart als Enige Demografische Variabele de Verschillen Tussen Gezonde Mensen en aMCS-Patiënten in de Uitgebreide FNAME. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jordová, Timea (2023) Executive Functions in ADHD in Adults, an Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jorritsma, Meike E. (2023) Hoogsensitiviteit, Lichaamsbeweging en Mentale Gezondheid onder Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Kafaoglu, Alperen (2023) Masculinity Threat: A Study of the Effects on Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kanana, M.S. (2023) Association Between Witnessing Interparental Violence, Psychopathology, and NEET. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kapelle, Sanne, S.D. (2023) The influence of age on judgments of ambiguous sexist allegations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kapitein, Hilde (2023) Innovatief Werkgedrag onder de loep: Conflict met Collega's verklaard door gevoelens van Entitlement? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kappers, Youri (2023) Verbondenheid en Werkplezier in het Onderwijs door middel van Coachen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Karp, Antonia (2023) Social Norms, Personal Norms, and Age: Understanding the Drivers of Second-Hand Clothing Consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kemper, Femke (2023) De Rol van Spatiale Context in Neurale Binding tussen Objectidentiteit en -locatie bij een Veranderingsblindheidtaak. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kempinga, Willem (2023) The Role of Procedural Justice on Organizational Attractiveness in Game-Based Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Keurst, Sarah ter (2023) Sense-Making in Art: The Influence of Gender Identity and Biological Sex. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kiers, Veerle (2023) The Moderating Effect of Emotion Dysregulation on the Relationship between Avoidant Attachment Style and Dissociation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klaassens, Hanna (2023) De Rol van Opleidingsniveau en Groepsidentificatie in een Sollicitatieprocedure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klis, Henriëtte van der (2023) Het “Ideale” Slachtoffer van Verkrachting: geen Druppel Alcohol gedronken? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klomp, Sylke (2023) Het verschil in erkenning voor vrouwelijke en mannelijke slachtoffers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klose, Amy (2023) Navigating Agency and Adversity: Identity Exploration of Female-Identifying Students on Dating Apps. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klugmann, Annika (2023) Exploring Students' Experiences of Engagement and Cognitive Congruence in Student Mentors and Faculty Mentors: A Qualitative Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Knauer, Helena (2023) The Moderating Role of Self-Determination in the Relation Between Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Knauer, Helena (2023) The Moderating Role of Self-Determination in the Relation Between Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Knevelbaard, Meike (2023) Een Groepscontract als Interventie voor het Stimuleren van Samenwerking met de Houding tegenover Samenwerking als Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Knol, Suzanne (2023) De mediërende Rol van Forceren als Conflicthanteringsstrategie in de Relatie van de Leeftijd van een Leidinggevende en Contraproductief Werkgedrag van diens Werknemers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koelling, Lennart (2023) Does Socioeconomic Status Influence Societal Discontent and Does Societal Discontent Relate to Polarization? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koerts, Deniz (2023) Executive Functions and Adult ADHD, an Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kohl, Marlene (2023) The Impact of Timing of Childhood Sexual Abuse on the Association between Childhood Sexual Abuse and NEET Status in Young Adulthood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Konings, Jip (2023) The Influence of Image Presence and Memorability on Vocabulary Learning. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kooi, Ryan (2023) Public Speaking and the relation with Psychological Perceived Stress & Physiological Stress by: Heart Rate Variability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kooijinga, Merel (2023) ADHD-Symptomen en Executieve Functies bij Volwassenen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kooistra, Tessa (2023) Het Mediërende Effect van Zelfvertrouwen op de Relatie tussen ‘Perfectionistic Strivings’ en ‘Self-Handicapping’ bij Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koopman, Simon (2023) De Invloed van Alcohol Expectancies op Victim Blaming bij Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kop, Bente J.A. van de (2023) De Mediërende Rol van Positieve Interdependentie in het Verband Tussen het Gebruik van een Groepsovereenkomst en Samenwerken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Korstanje, Danique (2023) De invloed van een Lage Sociaaleconomische Status op Negatieve Metapercepties, Maatschappelijk Ongenoegen en de relatie met Polarisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Korver, Aline (2023) Statistics In Context: The Role Of Perceived Relevance And Contextualization In Statistics Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Košmrlj, Rebeka (2023) Variability of Mental Workload across Different Levels of Feedback and Age. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krebs, Kira (2023) Gender Differences in Conflict Management Strategies of Leaders: The Mediating Effect of Power Construal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krikken, Kristian (2023) "Beyond Personal Identity: The Role of Identification with All Humanity and Collective Efficacy in the Acceptability and Perceived Feasibility of Sustainable Energy Scenarios". Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krikken, Tara, T.A. (2023) Genderverschillen in de Invloed van Objectieve Versus Subjectieve Fysieke Fitheid op het Welbevinden van Deelnemers aan de Interventie Community Wise. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krishnan, Aditya and Boer, Tamara de and Ambergen, Fleur and Klugmann, Annika and Siekmann, Valentin (2023) A Qualitative Analysis of Social Congruence and Student Engagement in Peer Mentoring and Faculty Mentoring: The Perspectives of Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kroes, N.L. (2023) Sekse- en genderverschillen onder ouderen met een lage sociaaleconomische status bij de percepties op positieve gezondheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kroner, Tobias (2023) Hidden Hiding Places: Detecting Concealed Information in a Mock Crime Scenario Using Pupillometry and RSVP. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krops, Kim (2023) De extended FNAME is valide voor het meten van het associatieve geheugen van mensen met MCS. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kruisdijk, Danae, D.S. (2023) The Effect of Work Interruptions on Job Satisfaction Mediated by State Mindfulness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kruiter, Tess (2023) De Invloed van Attitude ten Aanzien van Klimaat op de Evaluatie van Argumenten Over de Negatieve Effecten van Vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kuipers, Jessie (2023) De Invloed van Perfectionisme in Sport op de Teamcohesie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kupiainen, Pilvi I. (2023) More Justice Leads to Quicker Blame? An Investigation Into Just World Beliefs and Swift Blame. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kwakernaak, Hanna M (2023) Exploring International Students’ Experiences with the Buddy Project within their Social Context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Laan, Jonne, van der (2023) Bedtime Procrastination and Affective Well-Being: The Protective Role of Psychological Detachment and Recovery-Related Self-Efficacy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lammers, Kristin (2023) Effects of Weight Loss Discourses on Fat People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Landers, Aaron (2023) An Exploration into Psychotherapist Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Mental Health in Clinical Practice. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lange, Niklas (2023) Disentangling the Relationships Between Upward Social Comparison Frequency, Weight-loss Dieting, External Body Shame and Fear of Negative Evaluation in College Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lange, S. D. (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies: The Influence of Masculinity on Consumer’s Intention To Buy Vegan (un)Labeled Unexpected Vegan Products. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Langenkamp, Alina (2023) Exploring the Impact of Masculinity Threat on Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lantink, Emke, E.H. (2023) Persisterende Rouwsymptomen volgens de ICD-11 en DSM-5-TR en Kwaliteit van Leven: Een Longitudinaal Onderzoek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lee, Fearghal David (2023) ADHD and Cognitive Self-Regulated Learning Strategies: The Role of Executive Functions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Leeuw, Sanne Nena de (2023) Whose Cup of Tea?: The Effect of Initiators’ Positions and Perceived Values on the Acceptance of Sustainability Initiatives by University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Leeuwen, Iben van (2023) The Association Between Ineffectiveness and Overvaluation of Shape and Weight: Self-Esteem as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Leisink, Bo (2023) Sekseverschillen in Secundaire Victimisatie van Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lemke, Dennis (2023) Synergistic Effects between Mindfulness Meditation and Psychedelic Experiences in the Context of a Psychedelic Retreat for Well-Being - A Theoretical Perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Levenga, Wouter (2023) The Moderating Role of Resilience in the Effect of Anemoia on Mood. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Linneman, Julia (2023) Does the Activation of One's Mindset Impact Self-Regulatory Processes After Experiencing Failure? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Liset, Harink (2023) The Effect of Image Memorability on Time Perception and the role of Implied Motion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Liukkonen, Iida Vilhelmiina (2023) Interspecies Social Influence: Humans and Their Cats and Dogs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lohuis, S.B.R. (2023) The Possible Association Between Cognitive Motivators and the Frequency of Being In a Hyperfocus State. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Looijestijn, Eleonora (2023) Discriminatie van Lager Opgeleide Mensen: Contextafhankelijk. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Loosen, Rian van (2023) The effect of temporal context on object change detection. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lortz, Sebastian Alexander Jens (2023) Bulimic Symptoms Amongst College Women: Examining the Roles of Upward Social Comparison Tendency, Body Envy, and Negative Urgency. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lucchesi, Gabriele (2023) Unraveling the Impact of Memorability on Subjective Time Perception. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lugers, Sita (2023) Het mediërende effect van Zelfvertrouwen op de Relatie tussen Perfectionistic Concerns en Self-handicapping. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Luik, Ronald (2023) How is “social” conceptualized and assessed in Social Psychological research on the “self-concept”? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Luikenaar, Danielle Geertje (2023) De Invloed van Bijwerkingen en Publicatiebias op Onderzoek naar Antidepressiva-gebruik door Kinderen en Adolescenten: een Systematisch Parapluonderzoek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Luimes, Céline (2023) De Samenhang Tussen het Non-verbale Troostgedrag van de Ouder en het Pijngedrag van de Baby Tijdens Immunisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lægteskov-Heidmann, Emma, Ms (2023) Exploring the Impact of Masculinity Threat on Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lühr, Tamara (2023) How are Previous Study Participation and Personality Related to Attitude Toward Online Study Information? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Manning, Ilse M.J. (2023) De Rol van Perfectionisme op Sociale Cohesie in een Team. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Manting, Boris (2023) Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid en Relatietevredenheid: de Modererende Rol van de Angst voor het Overlijden van de Partner. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

McCowen, Konstantin (2023) The Relationship Between ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR Prolonged Grief Symptoms and Quality of Life. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meer, Bert van der (2023) The role of self-discrepancy and self-motivation in responding masculinity threat. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meer, Manon, ter (2023) Studying abroad and identity exploration: A comparative analysis between international and Dutch students on the basis of identity content. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meier, Hendrik (2023) The Effects of Emotion Augmentation on the Experience of Melancholia. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meijer, Anne, I. (2023) De Mediërende Rol van Commitment in de Relatie tussen de Vervulling van Basisbehoeften en de Neiging tot Ontrouw. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meijlink, F.J. (2023) Game on or game over? Exploring fairness perceptions of games in selection contexts and its impact on organizational attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Melkman, Lynn (2023) De invloed van leeftijd op de evaluatie van de effecten van gezondheids- en klimaat argumenten voor de vermindering van vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Menke, Alex (2023) Unveiling the Moral Landscape: Understanding the Role of Moral Identity and Moral Disengagement in Public Acceptability of Future Energy Scenarios. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Menning, Tiara Nicolin (2023) Studying Combined with a Part-Time Job: a Double Workload? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Michalewski, Julia, J (2023) The Role of Implicit Mindsets and Adaptive Perfectionism in Reaction to Setbacks in The Workplace. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Miesen, Dacia (2023) De invloed van Sociaal-Economische Status op maatschappelijk onbehagen, metaperceptie en polarisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mistral-Bernard, Kaitlyn (2023) Influence of Ingroup Identification and Biospheric Values on Energy Scenario Acceptability Amongst University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mitra, Ishika (2023) How daily work events predict employee well-being and self-esteem: Personality traits as boundary conditions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mogezomp, Ellen (2023) Effectiviteit van een Coachende Leraar op de Ervaring van Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling en Autonomie bij de Leerling: Op Basis van Persoonsvorming. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mohammed, Ajmal (2023) Mobility in People with Hemianopia: Effect of Dual Tasking on Walking Speed and Scanning Behavior. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moll, Sarah (2023) Negative Affect and its Influence on Engaging in Risky Behaviors. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mooibroek, Frans (2023) The Influence of Mindset on Success Expectations in the context of Negative Feedback. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moro, Federica (2023) Anxious and Avoidant Attachment: Differences in Emotion Regulation Dimensions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Ben (2023) Exploring Mindsets and Negative Affect in the Workplace: The Role of Adaptive Perfectionism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Vera (2023) Krijgen Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag Meer of Minder Erkenning Wanneer de Dader Bekend Staat als Recidivist. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Müller, Maria Antonia (2023) How approach crafting influences interpersonal conflict: An observant’s zero-sum mindset perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Müllers, Hannah (2023) How daily work events predict employee well-being and self-esteem. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Nadolna, Oliwia (2023) Anti-Scientific Attitudes, Conspiracy Theories and the Collective Narcissism of it all. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nakken, Melissa (2023) De invloed van Sociaaleconomische status op Sociaal Ongenoegen, de rol van Meta-Percepties en de relatie tussen Sociaal Ongenoegen en Polarisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Neijenhuis, Ellen (2023) Understanding the Relationship Between the Personality Trait Neuroticism and Swift Blame in an Organizational Setting. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nemeth, Veronika (2023) Effects of part-time employment and number of hours worked while enrolled in higher education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nguyen, Teresa (2023) Detecting Concealed Location Names with Pupillometry Using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation in a Mock-Crime Scenario. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nicholls, Milo (2023) The Role of Temporal Context in Change Blindness and Binding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nijenhuis, Maxime (2023) De Invloed van een Interdependent Self-Construal op de Beoordeling van Argumenten over de Negatieve Gevolgen van Vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Niksic, R (2023) Do Expectations and Goals Promote Learning Satisfaction and the Mediating Role of Collaboration. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nimsgarn, Sophia (2023) The Moderating Role of Trust in the Relationship Between Shared Leadership and Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ninphius, Friderike (2023) Dynamics of the Leader-Employee Dyad at the Workplace: Exploring the Impact of Shared Leadership on Employee Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Noack, Maleena (2023) The Effect of a Zero-Sum Mindset on the Relationship Between Approach Job Crafting and Interpersonal Conflict. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Norden, Sven, S.M. (2023) The Effect of Calling and Music Listening on Velocity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nordkamp, Renske (2023) De Invloed van een bekend Daderprofiel op Sociale Erkenning voor slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Novak, Reka (2023) Group Agreement, Social Cohesion in Learning Groups and the Role of Positive Interdependence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nugteren, Anouck (2023) Voorspellende Waarde van het Associatief Geheugen in aMCS-patiënten voor Neuropsychiatrische Symptomen en Instrumentele Activiteiten van Dagelijks Leven. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

nijboer, nanda (2023) Genderverschillen op het Gebied van Financiële Stress, Financiële Tevredenheid en Financieel Presteren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


O'Connell, Amy (2023) Does Mindfulness Strengthen the Relationship Between Belonging and Goal Progress? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ofer, Noa (2023) De Invloed van Groepscohesie op Samenwerken en de Rol van Individuele Controle: Een Onderzoek naar Samenwerkend Leren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Omodara, Ebony (2023) Game-based Assessments: Perceptions, Moderators, and their Influence on Organisational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Oravcová, Ema (2023) Activation of a secure base as a buffer against loneliness: Does insecure attachment moderate the secure base activation effect? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Orlik, Nicolas (2023) Detecting Familiar Faces combining Rapid Series Visual Stimulation (RSVP) and Eye Movements. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ortmann, Helene Charlotte (2023) The Impact of Emotional Responses on Aesthetic Judgments of Artworks in Children and Teenagers: A pilot study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ostendorf, Lucie Anna (2023) Pet Psychology: What Influence do Cats and Dogs have on our Feelings Towards Strangers? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Oster-Daum, Lina (2023) The Effects of Negative Work Events on Fatigue: Does Neuroticism Act as a Moderator? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Otter, Mirthe (2023) Spreiding van kijkrichting belangrijk in fietsprestatie voor mensen met homonieme hemianopsie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Overgoor, Mandy (2023) De Relatie Tussen Leeftijd en Autonome Motivatie Begrijpen: Aantal Uren Sport per Week en Waargenomen Competentie als Mediatorvariabelen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Pal, Jasmijn van der (2023) Genderverschillen op het Gebied van Eenzaamheid tijdens de Interventie Community Wise en de Invloed van Sociale Cohesie Hierop. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pankrats, Tomass (2023) Impact of Earphone Usage on Cyclists' Lateral Position. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Paraschiv, Christiana (2023) Fighting Your Sadness: Does Desiring Emotional Control Affect Emotional Inertia and Rumination? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pathare, Samrddhee (2023) What Is The Role of Emotions In Semiotic Strategies Used In Artistic Experiences? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pauková, Dorota (2023) Shared Leadership and Performance: Moderating Role of Leader Legitimacy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Paul, Yvette (2023) Using Cognitive Motivation Aspects to Predict Flow in Studies in Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Paymal, Felix (2023) Does Self-Efficacy Moderate the Relationship Between Moral Conviction and Prosocial Behavior in the Context of the Afghanistan Refugee Crisis? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Peeters, Jildou (2023) De Invloed van de Relatie Tussen Slachtoffer en Dader op de Erkenning en Victim Blaming van een Slachtoffer bij Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pelho, Katariina (2023) The Role of Mindset on Future Success Expectations After Work-Related Setbacks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pennewaard, Niels (2023) The role of Fear and Image Memorability on Time Perception. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Perényi, Daniéla (2023) Examining the Role of Academic Intrinsic Motivation, Need for Cognition and Curiosity in University Students’ Experience of Flow in their Studies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pinheiro Freitas Silveira, Raphaela (2023) Are Company Appeals for Sustainability More Effective When They Reflect Their Brand Image? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pinho Uliana, Alexandre de (2023) The Impact of Commuting Policies on General Driving Behaviour: The Effects on the Evaluation of Instrumental Attributes and the Spillover Effect. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pisano, Ivana (2023) Het Verband tussen Behoeftevervulling van Competentie en Angstige- en Preventieve Jaloezie: de Rol van Zelfwaardering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Piso, Ellis (2023) De invloed van ruimtelijke context op binding van locatie en identiteit in een veranderingsblindheidstaak. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Possul, Janette (2023) Detection of Concealed Information in a Mock-Crime Scenario Using Pupillometry and Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Post, Finn-Hendrik (2023) Leader-Follower Conflict in the Workplace: The Influence of Leaders’ Emotion Management Ability on Follower OCB. The Mediating Role of Conflict Management Strategies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pradhita, Echa (2023) Unveiling the Dynamics of Well-being in University Context: Exploring the Interaction between Students and Teachers well-being, Conceptualization, and Autonomy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Prajs, Tia (2023) Does Trait Mindfulness Buffer the Effect of Technology Induced Work Interruptions on Attention Residue? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Preuss, Viviane, C. (2023) Leader-Follower Conflict in the Workplace: Influence of Leader’s Age on Conflict with Emotion Regulation as a Mediator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Prins, Astrid (2023) The Role of ADHD and Executive Functions in Self-Regulated Learning Skills of University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Prudencio Rebeschini, Amanda (2023) The role of Art therapy in fostering Resilience Using a Logotherapy approach: Insight through Holocaust Paintings. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pullens, Julia (2023) Waargenomen Competentie en Achievement Goals in Mannelijke en Vrouwelijke Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Quagliozzi, Giulia (2023) Modulation of the Attentional Blink by Episodic Memory Traces. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Quinke, Jorina (2023) The Effect of Memorability on Time Perception and the Role of Sexual Arousal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Quinke, Jorina Chantal (2023) The Effect of Memorability on Time Perception and the Role of Sexual Arousal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Rauch, Antonina (2023) Level of Automated Feedback on Regulatory Compliance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reinders, Kyra and Schilder, Reinald and Cernakova, Sofia (2023) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van het moederschap. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reit, Lian (2023) Studeren en een bijbaan: Een dubbele belasting? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Restuccia, Annabel (2023) Are we Socially Impacted by our Pets? The influence of dogs and cats on our evaluation of strangers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reuter, Amelie (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies: The Role of Biospheric Values in the Effect of Vegan Labelling on the Intention to Buy Unexpected-Vegan Food Products. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reuter, Amelie, A (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies: The Role of Biospheric Values in the Effect of Vegan Labelling on the Intention to Buy Unexpected-Vegan Food Products. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Richter, Zoe (2023) How to respond to a sexist remark. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ridya, Fidela Nadifa (2023) Context Relations of Real-world Spatial Regularities in Change Blindness Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rienstra, Fiona (2023) Sekseverschillen op Sociaal Welbevinden bij Ouderen Wonend in Lage Sociaal Economische Status Gebieden die Deelnemen aan de Community Wise Interventie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rietveld, Alexandra (2023) Erkenning voor Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag: de Invloed van Emoties van het Slachtoffer en Geloof in ‘Rape Myths’ van Waarnemers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rietvink, Hendrika Catharina (2023) Verbetering van de Leertevredenheid: de Rol van Samenwerking en Groepscohesie in de Bachelor-These Cursus. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rihtarič, Maja (2023) The Role of Gender and Feminist Identity in Judgment of Ambiguous Harm Allegations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rinaldo, Agata (2023) Mediation of Boredom on the Relationship Between Electronic Media Use and Bedtime Procrastination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rivière, Madelief (2023) De Digitale Vitaliteitscheck: Gebruiksvriendelijkheid en Invloed op Bewustzijn en Intentie tot Gedragsverandering bij Oudere Volwassenen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Robbers, Lucie (2023) The Influence of Climate Beliefs, Humour, and the Environment on Individual and Collective Climate Action Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Robbertze, Kira, (2023) The Effects of Time and Location on Attention during Hybrid Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rodermond, Ilse (2023) Feedback Effect op Stress tijdens Openbaar Spreken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Roozenbeek, Julia (2023) De Effecten van een Deeltijdbaan en Reden daarvoor op de Academische Prestaties en het Welzijn van Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rosenbaum, Lilja (2023) The Effect of Leaders’ Fear of Power Loss on Conflict Management Strategies Towards Employees and the Moderating Role of Contextual Creativity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rosoga, Natalie (2023) Moral Conviction and Collective Action: The Moderating Role of Hope. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rotaru Segall, Alin (2023) Theoros Sacer - or how ideology abandons a theory-. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ruijter, Nienke de (2023) The Moderating Role of Perceived Descriptive Norms in the Relationship Between Moral Convictions and Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ruizendaal, Karla (2023) Krijgen Slachtoffers van Verkrachting na een Online of Fysieke Afspraak Minder Erkenning dan het ‘Ideale Slachtoffer’? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ruseckaite, Gabija (2023) Association between Cognitive Motivation Aspects and State of Flow in Academic Studies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Russchen, Fenna (2023) De invloed van eigen slachtofferschap op de mate van erkenning voor slachtoffers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Schaik, Suze van (2023) Understanding the Role of Environmental Self-Identity in Parking-Restricting Policies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Scheinert, Catarina (2023) The Moderating Role of Political Self-efficacy in the Relationship of Moral Conviction and Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Scheller, Greetje, GS (2023) The Influence of Support Motivation on Identity Motives - A Case Study of a Community Building Project in Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schenck, Nikolaus von (2023) The Influence of Attitudes Towards Game-based Assessments on Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schift, Leonie (2023) Het Verband tussen Hechting en Relatiekwaliteit in Partnerrelaties: De Rol van de Vervulling van Psychologische Basisbehoeften. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schilder, Evert Reinald (2023) De (on)vanzelfsprekendheid van het moederschap. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmidt, Lea (2023) Consequences of part time employment for academic performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmidt, Linnea (2023) Facing Setbacks at Work, an Analysis of Professional Skills and Abilities Mindset and Maladaptive Perfectionism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schoemaker, Bonny (2023) De Rol van Temporele Context in Change-Blindness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schoor, Rosa van der (2023) Pet Psychology: Do Our Cats and Dogs Influence Us? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schoor, Wiert van der (2023) Examining the relationship between conscientiousness, perceived fairness and organizational attractiveness in a selection setting using GBA. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schritt, Fiete (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies - The Effects of Vegan Labeling and Green Packaging on Consumer Impressions For Unexpected Vegan Products With Respect to Different Diets. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schuringa, Lotte (2023) De Associatie Tussen Kenmerken van Autisme en Emotionele Flexibiliteit bij Kinderen van 2,5 Jaar oud Tijdens Interactie met hun Ouder. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schwantzer, Leonie Hedwig (2023) Violence Against Women and Its Immediate and Long-term Health Consequences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schwerdt, Clara (2023) Effects of Age and Humor Styles on Climate Action Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Seine, Michael (2023) Academic Hyperfocus and Motivational Predictors in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Shah, Sakshi (2023) Hyperfocus and Motivational Predictors of Academic Motivation in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Shanevska, Marija (2023) Gender Identity and the Construction of Personal Narratives. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Siekmann, Valentin (2023) The Role of Social Congruence on Class Engagement: a Qualitative Study from Students' Perspective on the Student-Mentor Relationship. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Simon, Lena (2023) Gender Differences and the Effect of Self-Esteem on the Relation Between Eating Disorder Symptoms and Meaning in Life. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sinclair, Anne (2023) De Invloed van Sociaaleconomische Status op Negatieve Meta-percepties, Sociaal Ongenoegen en de Samenhang met Polarisatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sippel, Nora (2023) Executive Functions in University Students with ADHD - An Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Slobbe, Rosalie van (2023) De Perceptie van de Positieve Gezondheid bij Ouderen met een Lage Sociaaleconomische Status: de Rol van Sekse en Gender. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sluis, Melissa van der (2023) The Impact of Bedtime Procrastination on Job Performance mediated by Quality of Sleep and moderated by Chronotype. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sluiter, Judith Klaasje Elisabeth (2023) De invloed van altruïsme op de beoordeling van argumenten voor de vermindering van vleesconsumptie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Smeets, Anne-Roos M. (2023) Koffie verkeerd? De effecten van initiatie-vorm, waarden en geslacht op de acceptatie van een duurzaamheidsinitiatief. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Smid, Yvonne (2023) The Inclusion of First-Year International Students: a Qualitative Investigation of the Buddy Project (2022-2023) at the University of Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Smit, Yvonne (2023) Happy Little Accidents: Overcoming Setbacks by Self-Compassion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Snip, Yvonne (2023) Van Klaslokaal naar Buitenwereld: Basisschoolleerlingen en Hun Percepties op Sociale Interacties tijdens Binnen- en Buitenonderwijs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Snip, Yvonne (2023) Van Klaslokaal naar Buitenwereld: Basisschoolleerlingen en Hun Percepties op Sociale Interacties tijdens Binnen- en Buitenonderwijs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spannenburg, J.S.J.A (2023) The Most Effective Response to Sexism: A Nudge in the Right Direction? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spannenburg, Jennanna (2023) The Most Effective Response to Sexism: A Nudge in the Right Direction? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spasova, L. (2023) Understanding Well-Being in Academia: Exploring the Conceptualization and Interactions of Well-Being Among Students and Teachers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spoelstra, Daria (2023) De rol van Taal in het Statistisch Kennisniveau van Nulhypothese Significiantietoetsing bij Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Staveren, C. A. E. van (2023) A Tale of Two Cookies: The Influence of Health Consciousness on Consumers’ Intention to Buy Vegan-Labelled Unexpected Vegan Hedonic Products. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stegeman, Jelle (2023) Autonome Motivatie, Beïnvloedt door Autonomy en Relatedness Satisfaction, onder Amateur Tennissers en Volleyballers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stegeman, Lauri Dian (2023) Heeft een bijbaan invloed op de academische prestaties en het sociale leven van een student? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stienissen, Nikita (2023) Social Influences of Pets on Us Towards Strangers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Straaten, Judith van (2023) Effect van een Bijbaan op Studieprestaties en Welzijn. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stradmeijer, Davide (2023) Increasing Individual Engagement in Pro-Environmental Behaviour: The Influence of Groups on Behavioural Spillover Effects. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stroemer, Ellen (2023) Disentangling the Relationships between Grandiose Narcissism, Downward Social Comparison Tendency, Body-Pride and Weight-loss Dieting in Female University Students: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stulp, Hilde (2023) Where Is the Social in Social Psychology? Assessing Gender Identity Studies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Suarez Gava, Melanie (2023) “V” for Vendetta: An Investigation Into Swift Blame as a Predictor for Revenge Cognitions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Tanasic, Vanja (2023) The Impact of ADHD Symptoms and Executive Functioning on Cognitive Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tangelder, Mandy (2023) De Mediatie van Self-Efficacy in de Relatie tussen Perfectionistic Strivings en Self-Handicapping bij Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tangemann, Annette (2023) Studying and a part-time job: a double workload? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tatlicioglu, Salih Ibrahim (2023) Loneliness In People With Psychosis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Teßmann, Janina (2023) Change Perspective, Change the Story? The Relationship Between Cognitive Avoidance and Observer Vantage Point. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Theisen, Anna Bella (2023) A Helping Hand Abroad: A Qualitative Investigation of Psychology Students’ Evaluation of the Buddy Project (2022-2023), as a Supportive Resource for Facilitating Acculturation and Improving Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thielemeyer, Vincent (2023) How does the immediacy of a mentor influence the situational interest of their student, and to what extent does teacher credibility mediate this relationship? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thomfohrde, Joana (2023) The Role of Executive Functions and Self-Regulatory Learning Skills in Students with ADHD Symptomology. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Timmermann, Josephine (2023) Different Weight-loss Discourses and their Effects on Fat People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tissing, M.B. (2023) Het effect van de Temporele Context op Binding bij Veranderingsblindheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Toly, Eric (2023) How social is the social psychology of attraction? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Top, Alexandra (2023) Context influence of familiar objects under violations of background in a change blindness task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tran, Thuy Linh (2023) Does Emotion Dysregulation Influence the Link Between Attachment Anxiety and Dissociation? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Trooster, Margot (2023) ADHD en Executieve Functies bij Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Ulas, David (2023) Examining the Moderating Role of Conscientiousness Between Technological Self- Efficacy and Applicants Perceived Procedural Justice in a Game-Based Assessment Context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ulrich, Marie-Charlotte, MU (2023) Does and When Does Moral Conviction Relate to Helping Behavior? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Varone, Elena (2023) De Ontwenningsverschijnselen van Antidepressiva bij Kinderen en Adolescenten: een Paraplu Beoordeling. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Varone, Elena (2023) De Ontwenningsverschijnselen van Antidepressiva bij Kinderen en Adolescenten: een Paraplu Beoordeling. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veen, Beate Marlon van der (2023) Conflictmanagement en Emotionele Perceptie: het Verschil Tussen Mannelijke en Vrouwelijke Managers op de Werkvloer. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veen, Mette Jurrian van der (2023) Educationalism in Job Selection. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veen, Sanne van der (2023) De invloed van vleesconsumptie op hoe overredende argumenten over de negatieve effecten van vleesconsumptie geëvalueerd worden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veen, Tara van der (2023) Dat is andere koek: de invloed van dieettype op het effect tussen veganistische productlabels en de intention to buy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veenstra, Silke (2023) De Relatie tussen Samenwerking en de Leerervaring: De Rol van een Groepsovereenkomst. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velde, Nola van (2023) The Association Between Eating Disorder Symptoms and Meaning in Life with Perfectionism as a Moderator: a Dimensional Approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Verhoef, Mandy (2023) The influence of feedback on self-perceived and physiological stress in public speaking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vermeulen, Stijn (2023) Applicant Reactions to Game-Based Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vermin, Claire (2023) The Influence of Extraversion on Evaluating Affiliative and Disparaging Humor. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Versteegen, Ellen (2023) De Associatie Tussen Depressieve Symptomen van Ouders en Emotionele Flexibiliteit Tijdens Ouder-Kind Interacties met hun Kind van 2.5 Jaar Oud. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Versteegh, Irene (2023) De Invloed van Publieke Presentatie op Stress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vianen, Eline (2023) Applicant Reactions to Game-Based Selection Procedures: The Roles of Job Relatedness and Opportunity to Perform. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Villiers-Husada, Lindsay de (2023) The Relation Between Executive Function and Self-Regulated Learning in University Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptomology. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Visscher, Charlotte (2023) Exploring the Unknown: Discrimination of Lower Educated People in Job Recruitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vlastuin, Delano van (2023) The effect of coaching on self-description of children in primary school. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vollbrandt, Jannis Oliver (2023) Does Secure Base Activation Buffer Against Loneliness? The Moderating Role of Prosocial Behaviour. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vollmer, Marius (2023) The Impact of Face Memorability on Brand Preference in Advertising. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Voogd, Silke (2023) The Support of International First Year Students through the Buddy Project: The Match between Students and Buddies. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vooijs, Emma (2023) The Effect of Audience Response on Heart Rate Variability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vorenholt, Ilse (2023) The Effect of Prolonged Grief Symptoms on the Quality of Life: A Longitudinal Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vorenkamp, J.P. (2023) Steun voor Bottom-up en Top-down Duurzaamheidsinitiatieven en de Invloed van Egoïstische en Biosferische Waarden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vreeling, Aaryen (2023) The Impact of Auditory Distractions on Cycling: Exploring the Role of Individual Differences in Immersion and Distraction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vries, Christa, C.A.M. de (2023) Prolonged Grief Symptoms per ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR Criteria and Quality of Life: a longitudinal study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vries, H. de (2023) The Impact of Ambiguous Allegations of Sexism on Perceived Female Agency and Competency. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vrolijk, Paula (2023) De mediërende rol van leiderschapsgenerativiteit in het verband tussen de leeftijd van een leidinggevende en de conflicthanteringsstrategie probleemoplossen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Wal, Jorrit van der (2023) The Company, Them and Me: The Effect of Corporate Environmental Responsibility on Intended Pro-Environmental Behaviour and the Effects of Group and Personal Values. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Waldeck, Anna (2023) Mapping the Stress Generation Hypothesis: a Scoping Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Walgien, Sven (2023) Effects of Cycling with Headphones on Lateral Position. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wall, Marije van de (2023) Gender Differences in Emerging Adults’ Identity Content. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Walter, Sayan (2023) Experience of Students with the Digitization of Higher Education Examinations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Warringa, Louise (2023) De Invloed van Spraak op Probleemoplossing en de rol van Geslachtsverschillen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Washof, Judith (2023) The Moderating Role of Self-Control on the Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Deliberate Bedtime Procrastination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weerd, Iris de (2023) Grotere kijkspan resulteert in veilige oversteek te voet voor mensen met homonieme hemianopsie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weert, A.S. de (2023) De Mediërende Rol van Sportmotivatie binnen de Relatie tussen Zelfhandicapping en Perfectionisme bij Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wegener, Anna (2023) The Effect of Cosmetic Surgery on Face Memorability and Facial Recognition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wei, Luheng (2023) Experiment Study of Impact of Hand Gesture on Problem-Solving Process With ICAR Subscales. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weinhardt, J. (2023) The Influence of Personality on Negative Affect: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weinhardt, Jan (2023) The Influence of Personality on Negative Affect: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weishaupt, Frank (2023) De relatie tussen beloningsgevoeligheid en sociaal functioneren bij kinderen van 6 en 7 jaar oud. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weperen, Y.F., van (2023) Het Modererende Effect van Leeftijd op Perfectionisme en Self-Handicapping bij Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weperen, Yoicalyn Froukje van (2023) Het Modererende Effect van Leeftijd op Perfectionisme en Self-Handicapping bij Wedstrijdsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Werff, Fardau van der (2023) An Examination of the Effects of Self-Esteem and Perceived Performance on Perceived Procedural Justice Within a Game-Based Assessment Context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Werff, Fardau van der (2023) The examination of the effects of self-esteem and perceived performance on perceived procedural justice within a game-based assessment context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Werk, Donna van der (2023) De Relatie Tussen Troostgedrag, Pijngedrag en Depressieve Symptomen Tijdens Vaccinaties bij Baby’s. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Werven, Wilhemina Aranka Marrigje van (2023) In welke mate beïnvloedt groepscohesie het welzijn bij samenwerkend leren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westendorp, Sonia (2023) De Relatie tussen Interesse in Statistiek en het Begrip van Significantietoetsing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wezeman, Moniek, M.I. (2023) The Role of Art Engagement on Aesthetic Responses to Art in Children. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Widmaier, Elisabeth (2023) Technology-Induced Interruptions and Attention Residue in the Workplace: Mindfulness as a Mitigator? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wienbelt, Isabel (2023) The Influence of Leaders’ Relative Power on Conflict Management Strategies towards Employees. The Moderating role of Leaders’ Gender. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wienhues, Lina (2023) Consequences of Weight Loss Discourses on Fat Individuals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wienkoop, Luisa (2023) Does a Secure Base Activation Buffer Against Loneliness? The Moderating Role of Introversion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wierda, Puck (2023) The Effect of Different Types of Humour on the Intention to take Climate Action and Eco-Anxiety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wieren, Gitte van (2023) De Mediërende Relatie van Externe Gedragsproblematiek op de Associatie tussen Fysieke Kindermishandeling en Externe Gedragsproblematiek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wijngaarden, Hannah van (2023) Optimisme in Relatie tot Angst en Depressie bij Kinderen van 6-7 Jaar. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wilbers, Eva (2023) The Effect of Cycling with Headphones on Head Movements and Perceived Distraction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Williams, Cedric (2023) Academic Motivation, Curiosity, the Need for Cognition and the Impact on Flow Experiences in First-Year Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wit, Noa de (2023) Het Effect van Persisterende Rouwsymptomen op Kwaliteit van Leven. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wittek, Joline, Sophie (2023) The Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Bedtime Procrastination: Exploring the Role of Self-Control as a Mediator among Working Employees. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Woldendorp, Anne (2023) Maladaptieve Copingstijlen, Perfectionistic Concerns en Self-handicapping in Sport. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wolf, Priscilla Luíza (2023) Blended Working and Intrinsic Motivation: What is the Role of Extraversion? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wolf, Priscilla Luíza (2023) Blended Working and Intrinsic Motivation: What is the role of Extraversion? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Worpenberg, M.B. (2023) Samenwerkend Leren: Het Schrijven van een Groepsovereenkomst, Groepscohesie en de rol van de Supervisor. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wubbels, Floor (2023) Financiële Prestatie en Relatie: Het Verschil in Financiële Prestatie tussen Mensen met een Partner en Vrijgezellen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wöstmann, Katharina (2023) Examining the Influence of Immediacy, Trust, and Credibility on Out-of-Class Communication in Peer and Faculty Mentorship. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.


Zander, Marie, M (2023) The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between Shared Leadership and Employee Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zang, Nicola (2023) Discrimination and Climate Change: How Prejudice predicts Scientific Scepticism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zanten, Ruben van (2023) Perceived Values and Level of Organization: How We Can Affect the Willingness to Adapt to, and the Acceptability of Sustainable Initiatives. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zee, E.E.van der (2023) Exploring the Dynamics of Shared Leadership and Coordination Under the Moderating Effect of Trust: A Dyadic Perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zimmeck, Carlotta (2023) Humor vs. Sexism: The Perception of Warmth and Competence in Confronting Sexist Remarks. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zwiers, Ilja (2023) De Gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de Digitale Vitaliteitscheck en de rol van Bewustzijn en Intentie tot Gedragsverandering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zwols, Amber (2023) De Relatie tussen Ouderlijk Neuroticisme en de Pijnervaring van Baby’s Tijdens een Vaccinatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Sat Jan 18 09:47:21 2025 CET.