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Number of items: 493.

Abel, Moritz Johannes (2022) The role of threat appraisal on coping in entrepreneurs: A transactional theory approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ahlers, Maja (2022) Effects of Cogniphobia on invalid clinical examinations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Alexander, Ria (2022) Idea Sharing in Organizations: Creative self-efficacy and the moderating effect of a growth or fixed mindset. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Anema, Lisette (2022) Mentale Belasting bij Navigatie op de Fiets. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Anema, Lisette (2022) Mentale Belasting bij Navigatie op de fiets. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ark, Robert, van (2022) Exploring Social Psychologists’ Local Perspectives on Direct and Conceptual Replication and their Contribution to Research Quality. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Armbruster, Nicolas (2022) The conceptualization and interaction of student and teacher well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Armstrong, Matthew (2022) Predicting Anorexia Nervosa Symptom Change Using Body Image Disturbance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Axmann, Charlotte (2022) The Role of Parental Involvement in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children with Social or Separation Anxiety Disorder: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Baan, Merith (2022) Het Gebruik van een Arabische Hulpknop in Nederlandstalige Digitale Prentenboeken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Badric, Tessza (2022) International PhD Experiences in the Work Environment and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Baisch, Marla (2022) The Role of Emotions in the Relationship Between Stereotypical Job Descriptions and Women’s Application Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bakkeren, Vincent (2022) De erkenning van assertieve slachtoffers van zedenmisdrijven in de Nederlandse samenleving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Barrow, Oscar (2022) Self-Belief or Self-Hatred: Analyzing Leader Narcissism and Occupational Self-Efficacy When Leaders Fear Losing Power. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Barrow, Oscar (2022) Self-Belief or Self-Hatred: Analyzing Leader Narcissism and Occupational Self-Efficacy When Leaders Fear Losing Power. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Baumgartner, Bastian (2022) The Effect of Power Construal of a Leader on Conflict Handling Strategies in the Workplace; The Moderating Role of a Leader’s Age. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beckers, Mara (2022) De Relatie tussen Persoonlijke Eisen Perfectionisme, Wedstrijdspanning en Veerkracht. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beek, V.D. van (2022) The Effect of Different Types of Framing on People’s Perception of Zoos. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beintema, Gerbrich (2022) The Role of Head Frequency in Position-Specific Letter Recall for Words and Non-Words. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bergen, Miriam Elisabeth (2022) Synchronicity in Psychotherapy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bernáth, Levente (2022) The fear of cognitive testing: How do we explain invalid clinical examinations? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Besselink, Evelien (2022) The Effects of a Mixed Educational- and Contact Intervention on Prolonged Grief Stigma: An Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beverdam, Jooske, A.R. (2022) De Effecten van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen op de Intentie om Online Gokgedrag te Reguleren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Beverdam, Jooske, A.R. (2022) De Effecten van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen op de Intentie om Online Gokgedrag te Reguleren. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bhalla, Shrriya (2022) Systemic perspective in Organisations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bhojwani, Ria and IJzer, Michel and Lichtenberg, Owen and Wager, Diana (2022) Humour as a Tool in Collective Action: Exploring the Experiences of Members at Amnesty International Netherlands. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bianchini Del Castillo, Iris (2022) “Nice to meet you, I am..”: Identity Content Analysis of Speed Dating. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bischoff, Michelle (2022) Conflictstijlen en Relatietevredenheid: De Mediërende Rol van de Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bischoff, Michelle (2022) Conflictstijlen en Relatietevredenheid: De Mediërende Rol van de Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boer, Aline Baukje de (2022) De Rol van Groepscohesie in het Verband Tussen Interdependentie en Samenwerking, en Groepscohesie in een Online en Offline Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boerties, Redmar (2022) Caught in a tough spot: Ethical leadership and occupational self-efficacy when leaders fear losing their power. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bogaards, Femke (2022) De Relatie tussen Taakgericht Gedrag en de Woordenschatontwikkeling van Arabisch - Nederlandstalige Vluchtelingenkinderen tijdens het lezen van Digitale Tweetalige Prentenboeken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bogdańska, Lena (2022) Shared Leadership and Team Outcomes: A Mediated Moderation Model. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bolhuis, Evanne (2022) The relation between empathy and contact intentions: the role of group-based guilt. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bolhuis, Kor (2022) The moderating role of goal importance between goal attainment and well-being among Central-Eastern European Migrants in the United Kingdom. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bollema, Eva (2022) Een Arabische Hulpknop in Digitale Prentenboeken: Een Praktijkvoorbeeld van Translanguaging in het Nieuwkomersonderwijs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bompa, S.M (2022) Open Science: Why (Not) Use It? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bos, Yara (2022) Het Delen van Ideeën: de Invloed van Steun van Collega's en Receptiviteit van een Leidinggevende. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bosch, Sarah van den (2022) Increasing the Public’s Support of Zoos using Value-Congruent Framing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bosutar, Aniela-Georgeana (2022) The role of warning signals for English words and non words. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boswijk, Anouk (2022) De Effecten van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen op Overredende Informatie over Online Gokgedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Boukhris, Jamila (2022) De Motivatie om een doel na te streven: de rol van Doelfocus en Taakaversie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bouma, R.A (2022) Invloed van het geslacht van de baby op het troostgedrag van moeder tijdens vaccinaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bours, Laura (2022) Onderzoek Naar de Effecten van Samenwerking en de Rol van de Supervisor op de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring in Bachelorthese Groepen: Een Moderatie-Analyse. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bouwmeester, Gijs (2022) The Influences on Entrepreneurial Job Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bowing, Nele (2022) Shared Leadership and Team Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Organizational Commitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Breeuwsma, Ilona (2022) A Small Qualitative Study on the Effect of Cultural Differences on Well-Being of International PhD Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Breeuwsma, Ilona (2022) A Small Qualitative Study on the Effect of Cultural Differences on Well-Being of International PhD Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bregasi, L. (2022) The Relationship between peer Mentor relevant Self-Disclosure on the Relational Satisfaction of the Students, Mediated by Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brink, Isabel van den (2022) The Role of Binding in the Change Detection of State-Changes: A Follow-up Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brink, Lotte (2022) De Invloed van de Covid-19 pandemie op de Zelfmanagement Vaardigheden van Ouderen wonend in Lage SES-Wijken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brockmann, Mara Sofija (2022) Creative Idea Sharing at Work: The Influence of Proactive Personality and Leader-Member Exchange. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Broek, Pontus Aemilius Quilliam Maria van den (2022) The Relationship Between Blended Working and Anticipated Intrinsic Motivation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bruinenberg, I.E (2022) Humour as a Coping Mechanism in Left-winged Activsm. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Brunotte, Ira (2022) The Effect of Perceived Dissimilarity on Student Academic Performance and the Mediating Role of Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Buist, N.C. (2022) Validity and Reproducibility of the Empatica E4 and Polar H10 to Measure Heart Rate. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Bulthuis, Romy (2022) De Invloed van een Natuureducatieprogramma en de Woonplaats op de Biosferische Waarden van Kinderen in de Basisschoolleeftijd. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Burdiek, Imke (2022) Noncredible Reporting of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – A Comparison of Detection Instruments in a Simulation Design. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Busch, Ulrika (2022) The Influence of Social Capital and Language Proficiency on the Sense of Belonging for International Students in Dutch Society and Their Feelings of Loneliness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Busscher, Joëlle (2022) Psychopathy and Unethical Leader Behaviour: An Exploration of the Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Camara, Marie (2022) Effort Allocation in Adults with ADHD across Gender: Online Stroop Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cardos, Brianna (2022) The impact of gender on identity construction in interactions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Casby, Shea (2022) The effects of communicating uncertainty on the intention to share scientific information on social media. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Castillo Bihler, Raquel (2022) Psilocybin-Assisted Neurofeedback: A Multimodal Approach to Improving Executive Functions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cernevicius, Benas (2022) Stochastic Catastrophe Theory Applications in the Social Sciences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Chauca, Fatima (2022) To what extent perceived innovativeness of gamified recruitment influences attraction towards the organization? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Chauhan, - (2022) Does playing Tetris counter intrusions from analogue trauma? A replication study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Coelho, Sofia (2022) Effort Allocation and Error Monitoring in Individuals with Varying Levels of ADHD. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Coman, Ruxandra (2022) The Effect of Goal Focus on Successful Goal Pursuit: the Role of Self-Esteem. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Compaijen, Yvette (2022) A Sense of Belonging and Race-Related Stressors: Experiences of Ethnic-Racial Minority Doctoral Students at the University of Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Coppes, M.Y. (2022) Are Evening-types More Attracted to Organization with Blended Working Arrangements Compared to Morning-types? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Couwenberg, Wytske (2022) Groepscohesie, Samenwerking en Tevredenheid met Leerervaring in Online en Hybride Onderwijs bij Bachelorthese Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Cuijten, Anne (2022) Effectiviteit en veiligheid van tweede generatie antidepressiva bij kinderen en adolescenten met angststoornissen: een umbrella review van het huidige bewijsmateriaal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Czeschka, Olivia (2022) Disentangling Relationships Between Upward Social Comparison Tendency, Body Envy and Covert Narcissism on College Women's Dieting Frequency: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Czine, Fruzsina (2022) The effects of goal conflict on well-being, and the interplay of goal attainment and goal importance in this relationship. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

D'Souza, Charlotte (2022) What is the effect of recalling 12 compared to 4 negative childhood memories on metamemory beliefs? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Datta, Rupsha (2022) A Domino Effect of Work Events: Linking Entrepreneurs’ Response to Adverse Work Events, Affective Reactions, and Effects on Job Satisfaction. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Davids, Julia (2022) ADHD en Inhibitie Controle, een experimentele studie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dedinca, Adrian (2022) How does a Peer Mentor’s Socially Congruent Teaching Style Influence Students‘ In- class Engagement? A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dettmann, M.J. (2022) How do age differences influence conflicts in video conference environments? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkema, Sam (2022) The Effect of Goal Focus on Contentment with the Goal Pursuit: The Moderating Roles of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dijkstra, Josefien Roxane (2022) Should Telework be Banned? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Leisure Crafting, Subjective Well-being, Perceived Work Productivity and Need Satisfaction for Teleworkers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dikkema, Sanne (2022) De Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid en Relatietevredenheid: de Modererende Rol van Extraversie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dikkerboom, Annick (2022) The Effect of Different Types of Dynamic Norm Messages on Animal Product Consumption and the Mediating role of Motivation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dingen, van, S (2022) Helpt empathie om mannen zich te laten verontschuldigen voor het gedrag van andere mannen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Djaoedji, Danny Djadoe (2022) De invloed van interculturele competentie op inclusie en welzijn onder eerstejaars psychologiestudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Djaoedji, Danny Djadoe (2022) De invloed van interculturele competentie op inclusie en welzijn onder eerstejaars psychologiestudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Donker, Daniël (2022) De invloed van oogbewegingen op zelfregulerende reacties bij overreding van online gokkers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doornbos, Marije (2022) Losing Your Effectiveness as a Leader Because You Are Afraid to Lose It: Does Leader Self-Serving Behavior Mediate the Relationship between Leader Fear of Power Loss and Perceived Leader Effectiveness? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doornbusch, Nouska (2022) Het Verminderen van Defensieve Reacties op Overredende Informatie Over Online Gokgedrag met Behulp van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Doting, J.S.Y. (2022) De Invloed van Financiële Problematiek en Opleidingsjaren op Subjectieve Financiële Prestatie bij Gezonde Volwassenen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drakopoulou, Garyfalia (2022) Disentangling the Relationships between Unhealthy-Perfectionism, Social Comparison Tendency, Body-Envy and Weight-Loss Dieting in College Women: A moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Drakopoulou, Garyfalia (2022) Disentangling the Relationships between Unhealthy-Perfectionism, Social Comparison Tendency, Body-Envy and Weight-Loss Dieting in College Women: A moderated mediation analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Duiverman, Lena (2022) Assessment and procrastination: How to overcome this common hurdle in university. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dunkel, Tide (2022) Does Ambiguity Tolerance Moderate the Effect of Blended Working on Perceived Organizational Attractiveness? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dupas, Loic (2022) Education-based Status Threat: Shedding doubt on the existence of a Meritocracy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Dupas, Loic (2022) Education-based Status Threat: Shedding doubt on the existence of a Meritocracy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Eichinger, Louise (2022) Goal Framing, Gender Differences and Attitude Towards Cargo-Bike Sharing Within the Groningen City Centre. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Elling, Wouter (2022) The Influence of Language Proficiency, Social Capital and Personality on The Feelings of Belonging in International Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Elsaesser, Fanny (2022) Does a mixed education and contact-based literacy intervention affect public stigma towards Prolonged Grief Disorder? An experimental study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Elsaesser, Fanny (2022) Does a mixed education and contact-based literacy intervention affect public stigma towards Prolonged Grief Disorder? An experimental study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ende, Sigrid van 't (2022) De langetermijneffecten op de sociale vitaliteit van ouderen deelnemend aan Community Wise ten tijde van COVID-19. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ertem, Hilmi Deniz (2022) Environmental Education as a Moderator Between Values and Pro-conservation Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Escudero Gimeno, La (2022) Creating a measure for Critical Thinking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Esseveld, Roman (2022) Het Survival Processing Effect en Individuele Verschillen in Creativiteit en Cognitieve Reflectie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Euverman, Nienke (2022) Humour as a Coping Mechanism in the Context of Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Evgeniou, Kaiti (2022) What meta - science is missing: Perspectives on the replication crisis, science, and controversies behind direct and conceptual replications. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ewald, Christian (2022) Effort Allocation and ADHD in a Sample of Young Adults: An Online Stroop Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ewers, Steffen (2022) Peer Versus Faculty Mentor: Identification as a Mediator Between the Relationship of Self-Disclosure and Subjective Student Outcomes. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fabricius, Laura (2022) The Effects of Self-Set Goal-Attainment and Self-Set Goal-Importance on Acculturation in First Generation Migrants. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ferdinandus, Lucas (2022) De Invloed van Perfectionisme en Veerkracht op Wedstrijdspanning: Twijfels over Acties en Training bij Sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fernández Roos, Roeland (2022) Shared Leadership and Team Performance: The Roles of Team Engagement and Enjoyment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Flüs, Paul Matti Calet Anton Max Linus Henk Arno (2022) Conceptualization and Contextualization of the Temperamental Dimension of Secondary Function after Gerard Heymans. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fokkens, Eline (2022) Informational Influence, Group Identity and their role in Social Influence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Frankrijker, Matthijs Pieter Johannes de (2022) Investigating the Moderating Effect of Extraversion on the Relationship Between Blended Working Arrangements and Perceived Organizational Attractiveness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fremouw, Odette Elisabeth (2022) In hoeverre dragen verschillende vormen van Hondensport Verschillend bij aan de Satisfactie van Autonomie, Competentie en Verbondenheid? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fremouw, Odette Elisabeth (2022) In hoeverre dragen verschillende vormen van Hondensport Verschillend bij aan de Satisfactie van Autonomie, Competentie en Verbondenheid? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Friedrichsen, Isabella (2022) Ostracism Induced Need Threats: The Role of Personality and Compensation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fritzsche, Stella (2022) “I seem to take away way more” – A Comparison of Student Perceptions of Summative and Formative Assessment Methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fröhner, Karina (2022) Shared Leadership and Team Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Collaborative Team Culture. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Fulcher, Rebecca (2022) Cogniphobia and its possible explanatory value for noncredible examinations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Funke, Rafael (2022) Social Psychologist’s Perception and Criticism of the Reform Movement and Its Recent Efforts to Improve Science. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Garcia Martin, Adrian (2022) The role of binding using and indirect location cue in state-change detection. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gebhard, Katharina (2022) How Personal Values Relate to the Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Geelink, Ella (2022) De invloed van high- en lowbrow culturele smaakvoorkeuren op de educatiebias. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gefeke, Leah-Marie (2022) An Experimental Study: Reducing Public Stigma Toward Prolonged Grief Disorder by an Education-Contact Intervention. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gehringhoff, Thies (2022) Educationism and its Influences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gehringhoff, Thies (2022) Educationism and its Influences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Genova, Margarita (2022) Perceived Synchrony and Positive and Negative Affect. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gols, Pim, P.F. and Boerma, Jasper, J. (2022) De Relatie tussen Streefdoelen en Mentale Gezondheid via Competentie Satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Goralski, Layla (2022) The Relationship Between Upward Social Comparison Tendency and Weight-Loss Dieting in College Women: The Influence of Body-Envy and Body-Admiration. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Graul, Henriette Nele (2022) Feel Like Dancing: How Observing Synchrony in a Dance Performance Affects Belonging, Considering a Moderation of Cultural Background. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Griffiths, Tom (2022) Evaluating a conceptual network model using state changes in a computerized change blindness task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grooten, Jesse (2022) How Effort Allocation Deficits result in Impaired Cognitive Performance including Interference Control in Students with ADHD: a Dimensional Approach. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grooten, Yari (2022) Detecting Invalid Symptom Report in a Clinical Neuropsychological Examination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Grossek, Greta Maria (2022) Belonging and Cultural Insights – The Impact of Informal Language Learning and Social Contact on Integration among Migrant Newcomers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gucht, Isis de (2022) Seksuele Communicatie en Tevredenheid: De Rol van de Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gänzler, Beatrice (2022) The Influence of Academic Stress and Revenge Bedtime Procrastination on the Academic Performance of University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Gödecke, Marieke (2022) Underlying Mechanisms of the Education Bias. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Göl, Selin and Rasztar, Felicitas and Jansen, Corné (2022) Measuring Pupil Dilation in a Concealed Information Test Using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haarst, Suzan van (2022) De Mediërende Rol van Waargenomen Samenwerking in het Verband Tussen een Online of Hybride Leeromgeving en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hagen, Tessel (2022) Anxiety as a Mediating Factor Between Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haitel, Charlotte (2022) Motorische problematiek bij kinderen met ADHD of DCD in vergelijking met normaal ontwikkelende kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Haji Ali Mohammadi, Armin (2022) The Effect of Interference Control in Effort Allocation in First Year Bachelor Students with Varying Levels of ADHD-Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hakalin, Miia (2022) A Study of The Self-Report Symptom Inventory as a Tool for Detecting Feigned ADHD. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ham, Merel van der (2022) How Perceived Level of Voice in Public Participation Connects to Acceptability of the Decision-Making Process and Discussing Value Consequences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hamstra, A. (2022) De Relaties tussen Ouderlijke Opvoedervaring, Troostgedrag en Toestandsangst Gedurende een Vaccinatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hangx, Sem (2022) Basisbehoeftes en intrinsieke motivatie bij individuele en teamsporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Harmelen, Fleur van (2022) Het Verschil Tussen de Mate van Erkenning voor Mannelijke en Vrouwelijke Slachtoffers van Zedendelicten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hassan, Amir (2022) Effects of instructor self-disclosure on student-motivation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hassebroek, Inga (2022) The Moderating Role of Attachment Anxiety on the Effect of Social Exclusion on Attitude Moralization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hausmann, M.L. (2022) Predicting Intensity of Received Care with Pre-Treatment Patient Characteristics. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heeres, Nina (2022) De Invloed van de Tweetalige Digitale Prentenboeken van Bereslim op de Nederlandse Taalontwikkeling van Jonge Vluchtelingenkinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Heijnen, N. (2022) Linking Effort Allocation, Cognitive Control, and ADHD Symptomology in University Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Held, Stina Marie (2022) Relationship of Biospheric and Egoistic Values with Acceptability of Pathways to Mitigate Climate Change. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Helfferich, Jessica, J (2022) De Relatie tussen Satisfactie van Psychologische Basisbehoeften, Mentale Gezondheid en de Invloed van Aantal Sporturen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Helpap, Julius Max Johannes (2022) Task Preparation and Effort Allocation in University Students with Varying Levels of ADHD Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hemminga, Juulke Madelon (2022) De Waarde van Natuureducatie en Buitenspelen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Henneke, Anna (2022) Meritocracy and Education-based Status Threat. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hennink, Julia (2022) The Effect of High Head-Frequency in Position-Specific Letter Recognition in (Non)Words. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hielkema, Nynke (2022) Educatie Bias: De Invloed van Culturele Smaakvoorkeuren en Sociaal Netwerk. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hildebrandt, Katharina (2022) The Effects of Cultural Preferences and Network Diversity on Education Bias. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hilverda, Jörn Arne (2022) The role of mentor self-disclosure and identification in student engagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hochegger, Saskia (2022) The Explanatory Value of Cogniphobia for Noncredible Responding on Symptom Validity Measures of the CAARS. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Frea (2022) De Relatie tussen Toestandsangst en Gedrag van Ouder en het Pijngedrag van Baby’s. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoekstra, Jerke (2022) The Effects of a Value Based Approach on Public Participation Scenarios: Acceptability of a Sustainable Project and Decision Making Process. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hof, Florien van den (2022) Erkenning voor nabestaanden van geweldsslachtoffers: verschillen tussen ouders en broers/zussen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoppe, Elena-Maria (2022) “Teachers don’t exist without Students. And in a way (…) Students don’t exist without Teachers.”: Conceptualization and Interaction of Students’ and Teachers’ Well-Being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hout, Sanne van der (2022) Online en Hybride Onderwijs in Tijden van Covid-19: Het Verband tussen de Mate van Samenwerking, Cohesie, en de Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Houter, Jet Iebeltje (2022) Change Blindness for State Changes when using an Extended Identity Cue. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hoß, Larissa Eleonore (2022) Social Psychologists’ Critiques Regarding the Practices, Priorities, and Attitudes of the Reform Movement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Huisman, Charlotte (2022) Samen Sterker: Korte en Langetermijneffecten van de Interventie ‘Community Wise’ op Zelfmanagementvaardigheden bij Oudere Volwassenen Wonend in Gebieden met een Lage Sociaal Economische Status gedurende de Covid-19-Pandemie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Huizinga, Julia (2022) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: the mediating role of depressive symptoms on the relationship between clinical perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hulsewiesche, J. (2022) The Effect of Face Memorability on Remembering Face-Name Associations: An Ethnically Inclusive Design. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hut, Janneke Manon (2022) Invloed van meritocratie op de houding tegenover laagopgeleiden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Höfer, Antonia Gloria Karolina (2022) Potentials of Electric Cargo-Bike Sharing Systems – Goal-Framing, Place Affect and Attitude on Environmental Intention. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Hüsing, Marile D. (2022) Blending onsite and offsite working: Does Extraversion moderate the effect of Blended Working on Anticipated Stress? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

IJbema, Sietske (2022) De Invloed van Troostgedrag van Ervaren en Onervaren Ouders op het Pijngerelateerde Stressniveau van Zuigelingen Tijdens Vaccinaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

IJzer, Michel and Lichtenberg, Owen and Bhojwani, Ria and Wagner, Diana (2022) Smile and action: Bright and dark sides of humour in activism and protest. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jaarsveld, Leonie van (2022) Development of the Groningen Psychological Critical Thinking Task. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jacobs, Larissa (2022) Working under Best Conditions: The Power of Collaboration in the Satisfaction with Students’ Learning Experiences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jans, Susan (2022) The Effect of a Contact-Education Intervention on Public Stigma towards Prolonged Grief Disorder: An Experimental Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jansen, Corné (2022) Concealed Information Testing on Fringe Awareness: Using Pupillometry and RSVP. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Janshen, Antje (2022) How Does a Peer Mentor’s Socially Congruent Teaching Style Influence Student’s Academic Engagement: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Janssen, Sophia (2022) The mediating effect of sense of belonging on the relationship between perceived dissimilarity and academic performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jiman, Andreea (2022) Cognition as an Intermediate, Maintaining Factor of PTSD Following Sexual Assault: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Alie de (2022) Detecteren van subliminale saillantie door pupillometrie in rapid serial visual presentation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jong, Fetsje, de (2022) PSY-2122-S-0087 Verminderen van stigma voor langdurige rouw: Een experimentele studie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jongsma, Julia (2022) De invloed van empathie op het ervaren van schuldgevoelens van mannen over grensoverschrijdend gedrag van andere mannen en de rol hierbij van seksisme. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jongsma, Yael D. (2022) De relatie tussen de Survival Processing Advantage en indiviuele verschillen in divergent denken en cognitieve reflectie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jonkers, Lotte (2022) De invloed van angstgevoelens van ouders op het pijngedrag van het kind, en de rol van troosten daarbij. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jousma, Jildou (2022) De invloed van de toestandsangst van de ouder op de pijn-gerelateerde stress van de baby tijdens een vaccinatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Juckoff, Kim Rubina (2022) Moral Convictions as a Driving Force for Participation in Collective Action: The Moderating Role of Extraversion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Juhola, Elina (2022) The Effect of Sexual Creativity on Sexual and Relationship Functioning in Long-term Couples – a Randomized Controlled Trial. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Junge, LS (2022) Effects of Humour in Collective Action - and its potential for radicalisation -. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Järveläinen, Aleksi (2022) the Effect of Age of a Leader on Conflict Involvement in the Workplace; The Mediating Role of Power Construal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Jürgens, Daniel (2022) Teachers' Self-Disclosure and Students' Academic Motivation: Investigating Trust as Mediator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kabil, Mariam (2022) The Effect of Non-word Head Frequency on Letter Position Binding in Word Recognition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kaesemann, Philipp Samuel (2022) The Effect of Grunting and Sexual Orientation on Perceived Masculinity. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Katerberg, Veere (2022) Meertalige Digitale Prentenboeken: een Interventiestudie bij de Verschillende Verblijfsduren van Asielzoekerskinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kay, Betty-Charlotte (2022) Effects of cues and stimulus presentation rates on cognitive performance in adults with high and low levels of ADHD symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kazlauskas, Benediktas (2022) Employee perceptions on distinct leader behaviours in video conferencing systems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kazlauskas, Benediktas (2022) Employee perceptions on distinct leader behaviours in video conferencing systems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Keizer, Mirthe Juliët, M.J. (2022) De Rol van Veerkracht bij Sporters in de Relatie Tussen Competentie Satisfactie en Mentale Gezondheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Keizer, Naömi (2022) Translanguaging in Tweetalige Digitale Prentenboeken: Exploratief Onderzoek bij Nederlands-Arabische Basisschoolkinderen in het Nieuwkomersonderwijs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kemerink op Schiphorst, Chanika, C (2022) Stress in the Entrepreneurial World: Coping Style as a Moderator between Adverse Work Events and Job Strain. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kemmer, Raphael (2022) The Impact of Perceived Dissimilarity on Perceived Academic Performance and the Mediating Role of Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kennepohl, Melissa Maria Katharina (2022) The Impact of Increasing ADHD Symptomatology on the Process of Proactive Cognitive Control. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Khan, Bibi (2022) Social Exclusion and Moralisation: How does the Preoccupied Attachment Style moderate the relationship between Social Exclusion and Moralisation? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kievit, M.E. (2022) A Review of the Literature on the Relationship Between Coping Style and the Development of Athlete Burnout. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kioussis, Chaela (2022) The Effect of Group Identification, Argument Strength and Information Focus on Social Influence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kisjes, Rianne (2022) Angstige en Gepreoccupeerde Hechting en Preventieve en Angstige Jaloezie: De Modererende Rol van de Sterkte van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Klingenberg, Arina (2022) Publication Biases in the Reporting of Efficacy Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials of Fluoxetine, Escitalopram, and Escitalopram for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in the Pediatric Population. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Knauerhase, Alexandra (2022) Gender differences in motor skill performance on the PERF-FIT. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koenemann, Christopher (2022) Effects of Group Identity, Informational Salience, and Argument Strength on Social Influence. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koerber, Helena (2022) Is polarization less prevalent than perceived? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kolk, Loes, van der (2022) When leadership style matches one’s regulatory orientation: a regulatory fit effect. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koning, Nathasja (2022) De Invloed van Veerkracht op de relatie tussen Waargenomen Druk van Coaches en Wedstrijdangst bij Sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Konradt, Oliver (2022) Do Study Habits Acquired at Secondary School Persist? The Effect of Transitioning to University and Different Assessment Methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kontogiorgis, Ioannis (2022) To What Extent Can Social Interactions Enhance the Subjective Well-being of International Students? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koole, Glenn, B.G. (2022) Verschillen tussen Individuele en Groepsfitness: Behoefte Satisfactie en Autonome Motivatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koops, Marlies (2022) De relatie tussen de toestandsangst van de ouder, het pijngedrag van de baby, het stress-bevorderend troostgedrag en het zoeken van medische hulp. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Korf, Vera Linde (2022) Tweetalige Digitale Prentenboeken: Woordenschatontwikkeling van Arabisch-Nederlandse Vluchtelingleerlingen in verband met Leeftijd, Leeftijd dat een kind in Nederland aankwam en Verblijfsduur. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Koster, Fardau (2022) Public Participation and Values in Sustainable Projects. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krahn, Tara, T.K. (2022) The Mediating Role of Trust on Self-Disclosure and Student Engagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kranz, Niklas (2022) Workplace Stressors and Culture – Distinguishing International PhD Candidates’ Experiences and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kremer, Marleen (2022) Students' Goal Conflict and its Impact on Well-being: The Role of Study Importance and Study Goal Attainment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kressmann, Carla Friederike (2022) Gerard Heymans and women's psychology of the early 20th century. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Król, Juliusz (2022) The Influence of Intercultural Competence on Inclusion and Wellbeing among First-Year Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Krützkamp, Inga (2022) Apologizing on Behalf of Your Group - How Empathy and Group-Based Guilt Relate to the Intention to Apologize. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kuhnert, Matti (2022) The relationship of self-efficacy and engagement with formative and summative assessment in Higher Education. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kuis, Bas (2022) Invloed van de Informatiefocus en Groepsidentificatie op de Overtuigingskracht van Sterke en Zwakke Argumenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kulle, K (2022) Does Outgroup Gratitude Predict Outgroup Helping? The Mediating Role of Outgroup Empathy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kunst, Joris Reindert (2022) Does stress influence the experience of pain in tension-type headache patients: a systematic review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kutscher, Lea Kavita (2022) The Lived Experience of German-Vietnamese in Germany. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kutscher, Lea Kavita (2022) The Lived Experience of German-Vietnamese in Germany. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kwasniewska, Nina (2022) The association between eating disorder symptoms, perfectionism and the mediating effect of emotion regulation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Kühn, Lilly Sophie (2022) Sexual Misconducts of Ingroup Members: The Role of Group-Based Guilt in the Relation between Perceived Responsibility and the Willingness to Apologize. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Labee, Carmen (2022) Satisfaction of Relatedness Amongst Students to Withstand Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lamberink, Joske (2022) Humour and Radicalization in Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lange, Cai Jona (2022) Negative Emotion, Job Satisfaction, and Coping Strategy: A Mediation Model in the Entrepreneurial Context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Langner, Selina (2022) The Effect of Creativity Training on Creative Self-Efficacy and the Moderating Role of Openness to Experience. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lanza Turner, Isabella (2022) Between transformation and preservation of gender norms: A qualitative study of family relationships and women's empowerment in Bangladesh. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Latupeirissa, Noëmi (2022) Leider Psychopathie en Onrechtmatige Supervisie: Wat is de Rol van Angst voor Machtsverlies onder Leiders? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lauridsen, Nicoline Mehret Guldager (2022) The Energizing Role of Moral Convictions and Politicized Identification in Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Laurikenaite, Rusne (2022) Applicants’ Attitudes towards a Gamified Recruitment Tool. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lee, Lars van der (2022) The Relationship Between Shared Leadership And Team Performance: The Effect of Conflict. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Leenders, Bente (2022) To what Extent do the Different Dimensions of Hyperfocus Predict for risk for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Leistra, Irma (2022) Het Effect van Verplicht Thuis Studeren vanwege COVID-19 op Tevredenheid over de Leerervaring, Mate van Samenwerken en Positieve Interdependentie bij Bachelorthese Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lemcke, Lara Aaricia (2022) Three Trends in Research on Postpartum Depression in the mid-20th Century. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lichtenberg, Owen (2022) Functions of Humour in Collective Action. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lieser, Estelle Charlotte Marianne (2022) The Effects of Grunting in the Gym and Sexual Orientation Towards Perceived Masculinity and Wellbeing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Linke, Sophia-Linke (2022) Taking back our Life at Night: Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and Perceived Control in College Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lorenzen, Lilly (2022) Which Identity Content Domains Do Young Adult Men Use to Construct Identity Within Everyday Interactions? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lubbers, Manon (2022) Verschillen tussen Vaders en Moeders in hun Troostgedrag tegenover Baby’s Tijdens Vaccinaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lubbers, Silke (2022) De Invloed van Natuureducatie op de Persoonlijke Biosferische Waarden en de Waargenomen Biosferische Groepswaarden van Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ludy, Joshua (2022) Teleworkers` Leisure Crafting, Needs Satisfaction and Meaningful Work. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Lux, Johann (2022) Need States and Behavioral Compensation Following (Online) Ostracism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Maat, Mathilde A. (2022) Hoe ‘Ideaal’ zijn Slachtoffers van Cybercrime? Een Onderzoek naar Secundaire Victimisatie in de Nederlandse Maatschappij Anno 2022. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Maathuis, Tess C. (2022) How Does Fear of Power Loss Influence the Relationship Between Leader Machiavellianism and Abusive Supervision? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Makhous, Jolnar (2022) The Change of Attitude Moralization after Ostracism; and the Buffer Effect of Social Avoidance as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Malea, Melina (2022) Does Head frequency Affect the Process of Letter Recall Based on the Conceptual Model? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mamedio Costa, S. (2022) De rol van humor in het versterken van de interpersoonlijke banden tussen activisten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Martens, Svenja (2022) The Influence of Educational Interventions on the Relationship Between Zoo Visitors’ Beliefs and Pro-Conservation Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Martensen, Mia (2022) “Oh wow! We're SO different”: An Analysis of Identity Content Domains within Everyday Interactions among Young Adults. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Masarà, Linda (2022) Concealed Information Testing with Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, Pupillometry, and Face Stimuli presentation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mathiske, Carlotta Mae (2022) Are Anti-Depressants as Safe as Reported? A Review of Publication and Outcome Reporting Bias in Trials Investigating Pediatric Depression. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mazarakis, Konstantinos (2022) Detecting Familiarity of Faces Through Pupillometry and RSVP. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mc Walters, Eimear (2022) The Relationship between Mentor Self-Disclosure and Student Academic Motivation with the Mediating Factor of Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

McCabe, Nathan, Mr (2022) The More You Know: The Role of Knowledge in Public Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meffert, Julia (2022) How does Heymans' Personality Typology compare to the LINC Personality Profiler? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meijer, Floor (2022) Risicovol Online Gokgedrag Voorkomen door Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen te Gebruiken bij Overreding. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meijeraan, Floks and Moolhuizen, Annelie and Zwet, Sanne van der and Mulder, Anne Jet and Kuiper, Riël and Braake, Marjan ter (2022) Wetenschap als familiebedrijf. Ontwikkelingspsychologen, pedagogen en de praktijk van opvoedingsliteratuur. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meinderts, Hidde (2022) Shared Leadership, Relationship Conflict and Task Conflict: The Moderating Role of Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Melander, Jana (2022) The moderating Role of Extraversion and Age on two Dynamic Norm Messages encouraging a Plant-Based Dietary Transition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mensink, Rebekka Chiara (2022) The Moral Roots of Prosocial Behaviour: Does Meaning in Life Moderate the Relationship Between Moral Conviction and Prosocial Behaviour? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meroz, N. L. (2022) Childhood Trauma, Adulthood Optimism and the Moderating Role of Extraversion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meyer, Sophia (2022) The Role of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance in Migrant Well-Being: An Exploration of Migrant’s Self-Set Goals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Meyer, Sophia (2022) The Role of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance in Migrant Well-Being: An Exploration of Migrant’s Self-Set Goals. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Milkereit, Mark (2022) University mentor identification as the mediator of self-disclosure effects on student engagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mollema, Nina (2022) De Financiële Prestatie Schaal voor Subjectieve Financiële Prestaties in het Alledaagse Leven: een Evaluatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moolen, Elisabeth Maria van der (2022) Bicycle navigation and eye fixations. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moolen, Mike van der (2022) The Influence of Students’ Perceived Dissimilarity on Academic Performance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Moscherosch, Frédéric (2022) Is There a Survival-processing Effect in Memory for Environmental Sounds? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mueller, Alissa Vikrotia Elke Antje (2022) The Moderating Role of Benevolent Sexism on the Relationship Between Job Advertisement Stereotypicality and Application Intentions Among Females. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Muikku, Pauliina (2022) The impact of Perceived Dissimilarity and Self-Esteem on Perceived Academic Performance through a Sense of Belonging. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Mulder, Lot (2022) Het effect van waargenomen ongelijkheid op de academische prestaties bij psychologie studenten, met de mediërende rol van het gevoel van verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Munnik, Rose (2022) Partner Conflictstijlen, Relatietevredenheid en Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Muranyi, Bianca (2022) The Influence of Public Participation and Self-efficacy on Project Acceptability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Müller, Nils (2022) Gerard Heymans Views on Free Will and Criminal Accountability. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Müller-Scholtz, Tilman (2022) Student’s experiences with assessment: Differences in course satisfaction and perceived retention for summative and formative assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

NIKOLAIDIS, ALEXANDROS (2022) The Effect of Social Exclusion on Attitude Moralization: Distress as a Moderator. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nagler, John Clemens (2022) Assessing Critical Thinking in Bachelor Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nagler, John Clemens (2022) Creating a Measure for Psychological Critical Thinking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nauta, Jan (2022) De Rol van Voorkennis en Ouderlijk Opleidingsniveau bij de Leeropbrengst van een Woordenschatinterventie voor Arabische Vluchtelingenkinderen in Nederland. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nauta, Wian (2022) Zelfmanagementvaardigheden Verhogen bij Ouderen door middel van de Interventie Community Wise en het Effect van de Coronapandemie hierop. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nee, Elisabeth van (2022) The Creation of the Groningen Psychological Critical Thinking Task: A Pilot Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nelson Oliva, Diego Benedikt (2022) Ostracism and its Effects on Needs and Behavioral Responses: The Moderating Role of Personality. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Neuenstein, Eva (2022) The effect of ostracism on attitude moralization: The moderating role of social anxiety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nguyen, Yla (2022) Gratitude Toward Outgroups: The Effect of Outgroup Gratitude on Outgroup Helping via Outgroup Trust. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nijentap, Maurice Roel (2022) De Rol van Leeftijd en Gender van Leiders in Conflict Hantering in de Werkplek. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nijhof, Denise (2022) De Invloed van Sociale Interactie op de Waargenomen Samenwerking en de Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring bij Bachelorthese Studenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nikulina, Dasha (2022) The Influence of Goal Focus on Successful Goal Pursuit: The Role of Goal Difficulty. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nonkes, Justine (2022) Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, Samenwerken en Houding tegenover Samenwerken bij Bachelorthese Studenten in een Online- of Hybride Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nonkes, Justine (2022) Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, Samenwerken en Houding tegenover Samenwerken bij Bachelorthese Studenten in een Online- of Hybride Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nonkes, Justine (2022) Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring, Samenwerken en Houding tegenover Samenwerken bij Bachelorthese Studenten in een Online- of Hybride Leeromgeving. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Nottebom, Janne (2022) Can Zoos Use Educational Information to Increase Visitors’ Pro-Conservation Behavior Intentions Through Animal Connectedness? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

O'Higgins, Fiachra J. (2022) Neuroenchantment or Neuroenhancement: An analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Neurofeedback and Placebo. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

O'Keeffe, Alisha (2022) Proactive Control in University Students with Varying ADHD Symptom Levels. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

O'Shea, Kayla (2022) The Effects of Witnessing Domestic Abuse during one’s Childhood, and Resulting PTSD, on one’s Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ordelman, Malin (2022) Het effect van het ophalen van negatieve jeugdherinneringen op oordelen over het geheugen en het verband tussen fantasie gevoeligheid en oordelen over verdringing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ottens, M.N. (2022) De Relatie tussen Coöperatief Leren en Groepscohesie in verschillende Leeromgevingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Oßenbrügge, Insa (2022) A Comparison of the Efficacy of Group Behavior and Institutional Dynamic Norms in Promoting a Sustainable Dietary Transition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pacilly, Puck (2022) De Invloed van Geslacht op de Mate van Erkenning aan Slachtoffers van Misdrijven. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Paczynski, Hannah von (2022) To what extent does the Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SRSI) add to the clinical utility of the Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS) and the Reliable Digit Span (RDS) in the context of feigned ADHD symptoms? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Park, Sooju (2022) The Relation Between Empathy and Contact Intentions: The Role of Group-based Guilt. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Patzelt, Theres (2022) Measuring Stress: A Cross-instrumental Validity and Reproducibility Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pauly, Petronella, P.M. (2022) Ph.D. Students of Color and their Academic Work Experience. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pekkeriet, Elza (2022) De invloed van de natuur ingaan met ouders en natuureducatie op de biosferische waarden van kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pelzl, Dustin D. (2022) A Conceptualization of Well-Being in Academia and the Reciprocal Link between Students and Teachers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Peters, Franciscus J.S. (2022) The Effect of Outgroup Gratitude on Outgroup Helping. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Peters, Rieke (2022) Do Sexual Orientation and Grunting in the Gym have an Effect on the Perception of an Athlete? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pezhgorska, Radost (2022) Is There an Association Between Self-Regulatory Function and Preference for Directive or Advisory Leaders? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Picard, Manuel (2022) Synchronicity: A Survey Study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Piepers, Lea (2022) The presumed Effect of Conscientiousness on the Relationship Between Blended Working and Anticipated Stress. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Piletti, Valentina (2022) Investigation on the influence of the binding process in a change blindness task using an identity cue condition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pinakoulakis, Antonios (2022) The Bright and Dark Side of New Technologies in the Workplace. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pinakoulakis, Antonios (2022) Office workers’ perceptions of videoconferencing compared to onsite conferencing for one-way and dynamic meetings. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pliaukstaite, Liucija (2022) Preferred Working Styles by the Regulatory Modes of Locomotion and Assessment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pool, Kristine (2022) Het Effect van Openheid en Vriendelijkheid op het Delen van Creatieve Ideeën. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Porsing, A (2022) What do Participants Think when Judging Items in the Survival-Processing Paradigm? An Exploratory Study Using the Type-Aloud Method. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Postema, B. S. (2022) Hoe Hoger Opgeleiden de Sociale Ongelijkheid in Stand Houden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Postema, Bente Sietske (2022) Hoe Hoger Opgeleiden de Sociale Ongelijkheid in Stand Houden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Postema, Irene (2022) De Invloed van Perfectionisme op Waargenomen Teamveerkracht. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Postma, Renske (2022) Gender of a Leader and Frequency of Conflict at Work; The Mediating Role of Conflict Handling Strategy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Pot, Marije (2022) Moral conviction and volunteerism: The moderating role of empathic concern. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Prakken, Manon, M.N. (2022) How Goal-Framing Influences Attitudes towards Cargo Bike-Sharing Systems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Päper, D.D. (2022) Examining the perceived differences in connectedness and engagement of remote office employees when exposed to video conferencing instead of traditional methods. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Raad, Anka de (2022) De Invloed van Veerkracht op de Relatie Tussen Bezorgdheid Over Fouten en Wedstrijdangst. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rack, Nina (2022) The Effect of Peer Mentors on Student Participation: Disentangling the Role of Self-Disclosure, Trust, and Anxious Attachment Style. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rake, Antonia Sophie (2022) PTSD in Health Care Personnel during Covid-19: The Role of Moral Injury and Dissociation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rasztar, Felicitas (2022) Measuring Pupil Dilation in a Concealed Information Test Using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rebbin, Daniel (2022) Mindfulness Meditation and Mutual Attunement: A Hyperscanning Perspective on Tacit Coordination. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reckers, Maaike (2022) De Relatie tussen Depressieve symptomen en Troostgedrag vanuit de Ouder en de Pijnreactie van de Zuigeling. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Remie, Ole N. (2022) Intercultural competence, Inclusion, and Psychological Well-being Among First-year Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Retzlaff, Lena (2022) Age-Related Differences in Work-Life Balance When Teleworking: The Role of Boundary Management. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Reynolds, Skyler (2022) Negative Social Implications of Gym Behaviors: Grunting and Masculinity Perceptions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ridzuan, A.D. (2022) “Do I need Google Maps for this?”: Studying differences between Dutch and international student cyclists when navigating while cycling in Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rieger, Clarissa (2022) Does Loneliness Matter? Understanding the Influence of Loneliness on the Relationship Between Social Exclusion and Attitude Moralization. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rietman, Lisanne (2022) Need Satisfaction and Anti-Social Behavior after Ostracism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ritterbach, Julian (2022) Women’s Perception of Power Differences between Men and Women and its Impact on the Effect of Gender-Stereotypical Job Advertisements on Meta-Stereotyping. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rofifah, Oriana Muthia (2022) How Does Synchronous Movement Inform Social Perception? Researching the Impact of Observing Synchrony on Offline and Online Liking. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Rose, Lena Sophie (2022) Shared Leadership and Team Performance: How Team Trust Mediates their Relationship in the Work Context. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ruiter, Everdina Jansina de (2022) The Bright and Dark Side of Videoconferencing: Attention and Engagement. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Runze, Leontina (2022) Impact of trust in the government, political ideology and uncertainty communication on trust in COVID-19 related scientific information. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sagel, Sarah (2022) The Importance of Contact with Natives for International Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Salmi, Tiitu (2022) Peer Mentor’s Cognitively Congruent Teaching Style as a Factor in Student’s In-Class Engagement: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sandker, Kerine Margaretha (2022) Verschillen in de satisfactie van basisbehoeften en intrinsieke motivatie tussen beach- en zaalvolleybal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sandker, Kerine Margaretha and Schonewille, Nadine Isa (2022) Verschillen in de satisfactie van basisbehoeften en intrinsieke motivatie tussen beach- en zaalvolleybal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Saxena, Anamika (2022) The Impact of Goal Conflict on Student Well-Being: Detangling the Role of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schaafsma, Silke (2022) Het Delen van Creatieve Ideeën: De Invloed van Steun van Collega's en Organisatieklimaat. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schade, P.L. (2022) Exploring Relationships between Upward Comparison Tendency, Thin-ideal Internalization, and Body-admiration on Weight-loss Dieting in College Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Scherpenhuizen, Cloë (2022) Engaging Arabic-Dutch Refugee Children with Multimedia Dual Language Books. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schlesinger, Antonia (2022) Cognitive Motivation Aspects and Flow: Using Curiosity, Need for Cognition, and Intrinsic Academic Motivation to Predict Flow in Studies in Psychology Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schlesselmann, Anna Thalea (2022) Exploring the Utility of the SRSI for Detecting Invalid Reports of ADHD Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmees, Nina (2022) Emotion Dysregulation and Interpersonal Dysfunction in Intimate Relationships of BPD Women- A Review of the Literature. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmidt, Leonie Sophie (2022) Goal Conflict of Students and its Impact on Well-being: The Role of Goal Importance and Goal Attainment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmieszek, Alexandra (2022) Does your socioeconomic status influence your trust in science? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schmitt, Lara Olivia (2022) Goal Framing Theory and Ecological Worldview on Cargo-Bike Sharing Systems. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schoell, Lukas (2022) The Impact of Tail Frequencies on Position-Specific Letter Recall in (Non)Words. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schonewille, Nadine Isa (2022) Verschillen in de satisfactie van basisbehoeftes en intrinsieke motivatie tussen beach- en zaalvolleybal. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schoonbeek, Nina (2022) Upward Social Comparison Tendency, Self-compassion, Body-Envy and Dieting Behavior in College Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schrage, Sanna (2022) Conceptualization and Interaction of University Student and Teacher Well-Being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schröder, Janeke (2022) “My Life is a Question Mark. My Future is a Question Mark.”: Using Emotional Self-Disclosures to Pursue Intimacy in Speed-Dating Interactions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schröder, Thomma (2022) Developing the Groningen Psychological Critical Thinking Task: A pilot study. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schulte, Isadora E. (2022) Het Verband tussen Subjectief Financieel Presteren en Burgerlijke Staat. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schulz, Rebecca (2022) Perception of Climate Change and Mitigation Measures: Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schumacher, Alexandra (2022) The Impact of Self-Set Goal Attainment and Importance on Acculturation: An exploratory study on goal categories that facilitate the acculturation process for Eastern European migrants in the United Kingdom. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schön, Juliana, M. C (2022) The Mediating Effect of Mentor Identification: Investigating the Relationship of Mentor Self-Disclosure on Student Participation and Self-Efficacy. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schües, Rosa (2022) Effects of Gratitude on Outgroup Helping and the Mediating Role of Connectedness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schües, Rosa (2022) Effects of Gratitude on Outgroup Helping and the Mediating Role of Connectedness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Schües, Rosa (2022) Effects of Gratitude on Outgroup Helping and the Mediating Role of Connectedness. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Seifert, Keziah S (2022) The experience of PhD students of colour and how they navigate their relationships, identity and work environment at the University of Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Service, Margot (2022) The Influence of Language Proficiency and Social Capital on Sense of Belonging in the Netherlands: International Students’ Account on Dating and Romantic Relationships. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Shakeel, Aqsa Zainab (2022) Factors that foster pro-environmental behavior intentions in zoo visitors. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sijbolts, Britt (2022) De erkenning voor vaders en moeders als nabestaanden van hun vermoorde kind(eren). Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Simkins, Thomas (2022) The Influence of Observing Synchronous Movement on Feelings of Group Belongingness: The Role Of the Big-Five Personality Dimensions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sirbu, Christian (2022) Applicants’ Attitudes Towards Gamified Recruitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Slootman, Milou (2022) De Invloed van de Waargenomen Druk van Ouders op het Ervaren van Wedstrijdspanning en de rol van Veerkracht. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sluijs, Maaike van der (2022) Think before you grunt: the social repercussions of grunting in the gym. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sluis, Marijn van der (2022) Het effect van ouderlijke angst op de pijngerelateerde stress van een zuigeling tijdens een vaccinatie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Smid, Julia (2022) De Relatie tussen Verbondenheid met de Natuur, Biosferische Waarden en Klimaatvriendelijk Gedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Smit, Adriana Joselin (2022) The Perception on Cargo Bike-Sharing Systems in Groningen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Snijders, Anne (2022) Het effect van Digitale Prentenboeken op de Woordenschatontwikkeling van Vluchtelingenkinderen: de Rol van Leeftijd en Taakgerichtheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Snoek, Brendan (2022) Shared leadership and team creativity: does task complexity contribute to this relationship? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Snoeren, Emma (2022) Testing the Relation of ADHD and Hyperfocus with a Preliminary Self-report Hyperfocus Measure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Solvang, Sofie (2022) Investigating the Usefulness of the SRSI in Detecting Simulated ADHD. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sorli, Pia Neza (2022) Women’s self-esteem while reading job applications: effect of meta-stereotypes on self-esteem. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Specht, S.A. (2022) To what extent can different dimensions of hyperfocus predict the risk of ADHD? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spengler, Jonis (2022) Effects of group influence and informational focus on argument evaluation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spiegelsberger, Malin Sophie (2022) Validity Testing in Children and Adolescents. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spielmann, Lina Carlotta, LC (2022) The Interaction of Goal Importance and Goal Attainment on the Well-Being of Eastern European Migrants in the United Kingdom. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Spilarewicz, Philip V.N. (2022) An Intimate Distance: When Strangers Meet — An Exploration of Self-Disclosures as a Tool for Intimacy Composition Between Strangers in Speed-Dating Interactions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stegehuis, Sem (2022) The Effect of Education-based Status Threat on Outgroup Attitudes Towards Lower Educated People. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stiekema, Anouk (2022) De Relatie tussen Autonome Sportmotivatie en Mentale Gezondheid via Vitaliteit Satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stiekema, Anouk Ingrid (2022) De Relatie tussen Autonome Sportmotivatie en Mentale Gezondheid via Vitaliteit Satisfactie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stowers, Rebecca (2022) Fat Stigma. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Strube, Svenja Lisane (2022) Leisure crafting of teleworkers: How Leisure Cafting Influences Well-Being, Mediated by Work-Life Conflict. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Stupica, Hana (2022) Adaptive Memory: What does the Think-Aloud Protocol tell us about the Survival-Processing Advantage. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Suhr, Max A. (2022) The Relationship between Leisure Crafting and Subjective Well-Being in Teleworkers. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Sykes, Amber (2022) Does Intolerance of Uncertainty Influence People's Trust in Science? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tamsma, Harmiena Geertruida (2022) How do Wearables Empatica E4 and Polar H10 perform against ECG on Heart Rate Variability? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tapper, Noah (2022) The Effect of War- and Flight-related Stressful and Traumatic Experiences on the Emotion Regulation of Young Refugees – A Review of the Literature. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tauser, Ava (2022) Does Neuroticism Explain Need-Threat and Compensation after Ostracism? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thiedemann, Justus (2022) Can zoos foster visitor engagement with nature and sustainability? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thiele, Pia (2022) What is the Effect of Recalling Four Compared to Twelve Negative Childhood Memories on Metamemory Beliefs? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Thompson, Laura (2022) Testing an Educational and Contact-based Intervention to Reduce Public Stigma Towards Complicated Grief. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tittler, Galina (2022) Effects of Psychological Need Frustration on Revenge Bedtime Procrastination among College Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tjallema, Jonas (2022) Homoseksuele Slachtoffers van Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag: in Hoeverre ‘Ideale Slachtoffers’? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Todorut, Anda (2022) The Interaction Effect of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance on Acculturation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Toptas, Pinar (2022) Verminderen van Defensieve Reacties op een Overredende Boodschap Onder Online Gokkers met Behulp van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Touray, Yasmine (2022) Entrepreneurs’ Threat Appraisal Effect on Coping Styles. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tournier, Constance (2022) Regulatory Orientations and Leadership Styles: A Regulatory Fit Perspective. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Trappe, Annika Tabea (2022) Relationship between work-family conflict, well-being, perceived productivity, and the mediating role of leisure crafting. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Trooster, Rozemarijn (2022) Het Effect Van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen Op De Overreding Van Online Gokkers Voor Intentieverandering. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tsintsadze, Megi (2022) The Effect of Power Construal of a Leader on Conflict Management Styles in Organizations: The Moderating Role of a Leader’s Gender. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Tsvetanova, Elizabet (2022) Does the Observation of Synchrony Promote Prosocial Behavior? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Turner, Emma (2022) Is there a mediating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between clinical perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Urmes, Kira (2022) Values in Public Participation: Perceived Value Threat and Willingness to Participate. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vasilda, C.A. (2022) I want It that Way: The Influence of Leadership Styles on Self-Regulation Strategies Assessment and Locomotion. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vasilev, Roberta (2022) Examining The Dimension Of Time Perception In Relation To The ADHD Risk. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vegt, Miranda, de (2022) Rol van de Supervisor en Tevredenheid met de Leerervaring: een Vergelijking tussen Online en Fysiek Onderwijs bij Bachelorthesestudenten. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velde, Femke van der (2022) The relation between synchronicity and paranormal beliefs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velde Harsenhorst, JJ. de (2022) Het Verschil in Motorische Vaardigheden tussen Kinderen met en zonder ADHD voor Verschillende Leeftijden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veldhuis, Lisa (2022) Het verminderen van defensieve reacties op overredende informatie over online gokken met behulp van geïnduceerde oogbewegingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veldman, Miriam (2022) De erkenning voor nabestaanden van moordslachtoffers vanuit de Nederlandse samenleving: Invloed van de etnische achtergrond. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veldman, Miriam (2022) De erkenning voor nabestaanden van moordslachtoffers vanuit de Nederlandse samenleving: Invloed van de etnische achtergrond. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velthuis, Daphne (2022) De Invloed van Argument Sterkte en Informatie Focus op de mate van Overtuiging met als moderatoren Groepsidentiteit en “Need for Cognition”. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Velthuis, Daphne (2022) sources of social influences. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Versümer, Nicola (2022) "I'm not really used to date guys" - The Construction of Dating Identities in Same-Sex Attracted Men. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Veter, Marit (2022) Overdracht van Taalvaardigheden en Taakgericht Gedrag bij Verwerving van Tweede Taal: Interventiestudie bij Nederlands-Arabische Vluchtelingenkinderen met Tweetalige Digitale Prentenboeken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vis, Demi (2022) Het effect van geïnduceerde oogbewegingen op overreding bij het luisteren naar informatie over online gokgedrag. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Visser, Margriet Anna (2022) Vitaliteit satisfactie, sporturen en mentale klachten bij mannen en vrouwen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vroomen, Corné (2022) Heymans' multidimensional personality model: Useful and, nevertheless, forgotten? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Vucinic, Milica (2022) The Effect of Communication Source and Uncertainty Communication on Trust in COVID-19 Information. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wagenaar, Rienk (N.A.) and Waveren Hogervorst, Nouska (N.D.) van and Masarà, Linda and Mazarakis, Kostas and Jong, Alie B. de (2022) Subliminale Perceptie van Beroemde Gezichten gemeten door Pupillometrie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wagener, Lisa (2022) International Students’ Well-being in the Netherlands: the Role of Social Capital and Perceived Cultural Distance. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wagner, Diana and Bhojwani, Ria and IJzer, Michel and Lichtenberg, Owen (2022) The Functions and Appropriateness of Humour Around Collective Action in Human Rights Activism. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wal, Ylse Ytsje van der (2022) De invloed van non-woorden op het geheugen voor letters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Watson, W.W. (2022) Does the survival-processing effect occur for environmental sounds? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Waveren, Janne van (2022) De ‘Ideale Nabestaande’ van Slachtoffers van Moord of Doodslag: Invloed van de Leeftijd van het Slachtoffer op de Erkenning voor Nabestaanden. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Waveren Hogervorst, Nouska van (2022) Detecting Subliminal Salient Face Familiarity with Pupillometry. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Weerd, Rachelle de (2022) De effecten van de coronapandemie op de lange termijn effecten van Community Wise op sociale vitaliteit. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Welberg, Kelly (2022) De Invloed van Executief Functioneren op Subjectieve Financiële Prestaties bij Jongere en Oudere Volwassenen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wellenreuther, Lukas (2022) Social Contacts, Dutch Language Proficiency, and Belonging among International Students in the Netherlands. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wellinkvoorde, Lyan (2022) Testing the Relation of ADHD and Hyperfocus with a Preliminary Self-report Hyperfocus Measure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wellmann, Marc W. (2022) The Role of Cultural Metacognition on ICC, Loneliness and Well-being. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Werink, Elise (2022) De invloed van geïnduceerde oogbewegingen op een overredende boodschap over online gokken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wesselink, N.J. (2022) Neuroticisme en Relatietevredenheid: de Rol van de Vervulling van de Behoefte aan Verbondenheid. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wessels, Doreen (2022) An Exploration of Meaning in Life as a Potential Mediator of the Relationship Between Clinical Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westerhuis, Mia (2022) Beperkingen in motorische vaardigheden bij kinderen met ASS: algehele of specifieke motorische problemen? Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westerhuis, Nils (2022) The Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy on the Relationship between Goal Focus and Successful Goal Pursuit. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Westerling, Eefje (2022) De relatie tussen vitaliteit satisfactie, het aantal sporturen en mentale klachten bij mannelijke en vrouwelijke sporters. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Widhölzl, Hanna-Sophia Fee (2022) Does Mindfulness Meditation Facilitate Tacit Coordination? – An EEG Study on Working Memory and Theory of Mind. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wildeboer, Marije (2022) Het Effect van Geïnduceerde Oogbewegingen op de Overredende Boodschap met Betrekking tot Online Gokken Afhankelijk van CSAI. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Willemars, Rover (2022) Testing Validity of Heart Rate Measuring Devices During a Sustained Attention Task to Predict Attentional Failure. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wolf, Dagmar (2022) The Effect of Value-Targeted Framing in Wildlife Education on Conservation Behavior Intentions. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wolters, Kaya (2022) De effecten van EMi op overreding in de context van online gokken. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wright-Casanova, Saxon (2022) Social Contacts, Language Proficiency, and Belonging amongst International Students. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wulf, Julia (2022) University Student Perceptions: A Comparison Between Formative and Summative Assessment Based on Self-Efficacy and Academic Misconduct. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Wuppermann, Yannick (2022) cCBT for child and adolescent anxiety: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Yu, Ruoyu (2022) The Effect of Tail Frequencies on Binding of Specific Position in (Non)Word and Letter Recognition. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zafeiriou, Christos (2022) Shared Leadership, Team Creativity, and the Moderating Role of Psychological Safety. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zandbergen, Jennifer (2022) The Role of Effort Allocation in Error Monitoring Abilities in People with Varying Levels of ADHD. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zander, Hanko (2022) Attitudes toward Gamified Recruitment. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zandt, Linde and Junge, Luka and Mamedio Costa, Sidartha and Euverman, Nienke and Lamberink, Joske and Bruinenberg, Ian (2022) Humor en Radicalisering binnen Collectieve Actie. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zee, Emma, de (2022) The Role of Memory Self-Efficacy in Metamemory Beleifs. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zencirkiran, Hüseyin (2022) De Samenhang tussen Intelligentie en Motorische Vaardigheden bij Typisch en Niet-Typisch Ontwikkelende Kinderen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zhang, Shiyi (2022) Performance of Dutch and Non-Dutch Cyclists with Text-free versus Text-based Navigation Devices: User Experience Evaluation. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zhou, Xinyi (2022) Performance Deterioration of Personalized Mood Prediction Using Passive Sensing. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ziegler, Lisa (2022) The Impact of Different Dynamic Norm Messages on Intentions to Reduce Animal Product Consumption. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zimmermann, Jan (2022) Predicting Attitudes towards Cargo Bike-Sharing Systems with Goal-Framing Theory. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zomerman, Timo, T (2022) Serial Binding Mechanisms in Position-Specific Recall of Letters in (Non)Words. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zondag, Lisanne (2022) Cross-instrument validity and reproducibility of heart rate measurement devices. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zondag, Lisanne (2022) Cross-instrument validity and reproducibility of heart rate measurements devices. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zonta, Laura (2022) A Comparative Study of Children’s Motor Abilities Between Brazil and the Netherlands. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zonta, Laura (2022) A Comparative Study of Children’s Motor Abilities Between Brazil and the Netherlands. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zureiqi, Laurens, L.S. (2022) De Invloed van Sociaal Economische Status op Subjectieve Financiële Prestaties. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Zuurman, Stephanie (2022) The Influence of Public Participation on Project Acceptability and the Willingness to Participate in the Decision-Making Process. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

osorio, Valeria (2022) Effect of Cultural Preferences and Network diversity on the Education Bias. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

van Alphen, Julia, J.A. (2022) Verdringing: De Invloed van Ervaren Ophaalmoeilijkheid op Metageheugen Overtuigingen. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Çoban, Esra (2022) The effect of status threat on outgroup attitudes of the higher educated towards the lower educated when the existence of a meritocracy is doubted. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

Ó Fuartháin, Colm (2022) The Point of Replication: Investigating Social Psychologists’ Beliefs on Direct and Conceptual Replication. Bachelor thesis, Psychology.

This list was generated on Fri Jan 17 12:25:40 2025 CET.